Chereads / in the multiverse as a dreamer[quazi -Haitus] / Chapter 226 - 226. blood and guts.

Chapter 226 - 226. blood and guts.

After I woke up I smelled the foulest of smells and as I heard some pounding on my door I went to it and as I opened it I saw a man in a gold and blue guy with his guts out I took a look at him then he was engulfed in black flames as he was returned to his previous un-zombified self he watched me amazed as then I removed his power as then I proceeded to consume the power as he returned to his human self I made a hex vessel that proceeded to merge with him he was sent to his zone as I sent some cleansers so no the gospel will not spread too far and become a problem for my overself then I opened a gate to the tv room were some gods were barricaded in as pounding was heard from the door but next moment it was silent I opened the door to see normal gods and such then I returned to the tv room where I took a seat and activated the tv as I sent the next fragment, as flew I was not given the knowledge of where I was sent but wath I know I got from prime and its rather daingerous if I dont keep it under control i wood go on a rampage of many lewd things hehe lets start since i reached my host my new body my litle monster yes i am a goblin well inside one i am now being injected in my mother to be and after a month of cheanges to my former goblin body i exited my half-orc mother i was rather cute for a piglet faced kid i had green skin and after i was born i was sent to the other new borns in a nursery were some nany's were taiking care of the other kids i spent there some time untill my mother came to check on me and to name me it was something on the lines of Azygaroth but i anserd only to Azy i reached a stagebof my life wen i was capable of bypedal movement it took like a moth or so  i was seen runung all over the town even the adults were not capable to stop me from my running i managed to keep moving for quite a long time my daylight hours were spent of nonstop running as i wake i go eat as much proteine as i can then i get my strechy pants and the sathal that mom always prepares so i can have a snack with me and were i keep the things that other people want to be sent from theyr homes to others i am like a mailman well more like a mailcharging tanck many tried to keep pace with me but not even a mile they drop lile a fly i was given the opportunity to evolve since i gatherd enoth comunity merits i was quite slim for a orc of my age this took around few months i was given a blade i discarded it as i ran towords  the forest as i saw a dark creature as i ran towords it it got in a attack position and wen i was in range it leaped at me the cat was the same size as me then i slided under its leap as then i turned around as i tackles it as i kept runing with it in my inbrace i ran towords a wall and then a sick crunch was heard alongside a cat wining sound as it ended i was starting my evolution as i started to bulck up more and more as i hulcked up my hands are big enoth to grab a tree and i did so i grabed a tree and used my new strenght to swing it then i ran like the jugernot to the other orc's and evolved orc's i was towering over them  i smield and then atarted another runing spree it vecame even easyer as i was multiple times faster and was capable to cary even more and such i did the leader was starting to lern how to fly i saw her plant her face to the ground oance and i ran to her she was quite cute i then proceaded to help her get on her feet then i pulled a small book and gave it to her she saw me i smield then i proceaded to run as she checked the book she took a serious look to it then she opend it her eyes went wide as she started runing to the top of the building from wich she spred her wings and she jumped and started gliding ariving at the ground she didn't read the landing posture as such she scraped her palms a bit then she saw me arive next to her as i gigled then i graved her in a princess carry as i carried her to her climing place were i started showing her the basic postures for turning and landing as i did so she saw me hit the ground twice with my foot and she saw a skeletal frame made of a sturdy alloy emerge from it and fixing itself to my back that is how i showed her she was quite intrested in my teaching method i then changed the size of the skeletal frame to mach my size and bone density then i started extracting metals that i proceaded to mix and made a alloy to act  as a membrane for my metalic wings i then stomped on the ground that proceaded to exend towords the sky we finished ariving at her previous hight we then started preparing she mimiked my wing movement  as we started flying i slowly tilted my wings to make the movements  from left to right she folowed my movements and wen we arived at the ground level she managed to land the same as me then i sowed her the way i fly from a dead point as i coll it i crowched as my wings were expanded to theyr limits as i give one atrong wing bit that shuts me to the skys as the gall saw me fly in one pozition she mimiked the movement then and managed to lonch herself to the skys right past me since i made the movement based on my waight aka hevy she ajusted to her size but cood not stay in one space she was stuborn and she did in time acuratly around few days she managed to do it i was runing very fast as i wore hevy metal plates in the shape or bracers for bowth my feet and hands alongside a belt on my midle i ran very fast and i enjoyed it she flew around me as i ran she had duties to do and i am just the mail man aka moving delicate and other stuff as i do this for fun wen i pass by the mounten to escavate for materials and reinforce the walls for cave colapses as i alsaw colect missed mineral deposits and get my ujual pay she was suprises since her country has approximately  twenty precent of the metal things ganed  in the cave excavated by me by hand i enjoyed a calm life but wen there were wors haha my metal army was doing lots of damage to the enemy's  as the long raged solgiers saw me charge just like jugernoth on steroids with a complete armure of the strongest materials i found and was gifted by the queen that has light afinity i saw her soul it was clutered by skills i had only too: heavy earth fizic and fullmineral alchemist, that alows me to move erth extract the minute traces of minerals and such then manipulate them in pure ingots of sead mineral or maiking alloy and mine esaly for them i am like a magnito for all minerals it was quite fun lerning to use it in very verious ways, as time went she asked me to be her escort and such we ended up being together having some kids and i protected her and ower famaly we split wen she went overvbord to coquer as much as she cood so no more threths wood be for us she enjoyed her fun i kept growing my afinitys as i became one with erth i managed to grow so much ower main city became a flying city duting the time i was on it since i kept running even wen we were maried i was acnoleged as the runing fool or erth tremor since i was quite the energetic distroyer of more than walls of city's and such i lived my life with her even if we were not oficialy maried we were still together ower kids managed to grow in splendid people as the capital was finaly under seage by a coelition to bring down the tower of knolege were many races grow together and understand each other i and her were quite old by this point owet last evolutions draws near and we ended becoming her a godess of the unificagion and growth as i evolved in a god based in minerals and crafting i then opend a door that apered next to me as she saw it i made a wave motion and she came as i opend the door she saw a bed in a peach black room we enterd then she saw the door close as i enterd the same room with my original body she wached my main body then she saw us merge as i returned to be apriximativly hole i became a bit bulckyer but still the same i then gave her a hex vesal that alowed her to use all her power as she can sustain her completebpowers with no aide afect she was quite trusting of me well my erth avatar there are six more to go till i get myself close to my former strenght she then went around the furness and i gave her a portal to her world if she wanted to vizit her famaly or kids i then went back to sleep.