Chereads / in the multiverse as a dreamer[quazi -Haitus] / Chapter 216 - 216. The walking dungeon.

Chapter 216 - 216. The walking dungeon.

After I woke up I checked my room observing claw marks on the walls all pointing towards one spot they all were my own I can recognize my own claws anywhere since they had distinct energy I usually use I then started checking the soul shell and I saw the culprit of these cuts on the walls as such I took the shard and analyze it to observe the fragment had a grey growth on it hmm a corrupting force or something  then I started crushing its influence on it by purging it with promethium flames as such the concept cleaned the bothersome corruption that wood does not work if the thing was not awake for a bit of time  that peace was the most unused and stagnant as such I then gave a check to the rest of my fragments and saw some more that were inactive as such I started a new rhythm so they can assist in the cleansing of the others and then I opened the door as the girls were reading on some chairs next to the door drinking some juice or something and when I walked through it they took a combative position then they droped it wen i didn't do anithing dangerous i didn't then they told me of the fragments lashing out and small amounts of my mass like 4 to 8 cells moving  like claws i thinck this mite be instinctive but wen they hit the girls they felt like pelets were shot at them waiking them early since it was anoing i checkt the dept in the wall but only a centemeter in not any more than that, we talked a bit then we wandered to check for the damed thing that plegued me and wen we will find the dam thing that made it well hell will resemble haven for them i then with the girls went to the tv room were i took my seat and then sent a fragment to a serthen world in the corse of being build i flew and flew untill i hit a cristal core newly born i asimilated within it as i ganed the instinct and system that the brother and sister placed to facilitate the cleansing of the seads but wen i took it over my flames and the dimensional magic and runes i then comenced yo make my dungeon by first cover my core in a armure then i started expanding the space inside it so much that my pinky wood resemble a giant football field if not a bit larger as such then i made some items tools furniture and such on then i coverd the surface of the armure in a marble like substance and such my bland silver armure was now wight with silver accents then i started to exit the dungeon hole as i left the hole in the dirt i saw animals wander take a look to me to just run away from me with grate gusto since a wight armured loking thing twice the size of a avrege man with too eary glowing blue eyes i started i was ower glass figure of masculine armured might with no metal niples or such i wandered the forests gathering animals and monsters to get some minion blueprints i likedbthe monster blueprints moast but mixing them with human or other was the best i had 21 entrences one per finger and last one were my maw is i made my first room were my mouth was as the rest were made after i gathered enoth points via capturing monsters sending them in my dungeon to the meat grinder a literal meat grinder as i made to cilinders filled to the brim with teath as the gravity was made as for people and monsters to fall towords the rapid spining grinders haha i alweis keel the too meat grinders in my midle fingers so people wood fear of my favorite gesture and if someone dares to grab them well feed to the maw i was suprised since people were ok with me wandering around sometimes caturing threaths too big for normal adventurers and yes i became one for the fun of the the look of the woman who saw my plate that wrote Carcere in palatio marmoreo  and i gave her the short name of Marmore people started coling me Mort since it was easyer to say and such my nickname that evribody used was Mort the Marble Paladin or the Living Paladin Armure depending on the people i helpt around grew my inner dungeon and such i heard of a special dungeon with orange mothif i managed to get many dark seads as there were some humans and demihumans adventurers i need of a job i nade out a mision of checking something well cleaning my insides they were thinking it wood be easy but wen they accepted they enterd my room and then i sent them to the first level of my dungeon were they were met with some of my  favorite minions checking the traps and manual puzzles that need adventurers to be calibrated suitably for no excesive kiling of my new found clients there were injuries and rewords due to theyr help each end of the room a butler or maid was waiting for the clearing the only way to procead the adventurers require a serthen time in the room from the moment they enter well depending on the side they enter the left is speed as the right is patience and wisdome  the time they spent in the dungeon was fun i had someone enter my palm zones were the desert or tropical jungle existed as the sols of my feet there were the flying icelands and the nether zones as the rooms hint to the rooms i have within myself   to ease the tranzitions and if they kill the maids or butlers a large bunch of monsters swarm the offender perfect for grinding levels and taiking care of trubolsome people or enemy's i gave them a contract so i dont have problems with someone outing me out i showed them my avatar for the fun of it  well the spirit form of it then i comenced to go to delta sister and brother saw my joining of theyr world and direction i am taiking they worned her and alfa who alwredy was there i walked quite a bit but wen i saw the big as tree i cood not stop myself from raming it in my larger form showing the actual size  of all my room's i was seen by many humans and a serthen ill driven famaly member of delta she saw me plunging my hand in the tree as it burst in blue flames they saw it turn to marble alongside the parasite inside it being purged and replaced by a giant trejure orb that was used to regulate the energy lines then i sat on my new chear the monster transforming girl saw all hapening she was shoked i then told her the truth she was suprised but i asked her to cone with me she did so after turning back to my smaler form we enjoyed walking since the tree closed the seat area we saw a talking blade on the way i caried it for a bit untill we reached the town were i gave it to a kid with a shrp tongue he was suprised since i gave him the blade i was cariing he was beta or omega i forgot alwredy then i meet with the inhabitans of this town filed with terrors i enjoyed waching them and learning from them i made for myself a Marble house then i managed to get the directions to her dungeon i arived at the door with the puzzle it was fun then i checked the memorial room were i saw her form i then left a gift in the shape of some advanced things that can be fused with magic stones or trejure orbs for use in any place ,then i ariving at the music room were Maiestro sang i checked the place as i took some samoles of the mushroms and alowed a core of voices to be herd from inside my armure Maiestro was intrigued since we folowed the rithm i had fun since i resembeld a orchestra made ony by voices we enjoyed the sing along as we spon on the piramid i made a few trinckets and instruments for him to use or lern from then i proceaded to the next areas teiking grate care to not wreck stuff i got many mushroms of various effects alongside a pot made of clay that i managed to get singned by mister musroom i then proceaded to go thure the climing chalanged that i passed just by walking no obstacle capble to stop me i checked the bar as my minions and i dranck many tipes of drincks but they all saw my armured self drinking one after another drincks with no effect in my movements they asked wath are we they were suprised wen they herd of my identety a dungeon with spacial manipulation   to a large level well enoth to distroy the world tree turning it into living marble tree they were shoked wen they herd the dungeon part some wanted to see the inerds of mine i made a way to make them see it with external via tablets and cameras to make it easy for them to see alll my minions were in my main room on fluffy seats each with the drincks the femeale goblin prepared for us and after some time of fun and talking we went to the next area as i enterd the battle ring he was a goblin on a worhog he saw me i was towering him and after a greating we started ower battle i won by the aincent art of charging towords him like a bolder runing over a man on a hors i did take care to not depleat his health and as such i won then the rewords were given to bowth of us since i gave him some suvenires then i was sent to the tropical zone were i had fun with  the amphibian people and the litle migets i passed by the circus and saw Quiny the male drider he was cute we then wached the show of the Ghoul master and his skeleton clowns after we finished with the tests we enterd the boss room were we saw a sexy tree woman with vulgar languege and jokes i told her of her former self  body being turned into living marvle i alsaw asked her if she wants to be reconected to it suprizingly she agreed i gave her a seed of living marble wich she ate and asimilated parcialy turning her into marble but moastly wood with marble accents forming underwere like patherns the sexy tipes too we battles then for the fun of it then i was allowed to procead to the next zone but i was met with a feast i took enoth for my minions then we reached the cacle zone were we met with the hero lizerd and the for gargoils from wich i saw the fantasmal form of delta flying around me then she saw my spectral form exit to neet her during this my minions moved the dungeon body so they can talck and interact with the others we then spent some time with them as we then arived at the core room as i saw it with a blue stripe over it i moved close to it then i formed a exoskeleton to help her with power manipulation and asistence since she was very well using them and for Nu and Delta mecnicle avatars if they want to use them  wich they did after modifing them after they asimilated them in her dungeon and fusing them with some things i checked the exoskeleton on the core so it can be detached wenever then they saw me open the helmeth of my armure as i moved my spectral hand in it as i puled a hand filed with colorless dust i then droped the sead dustbon the exoskeleton aka frame for the dust to setle asimilate minutes amount of her energy to make it her own then keep her stable next was well is to stay in the town for a bit to make sure no to many bad apples to enter delta but they can enter my dungeon as i kidnaped the rotten ones and wen she reached a strong enoth power we, i and my minions were met with the void door that i enterd and left behind a copy of myself as such i sent it to be with delta as i murged with my original as the minions were hex't aka fused with hex vesals and then sent to zones in my inner universe to enjoy theyr lifes as i returned to my bed to sleep but not so long to let mold grown on my soul shel.

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