We woke up then we wandered a bit ending up in my tv room where my seat was vacated by any who sat there as temporary control over the tv screen yea the chair is the remote control and those who want to change the show must sit in it and such I took my sit as some of my energy enters it and I start the process of separation and sending of the fragment, I flew and flew until I arrived at a southern woman of Kaleesh decent that was ready to give birth to twins as I entered the body and the black soul was replaced by my own his body coloring changed and became albinism as my twin sister became melanism before we got birth outside we were met with some medical droids took us then we were rapped separately with some kind of cloth as my father with mechanical hands saw ower birth I could see the worry and feel his anxiousness I felt the force surround me and my sister he was surprised and relieved since we too were the first case of albinism and melanism in the ower race but no health concerns were noted or none that will bother ower fiziology then father took us in his hands and then he broth us to ower lovly briliant crimzon colored woman my father was a bit duler red he handed us to mother then we were sent to be in the moving crib we saw as father lost pewces of himself and was slowly transzitioning to be a ciborg i treined in my flames and nanites mom sis and father were acting oblivious but sister noticed that she too has red flames capable to change any material into energy she can asimilate or manipulate to her fun in exchang i can change matter or generate from energy she makes from any matter into watherevef i want together we are daingerus even more than father he went missing for a few days more then ujual so we went to find him jaut to meet the sith he was anoing since force powers and all but the suprise wen evrithing bursts in flames and he was imidietly imobilized with a very elastic material that keps him tied down as if he dose not use force he will be left brethless i left him as i made a glass dome over him so his brithable are will be limited as we expored the ship and we ended finding ower father more like a torso yea we were around thirteen yers old alwredy adults by ower kin i reached the glass and my flames started covering him as ninites left my body and enterd my fathers body he felt a ich all over his body as a red armure formed around him busting his body as the force asiated me to make his new body calibrated for his uses his face was coverd by a maks that can be remuved his face having some lines resembeling his tatoos wen it was made of flesh now biomecanicle body he felt his body then we stood in front of him at attencion he then hit bowth of us on the hed as he scolded for doing something so daingerous and iresponsible then he huged us joifull to be capable to move once more and he felt something new the force but wen he atempted to will it to do something not even a fragment of it wood act on his will he then felt a dark presence coming towords us he was serious and stood his ground as dooku camed here enraged since he was tied for a bit of time he has shard fragments in his hear he saw father in front of us redy to battle and us holding too tipes of flames my sister was converting mass atound without mesing with the integrity of the ship as i used the energy to make droids resembeling wath father wood look like if fixed by this sith lord but shorter than dad and with bladed weons or long range wepons i made aproximativly six he was suprised aince he saw me make them out of energy like substance that my sister made with the use of her red flames he didnt feel the force in those flames but he felt a weack conection from bowth me and sis thrue wich the force can guid us if necesary then they proceaded to negociete father became the General as he was treined under Dooku as we bowth lerned on ower own on planets charged with the force we made houses buildings wepons many things to practice ower powers then as time went on we got the message as father was defited by kenoby his brein was saved and sent to us via drone with life suport we got his blood pire undelited and managed to make a clone then we wmptyed his skull as we placed his brein in it with the help of the nanites then he slowly recovered as skywalker became darth vader balanced the force he dismissed us due to not treining in the force but wen he came to check on us we saw his sufering and anger i used my power as his suit was ingulfed and nanites enterd his body cleaning the nerv endings and fixing his skin but i placed acupiluncture nidles were the pains were they wood deploy wen he wakes us as wen he sleaps they wood be remuved his helth was enhanced as his look did not change but became more confortable his hate gave way to confort and yes his lover is still alive but he doae not know that she was saved due to us sending some ninites into her body wen we visited her on the pretext of fans mesting a idol well something on those lines mother and father lived a calm life with my smaller brothers and sisters he was buisy since there was no mony problems since he was a general of a large army and the remurations due to his "death" in the way of duty his famaly was given the mony he got inconsequencialy he dis visit us time to time and the number of us his sons and dother aproximativly thirty of us we were the oldest as such we were free to wnader hunt and sometimes visit ower famaly and freands i grabed many oportunities as merceneries and got many mony and such and after we had made ower famalyes and ganed titles and respect we saw wen the skywalker and his son were keeping the balance of the force as we hunted the ones that dis major crimes we had many kids rarely some had the same afliction as us they were normal some with force conecrions and some without briliant mind were found between them we enjoyed reizing them and wen ower old age came and days before we bowth died of it a door opend as only me and my sister saw the man enter ower door he moved his hand and higed me as we murged sister was suprised but wen he saw my eyes he recognised the look in my eyes and got serious i told her if wath i did and she wanted to join me i gave her a vesal to murge with as we then walked in the furness we me Crona and Graty went to wander thure the furnees then we returned to my room were we went to sleep.