Chapter 200 - 200. NEXT!!!

I woke up in my room alone and with the clock ready to ring I stopped it before it could start then I moved the cover and grabbed my slippers and started wandering towards the bathroom corner in my room I brushed my teeth with a rather unique brush then brushed my fluffy areas with my second brush then got some underpants and pants then I turned around to observe Crona enter wearing her pajamas being made out of silk a few measures larger as the ends like neck ankles and wrists were lined with a stretchy fabric to keep it out of the way we greeted each other then we wandered around for a bit I passed my a closet and grabbed a waistcoat after grabbing a wight T-shirt we reached the tv room where the other girls were finishing watching a southern series they were close to each other as just as I was close to them well almost as close as they are with me then I took a fragment and from my outer shielding and imbued it with warp energy then I added some biomechanical mass with some frost demon blood and genes then i sent it, it flew and flew ariving over a metalic planet teaming with life and well metalic based life that is i was flying around and found the blancks room were they are given a spark and they form they body's shape then the mind i enterd the blanck body then waited to be sent for the insertion as i changed the internals and wen the spark enterd and stabilized in the body i activated it as the spark contaner was separated so it can not use the body in my sted i shaped my body and the i saw some other cibertronians i finished geting used to my body  i was asked my name and i said: Blitz Kreag but you can call me Kreag nobody but my wife can cal me Blitz they were curious wen i said that then my face changed to a black plate with red eyes and a sharp maw a unsetaling gigle came out as i started rambeling like a creazy bot as i moved in fun and strange ways showing dexterity and flexibility uncomon to theyr kind then the lower falf of my mask got retracted and my visor showed too circles as eyes they became angry eyes as i got my back streate and with a hand to my hed in a salute motion then i told in loud and solgier voice my name and my purpose then i returned to my normeal self i acrached the back of my head and said: Sory they came with the me since they were very plesent to be with in the acterlife, then i checked if my insane mode damaged any of my joints, after checking them and saingh in releafe i asked of any intresting things around, and i was told of the war between the decepticons and the Autobot i acrached my head and asked if the conflict left the planet i was asured the conflict didnt exit the planet as such i asked to me sent to a serthen planet in a serthen solar system were life started growing not much time ago i was sent with a serthen number of cibertronians to the planet since a detachment of decepticons were sent there for some kind of reson we arived and by that i men crashed on it my pod was separated and got imbeded in the erth i then went to stasys and was not woke up untill a sunny day some humans with a decepticon on my treal showed up and he shot a misle in a wall and my pod was destroyed meaking me get ejected out of it i was on the ground with some kids hiding behind a rock as Starscreem tlked i shuck my head as my color started chainging i became wight with black red and purple marks a set of wings formed on my back as too cannons formed on my sholders then a maniacle laff started to resound in the canion Starscreen and the kids swet droped as they saw my plate life face with sharp teath and circular eyes then i got to my feet as the lower half was retracted my voice changed and i started to scream to the decepticon in front of me of the status of ower home world he stoped and thincked a bit then he told me as the evil outobots distroyed it to stop the righceus decepticons from gating theyr rightfull hands over it yada yada yada then i kade a show of being agrived then my visor retracted as well as i calmy told him my name then he presented himself as Starscreen the viceleader of the decepticon unit on this ball of dirt , i made a thincking face then one of my canons shot around the humans maiking a ice cage around them limiting they movement i turned my head to them next as i walked and then grabed each of them then i placed them on my palm i stared at them as my face kept swiching between each other ending um on my insane one as a large smile coverd my visor then i asked them if this big dumb dumb threthen them in any way or shape as my voice was as sweet as posible as my cannons were pointing at starscreams face as i told him move and your cute litle metal face gets melted as my solgier face showed up in a sergent voice was herd he was atempting to stop the kids from speacking but the moment he tried he felt the flames off rage he scremed at me to stop as he pointed his hand with the rockets but before he cood shoot i froze his hand he loked in suprise since his hand was frosen solid and he is no longer capable to transform i plced the kids on the ground as i walked towords him i was taller then him and my face turn to normal as i had a shoul on i stood in front of him then i grabed his other hand in lifted it up he was suprised wen i lifted him from the ground and then my visor changed to cover my eyes then with a ror of fury i slamed him to the ground by the hand the kids were suprised since they didnt see any aoutobot do that to any other decepticon then i left him wen he was nocked out and well trashed i grabed the kids on my shoder and we walked towords the base of the outobots but next few minutes in ower jurny a portal activated and we pased fast thrue it and wen the portal closed we atived at the base the bots were suprised to see theyr kids with a unnone bot aka me i smield them my isor cover all of it as they saw my sharp smile with opend eyes then they herd me rant of wath hapend in the time i was in the capsule and my aligences they calmed down wen the lower half retracted and my wild funy or eratic movements stoped to a solgier like deminwr took its place the kids laffed a bit during the rant some were serious and others cood not get the stic then i asked the same thing i asked Starscreen geting a similar story then i blinked a few time then i drped to my knees as my insane self started crying they saw a blue substance exiting my optics then few minuts later the lower half retracted as i grited my teath as they saw my smuth body shape becoming blokier and sharper in serthen spots then the blue substance moves on its own as it went thrue the gruves that formed they saw intricate paterns form and the the spark i was kepeing in me was completly corupted and then devowered and my eyes ganed a livly purple not disimiler to that of dark energion but no dark influence of it was detected by the medic bot then i stood up blinking then they saw a determinated face i asked of the situation and they tood me of the cashes on erth i asked for permision to decode the cashes they saw a cable come out of a cravice of myne and conected to the increpted texts i isolated the ones with similar incriptions i got the for ki's and the hammer locations we sacrifiesd a inconsequencial relick to gane them all the decription took around a day for me and the harvesting of them all only a few hours i then decripted a second thing and we went after it wen i grabed it i used it on the new recruit to get the last ky then i got optimus to change the portal device to worck from planet to outer other systems i met with the police man incharge of the outobots i was cariing the ky's and the intangibility device i then focused on the other relicks giving them a good distraction then i sent myself to home were i went to the revival platform were i reactivated the metal planet then i spred my ninites and nanobots covering it completly then new cibertronians started spreding with the help of the core i left them to fix the rest as i deactivated the nanobots and nanites as they flowed back in my body i used a general use portal and returned to erth were i asked optimusbfor the leader matrice since i now ranck over him due to me reviving ower home he reluctantly gave it to me after checking my wards were the truth he then saw me taiking it and intaling in a serthen building then and it was sent to the core of the planet the hole fixing it took around a week and they were busy with the reliks they didnt question way i was mising after i comenced  the procces of the porces of new ciberthonians to be born they were all biomecanicle since pure mecanicle or pure bilogical wood be shit compared to a harmonius mix then i got a copy of the matrix and returned to erth then i enterd a active vulcano of dark energion i went fast to the core of the planet since his brother is awake he neaded to be wake too but i batled my way to his core and used the co taner of sparks to seal him inn leving his slumbering body well sleaping well i left the copy in his place then i returned to the hideout of the outobots that decided to keep living here i found the ship and was teleported there then a grate slother since i sent a replicant of the girl companion with a axe at hand to terrorise the decepticons and wen they all eschaped the ship leving it to drift off i teleported in and took controll of the ship i got controll of the portal and loleted them then teleported them back with the small replicant on my sholder they all were behind megatron i tood him wath will hapen next if not they all will be melted to scrap in a active vulcano i know  he got angry and charged at me but all je cood do is take to steps and point his blaster towords me the next moment he was frozen solid leving his head to be capble to talk i took one of my tendrils and plunged it in his xhest reaching his spark then i took it and to the shock of all his minions ate it next was disbanding them and relocating them in the new cibwrtrons on probation or  explorers aka on the front line and then i caled all the bots on erth with theyr freands to my personal ship then i gave them it as they saw a door open on my sholder and a humanoid coming out i smield laffing maniacly as they saw my form turning into nanites and nanoteck flowing towords the maw of the humanoid all three heads laffing in theyr own ways and then they saw the humanoid grasp the spark and then place it to his chest as it opend in a gore show and place it in as it got asimilated within myself i smield and waved goodbye as i returned thrue the door the shoked and horror filed looks on moast of them was funy since i made it as messed up as i cood, i digress then i returned to my bed with Crona and we went to sleep.

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