Chereads / in the multiverse as a dreamer[quazi -Haitus] / Chapter 195 - 195. another fragment of an old world.

Chapter 195 - 195. another fragment of an old world.

We woke up then we wandered  for a bit then we arrived   at the tv room where I separated a fragment of myself and gave it the zerg template modified so the idiotic zelnaga wood is not capable to take over it then I searched for a southern planetoid and then I true the fragment to it it has some magic knowledge of biological engineering and my alchemy flames, I arrived at a planet then I entered the creep of a hive cluster I gathered all the zerg under my will then I started changing the hive main building as my creep infused it after some time I emerge from the hive as a large bipedal slender demon-like creature of marble hide with purple marks I had to pare of membranous wings I step on the creep and it slowly started getting absorbed in me alongside the zerg I took over with each zerg and liter of creep my muscles grew denser and larger after growing to their maximum size they condense and become more and more strong after few days I gathered all the zerg on this planet then i started spreading my flames all over this world as it slowly got changed in creep and then i got sent to me to be asimilated i kept doing this untill my the hole planet was gone and i was the size of galactus then i grabed the core of the planet it was radioactive i made a hole in my chest and sloted it in my chest then metal plates were placed over it to keep it safe the metal shell was with a iner poket were i kept bacteria creep and sonic charged plasma they will slowly fuze and become my sionic pool that i am slowly circulating thrue my body i fonished the formation of my body then i felt the metamorposis of my litle miss zerg queen i then started going from world to world if they had zerg i wood gather them and asimilate them and after few days i arived to zerus were i started spreding my arble creep it cover it all capturing all the primal zerg then they were conected to me as the planet was made into a living one with my core in the midle the primal sponi g pool becoming my psionic chaimber in the midle of the planet with the cores slowly becoming part one my pool of power reached a criticle point and the fromer fleshy vesal was coverd with cristalized mass alongside the midle of the pool a throne was created were my avatar was siting with crosed leggs then chamebers were created to host the new residents since i kept the souls safe and in staisis i created biological wepons and phihological ones each end evry one of them were humanoid plesent to sight and tuch they all were marble skinned and the biological weponry was hiden in they body between the tatoos of many colors we showed up on the stage with a hole planet the queen of blades borded us with her liviathan my marble planet skull was always with its maouth open for any snaks in the outer space her leviathan enterd its maw and was stuck there then  several alarms were activated and after few minutes a felt some experiments wase set lose as i felt zegara in the larva pit with a serthen helper of the queen then i felt dehaka in my esence volts i felt him change and take some of my caracteristics as he was conected to my will then my litle queen barged in my room were i was siting on my throne in the shape of a ten year old kid with cute bat wings and marble skin my eyes resembeled the stary sky she slowy made her way towords me as i was sleaping well pretending i was sleaping she had a confused face since she was expecting something well a lot more domeniering and not this cute wen she instinctivly mover her hand to gently move me so i wood wake my face turns to her and she saw my eyes slowly opening i smield and then she was sturtled and my hole body turned into marble colored sluge that was imedietly atarting to cover evry inch of her body lile a simbiote and then she blacked out as i took over her body my smield was over her beutiful face she was geting redy to kill Mencks and since she had not enoth people-zerg things meh she woke up in a new body a human one with marble light skin skin thicker then any material and her sionic powers half as strong as myself as i restructer her former body into a male one of marble skin long hear and too bone wigs just like hers but they were as wight as fresh milk they were strong and i infused enoth power in my avatar that i saw my tatoos form and my wings bursted in blue flames as i wore the majin pants then she started pauting and then she started hiting my naked chest like a kid since her inner self and her outside self were fused her mental age balanced at the age of teenager the world  linch pin is myne for now i calmed her down then i went to save her boyfrend  from the prison wich was easy and i got terran tecknology and knolege i made some teck hibridisation ow yea the other invaders got transformed  in my kin zegara becoming a sexy drider  as the asistent of the former queen of glades a lamia and abather he changed a lot more then the others he was a femeale of undermtermined gender with limbs on her back that hold sunstances and her chest had a cavity were she can modify creatures she is somewath obsesed with large things i made her some sisters so she can have some competition i took my time waching them the kowbody was converted too they then enjoyed themselves as i hunted minks then i went hunting for his cultists asimilating and kiling ower way to the void were i enterd it so we can kill the tentacle monster and i ate him once more then i sent the qween with her king to another planet with the marble swarm i took  the ones who wanted to join me then and joined murrged with myself as we then went back to sleep as the skeltal planet was sent to my iner univers .