Chereads / in the multiverse as a dreamer[quazi -Haitus] / Chapter 177 - 177.The fate of the wicked.

Chapter 177 - 177.The fate of the wicked.

We all woke up some earlier than others I and cronoa usually woke up in hours of each other we walked checking on the others Moka was sleeping alongside Mable and as Marceline was rocking in her zone we walled and saw Jane walking around she saw us and ended up joining us as we arrived at the tv room we got some snacks and I true the next fragment it flew and hit a woman she was grey-skinned and her hear seamed as shadow's I enterd her body to just excite her shadow hear as I was living shadow I took stock of my appearance my soul formed in the middle of the spectral body she watched me curious and now with a fresh hare cur she had half the amount as before I then started condensing my body I reached the size of a palm and I managed to act like a corporal creature she was curious she grabbed me gently as I was getting used to this body I started to take the anomaly in her genes as I cleaned her system she returned to normal and I grew to a one-year-old she was suprised she was nice loking flawless wight skin with peach black half cut hare i was toock to others with her illness i grew from one to another untill i was of 18 years old i was tall wight skin my maw had sharp teath and armured hands and feet my body was transparent with a skeleton within but only visible around my chest and were my claws extend from maiking them invisible but the sharp aperence of them do get the agnoleged of my dangerous aperence and actual danger i pose she didn't make the deal with black hat yet she enjoyed the capability to go in the sun i usually hid in her shadow since i got a mild alergy to it my body slowly started generating blue blood slowly corsing thrue my partially fisicle form i coos change in form and shape but i chose to look like a kid moast of the time as we travelled i had shadow hear and pale wight skin i had a smile since i just wore glasses wenever i was out on the streats with her there was the time wen a sunny ashole bowsting of his strength and glory etc etc she was mad at him as such i spread my shadow around the erth she didn't notice but the "hero" did i made a dome around the tree of us wen she noticed it she looked confused untill i started transforming i expanded to be twice as tall as the suposed hero my clasw were sharp and redy to dice and slice my face a plate with seven eyes and my maw was hidden untill i opend it seaming to be a crack from wich shadow slowly started roling out of it she wached me with exitement since she was beaten by this asshole ao many times and now her new son is going to repey the favore, i opend my eyes as seven difrent lights started bleading in the ate  giving the black dome multiple clors wen he tuched them he got petrified wen brown came in contact with him then blue he froze red he burned green wind cuts black he slowly felt his life faiding away as wen in contact with wight he got cancerus growths were he came in contact with him as he never tuched the purple she didnt witness it and yea purple is pure energy he wood have goten overcharged and well that part wood desintegrate due to his cells not being capable of adapting or absorbing it i then trurned back to my normal state as the kid with seven eye tatoos on my face people were curious but not that intested i was invited to a sethen manner a large hat shaped one i went alone as it was the right thing to do i left a shadow elemental with her as in a state of simbiosys as long as she had the too bracelets she will be capable to transfrom betwen the too states if it brakes she return to human, i was at the metal gate i pressed the buton and a alarm anounced my arival a guy with a paper bag opend it and saw a teen with a hody and seven lights in his hody he shivered he showed me the way as we enterd i saw a large blue fluff ball i moved the hood and gave the bare a nice smile then i gave him a hug he enjoyed it i thinc since he returned it and after a moment i continued the way mister Flug was still walking my hood was off he was calmer since he cood wach my face we met with a insane woman she was quite superactive my eyes slowly started bleading off energys they acumulated as a set of too balls that flowted around my neck and then the life and death ball became like stings and went thrue six of each and the one of same tipe as the sting then i moved them to permanently stay around my wrist's  as they moved around the balls atarted chainging from balls to skull shapes were the string of death was and were the life sting they became harts beting livly doctor flug was suprised and had a sensor pointed at my hands he mutered about something about magic or some sorts we reached the ofice were Black hart wached me enter and we loked eye to eyes my form reverted to my normal state it was bypedal my limbs armored my torso spectral my face a plate and he asked me way did i in hells name came here of all places he screamed as he changed as well growing taller with more mucle and extra limbs coming from behind his clothes and we talcked i lerned of his ill duing and in returned i made as many life orbs as he indirectly saved someone on the other hand i made death orbs for as many deaths as his actions did suprisingly they were less then the life ones i balanced and i was left with five life orbs he saw them and gave me a smile as i floted them towords him he grabed them as they turned green and got asimilated within his body i next left for other vilans and the process started over and over some of them died some grew more livly and some just nothing happand next was the heroes i had some bad apples to deal with and wen all was done i got myself quite a large number of genes and powers as the fee for strenghtening or punishing them then i returned to my other self as i mureged we then went to sleep.

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