Chereads / in the multiverse as a dreamer[quazi -Haitus] / Chapter 171 - 171. the ant nest,s new inhabitant.

Chapter 171 - 171. the ant nest,s new inhabitant.

We woke up then we ate got some more snacks and I sent the next fragment to a world it flew and it arrived at an ant nest next to human inhabitations next was me going dipper and diaper I saw an ant battle queen then I was sent inside her and the next moment I wa in an egg I was deposited in a hot climate after some time I grew into a larva and after some more time I became a pupa and last, not least I manually made my body I exited the restraints and I opened my weak well now compact eye structure my body was on four feet as my other to limbs ware side to my ant-like the torso I had tree fingers and I saw other ants watching me I felt a bombardment of for the colony by all the other hatchlings next to me I felt eyes on me we were sent to the surface were the brood tenders separated us in rooms most of them were made specifically for normal ants I was like a black sheep in a herd of white ones then I followed the instructions and wen I arived on the surfece we went thrue the vilage i took my time waching analising and i somehow arived at a smithy i then ended up in front of anvil waching a smith hamering at it with grate furvur he was maiking some utensiles  wen he was done i atempted to speack i felt the brease came out of my mouth but no sound i smelled my question a ant responded and he broth a mage i became fothfull next the magician ant saw me gurgaling blue flames theman and magician were waching me with curiosity and a bit of suprise   after a few minutes and my exosted body hiting the floor my lower half to be more exact i was still with my back streight i then atempted to speack once more and a raspy and rughed voice came up i started to test my voise the man and the ant looked at each other then at me they bowth said the same thing : dis the ant/hachling just talck?

I looked at both of them then I got a notification.

[You have gained a new skill: body-change]

[The new skill:body-change integrated the innate skill manual evolution and flames of Alchemy increasing the effectiveness of the skill body-change]

After I wired the message I said, cool new aptitude and an interface hm.

I looked towards both of them I know I should not attempt things willy nilly but I am so pumped up to make something new since I am quite eager to get some more energy for my flames.

Then I was broth back to the nest where I met with the core shapers that checked for a core there was none next were the healers and last the ones in charge of forging armour making and other metalworkers I was feed biomass and told what were the regular choices I loled over them then ignored the evolution choices and I started to manually do it I then chose a bit more fingers a more resilient elastic and plated as from black I became wight and my inner musculature was given a regeneration factor to make it easier to build them then compress and repeat  then I finished my changes I did not go to sleep or stopped moving the surprised look of the tenders and core smiths I then condensed my core manually as I made it on my forehead with an organ that will compress and gather energy in it I got the notification's that corresponded with a normal evolution and mutation I felt bo ich since I shut down the nervous system yea I made a switch in my body for that and some other functions next were me wandering with directions towards the queen chainber  were i talcked with her learned of the oldest and i saw the efigies the other ants sculpted he was called Anthony hm... I became thoughtful and then I told her you may call me Abather for now BroodMother she tilted her head and asked me the way I acted was quite different after I told her of my new designation I then was shown the way to get the skills of the professions desired I worked hard in the forge until a became a master smith in many arts of this trade then I went to the healers were I learned all the skills they have and about his body and that of other species broth from the underground and last the core-shapers and when I finished all the learning I wanted I asked to be sent to an expansion to start my tests and experiments I was given a small team to escort me to the smaller nest I found a good room to start my experiment's and I transmuted the dirt into brass so no microbes may be found on the surfaces of my room I told the other ants about my room and so that they will not mess with it then there were the cores I broth with me I reconstituted them and placed them where they were neaded and then i started feding them  they grew fast i gave them serthen mutations well i got several cores of a serthen species then i made each core have a serthen organ then the main frame were i slowly fused each core with each other fixing the organs in the right place wath i was waching forming  a drone the weackest thing of the sworm but the moast dangerous i managed to mimick they genes and partialy theyr they unique ability of association next was may unique skill body-change they were not capable to use my flames or manual evolution i had fun maiking it well she was my pet i got a large zone were i made my litle one became a pool a hive pool the ants were curious since i made something difret they asked wat was it and i reponded my new pets will be coming from this one as such we need a bit of food to start since we are not alowed to die i will just send this pets creations to harvest gather and get me my materials after a few days of feading a number of larva wore made the ants were curious simce they were different from the ones we take care of the larva started cahinging after a minute of wigleling from the larva they became quatrupedal with too sight like limbs on theyr back i felt the conextion between them and my pet then to me they were my pets limbs and eyes we went hunting the excavation was suprising since my hive pool is a acidic pool conected to a sponing pool that grows the larva and changes them to fit my needs i kept changing my low armor atackers more and more bio mass was broth back the cicle continued since the knolege is retraned and sent to the larva before before the morphed my pet ganed many new skills and optimised growing stronger minions i desined some more soecial kind of minions that my pet learned from and made them and how dose he lern i make them and throw them in the acidic pool part of my pet things went well the oldest visited he was suprised bowth wen he heard of my name and my creations he was shocked well he was the stongest of the colony he saw and checked the minions they were corr less and desined to kill like a wood kanon that can store tons of mass and still run fast wenever i wanted some xp i killed the minions and thrue them in the pool  we were having fun after few more time a few years to be exact we left-leaving some of my  special cores for the core shapers i returned to myself and merged as i got a large time of creative thincking and many experiments then we returned to sleep.