Chereads / in the multiverse as a dreamer[quazi -Haitus] / Chapter 167 - 167. throwing the next fragment to terraforma.

Chapter 167 - 167. throwing the next fragment to terraforma.

After we finished ower rest we went back to the movie room where I got another fragment and sent it to the next world after using the will to get it, we saw the soul fragment alongside the flesh bits that hold the flames and the ice demon genes it flew towards a red planet and it hit a random egg on it next was the hatching I was blue tall and with an exoskeleton, I had my zerg dreadlocks and compact body I felt that I was a male of this new species insectoid if I am not wrong the others were brown I checked the place where I was and managed to exit the cave where we all were born my body gave me their instincts I left the collective getting the attention of the strongest of them they attempted to get me to a safe space until I am fully grown but I ignored them I spoke the strange language they were surprised but calmed fast and one of them left my presence as the other one that was female followed me I reached a satisfying distance from tehe hive to not be afected my theyr feromons and grup insincts we all sheare i then started my home i first changed a small part of the earth into mater rich in proteine and look's and teists like ciocolat by spewing blue flames on the moss like growth on the ground then colecting it and i ahared some with the adult femeale guardian she was scepticle but as she saw me eat she did as well, first she was suprised at the teiste then just that she looked expectently towords me i made some more for her and wen she was satisfied i started maiking some fabric enoth to make a sheath with a hole in the midle were my head can enter but i just placed it on my sholder and made a smaller belt like favric that tied at my waist were i apred the fabric to cover my lower half untill my knees she was curious about it as well i did make her one if she wanted to ware it and she did and she dose look like the male if her scent was not so different i wood belive there were no femeales on this planet i made a boul and filed it with my blood that was blue and slightly glowing the smell of it made her curious i gave it to her and made a drinking motion she reluctantly did as i asked and the next moment she started feling something hapening to her body as her body slowly became smaler yet still toler then me i was half of her size but now ahe was a head smaller her body more lean and with brests and hear-insectoid like dreadlocks her body became more curvy and plesent to look at her thoughts became beter smuther and complex slowly growing in time she will reach my level i fixed her clothing so she wood not look so naked she mimiked my stile ower wings had space to exit as i tied the cloths were was neaded  next was the building of the home she was suprised wen i started spewing the thing that made the plants comestible as i did so the ground became grey and maluable i started moving it and forming walls as i went deeper in the ground she asisted wen she saw me doing something folowing my acctions i got a iglue made of clay that i transformed into obsidion then i started tunaling with my flames chainging the erth ino oxigen as the erth that nade the walls became brass mixed with bronz they were strong enoth so wen i was almoast empty i made some monster food to get my energy up then continued to make more space i finished then started maiking beds chears and some tables then some more came in my home some mature ones i was on my bed sleaping she was on another bed thincking i was quite silent by they'r acownt they talked and questioned the femeale since they knew her from before she was changed her smell changed just a bit not enoth to meke her unrecognised by the other too grown ups they talked and she told them of my capabilities curious another femeale came to me and draw a bit of blood from me and dranck it the second adult saw as the skin and mucle from her disolved as she became just a minion of my own she knelt and waited for me to heal up the other grown up was suprised similar to the changed femele i looked at her with anger she flinched since she got the mesage no other adults allowed except her is alowed to enter my den i the looked at the male he in return took a step back and then another he left my den i placed a sent on the door so no other then her will enter i kept expanding the home i thoght her my favourite language english she in time learned words and then sentences after a month or so i was fully grown i looked similar to a serthen Alex Louis Armstrong with a blue exoskeleton maiking me even more tuff loking i exercised well not quite i just laized around as i ate monster food made for maximizing the potential of it i just neaded to get use to it she saw my growth and at the end of it she was smaller than me as i a head taller then her former form ao too heads toller then her at the time we lived here for some time some other bug people visited chalnged me to batle we did so and i won each battle refining my techinick i got myself similar clothes to Alex Louis Armstrong wen he is shirtless blue pants and buts i gave her confotable and easy to move choths we saw wen the people arived i and Jane as i coled her  she accepted the name and anserd wenever i used it she spared with me ate with me and debited with me since she was changed she felt so many more emotions i walked her thrue them her grup instincts beeing less predominant yet still there we reacted to the pheromons that preaty much ment hated egg stilers and yes blue eggs were here in ower home since her breading cicle was ones or twice a week the femeales are quite overpowering wen in they egg maiking tiem the fertilizing is done inside them adter a day or too they lay eggs the size of theyr heads from there they slowly grow and develop and we reaching half the size of a adult they hach giving way to teen loking creatures they did not have my blood ability but they will grow as they kill by absorbing the life energy of they enemy to bowster theyr own similar to her and i they were submisive we dis look more threthening then the brown ones  we left the too teens in the house as we too adults reached the space ship the brown ones were alwredy kiled they were wery of us too she didnt attack them at first sight since we are quite difrent from them they were suprised wen they herd english from my mouth i said : Oy you bumbeling idiots return the eggs back to the brown idiots since they will not stop untill you doo, anyway do you guys have something like i dont know intercomes i have some questions to your leaders i relly need to se who had the briliant idea to leave insect to evolve on theyr own on a desert planet you guys know that the brown guys evolve as they battle yea, anyway we are returning home do not follow us if you dont want to be killed or used for breading if thy capture you in the maiting days marcking yourselfs as breaders and that goes for bowth genders you here me humies. After that, we waited for a response too humans came they had a tablet and before they gave it to me they asked some questions that I responded I checked the tablet that had information on it I kerned of the things that happened on earth and the mission they had gone thru I returned the tablet as I posed like Alex for the fun of it the strongest of the group I asked for an arm resale and won since my demonic body gave me the potential and strength of a medium-class demon then I asked if any of them want to live on this planet without the brown's interfering they were some tempted but none came due to they being not in that much of a pickle, for now, I marked some of the humans by giving them pendants more specifically the females the pheromone was the equivalent to bring her to my home if you don't want to become my minions yes I got more of them, idiots don't get it at the first time and any fallen since next to my home became a graveyard for the whole body's the damaged ones became feed for the plants i razed and thoth the brons to take care of death bybold age ware the hole ones and the rest you know i had a large plantation of different foods they copied me and some just folowed my instructions since i helped with some food situations my skeltons were greate guards and night care takers for the plants the moast fownd crops were well potatoes and beens with some other ones that i dont remember the name but the shape and taiste i do they learned how to coock as i did for Jane some brown's freands of hers ate with is time to tiem just to check on us  and to know if we changed scents once agen slowly ower home became a hive some more adults grew up i got sent some femeale insect hibrids  i introduced them to my Jane and kids we were all capable to talck English and we enjoyed lerning stuff as the other blue adults were a head smaller then me i got chalanged time to tiem bo ambushes or teeckery i kept them for a few yers untill aome other humans were sent to see the situation they were breed some tiem ago and taken care of during the pregnancy they dis it wilingly since the frmeromons did theyr damage after the first month of seeing them go at it they got in the mood and chose some nicer loking of my brood  yea more genetical diversity in this body then she previously knew i got aome armstrong girls and boys i enjoyed wen they posed to each other for dominance i was still stronger then them since i had the flames of alchamy that worcked in thandem with the gates of knolege that allow me to use the alchamy circles they inhereted that many statues were around and after the sociaty grew this world became a level five sociaty i was old ish with Jane similar to myself many generations of kids and deaths she never grew atached to them ower exoskeleton slowly decaied since we didnt require it ower soft bits were stronger than iron and other materials many different mutations acured as many subclans emerged with different bug powers we were knew as the blue alchemists aince we used it for moast of ower attacks and with body paint we used easaly since some of the chitenus dust on in the mix of the paint made it rezilient enoth for casting after that time i colled on my undead a nice ten thousen i sotred them then i colled on my true self as i opend the door for myself Jane came with me wen we arived home she saw us murge she accepted her fate as i made a avatar for her to murge with and after the murger she was part hex and part demigod the other girls were suprised since the hole thing happened for a year in this dimension in comparation of few hundread years there we went to bed after we fulled ower belies and a nice shower we went to rest.