We woke up then we went to get the equipment aka food and some comfortable clothes and yes each time I told we prepare was just food clothing and sometimes something to help us go through the world's easy to see if my defences are good enough since there are universes were some forces don't mix at all with me since they are more like oil to my water I can use it in basic ways but not in any complex ways, I took care to open the portal at the moment the important people of this world meet the future be Vader his master and the master of his master I took care to not let them die me and cronoa were invisibly indetectable and just watching I helpt them whenever they needed we enjoyed the way they trained and such and when they met with the evil guy who pulled all the strings that old fart they fealed there was someone that is not supposed to be there aka me and cronoa the too Jedi and one Suprised Sith lord watched as too individual's walk out of nothingness and doing so while eating popcorn and drincking aome colla so wen they all io ept waching us i made a hand movement to do wat they started but wat i got was tree litesaber blades pointed at us more like pointed at me i sight and made my big fuck off axe form in my hands they did a duble take went they saw it just form from nothingness just like that like nobodys buisness i then swinged it wance and made a perfect portal i shoved my hand thrue it and got myself a queen then i gave her popcorn and a drinck as i told her wat hapend untill now she started getting intrested and wen i made the same movement as before they well lisened since the bix axe is flowing behind me they did not question since i have untold power and the only thing that i am doing was observing and casualty bringing someone out of a very far away place more presisly her throne room were she was ponderinf in bordom as people were talking with her i saw as the too Jeday battled the Sith and wen the evil guy was on his last legs they saw a axe split him in twein they saw blood guts and a perfect clean slise the queen gave him a suprised look but the novice Jeday pucked out his guts i and cronoa laffed a bit then i cleanded him up as i made a replica with his alignment beeing loghtfull good and yea he is a hex and a proper good neutral force user yet he is not conected to the hive mind i got genes from all the species of this world and by world i mean entire universe then we visited some more caracters as then we returned home took a shower and went to sleep.