I woke up and saw that the sickness was done completely dissolved assimilated and deactivated within myself its virility is a lot more than the previous versions I took care of replicate it to other viruses and pheromones I already have control over and have in and as my body, I took time to check all the aspects of his masterpiece then I used the aspects that I loved to make a cure-all then I made a creature similar to the symbiotes from marvel then infused the cure-all to them removing the more dangerous aspects of them making them pretty much indestructible cure-all suit's/companion/pet then I threw them in the Warhammer universe so they may fix stagnation and well disease then I left them to their devices next was the huge washing machine it took me a few days but I made an indestructible one made specifically for him the next step was fast and well I placed the device in the warp right under his lands the next moment mayhem broke loose as the device opened its door and then it started spinning as it sucked the land faster and faster as it cleaned it spiting it out as clean normal land on the other side as time went by his lands became neutral ones i dont desire them a few days during the cleaning a big fat ugly green thing was coming towords me who is on the device taking a nap joyfull nap he wa watching me with surprise and something resembling a grimes he atempted to clame his lands back but wenever he threw his infections deseases and viruses but the moment they tuched the normal land they burned out to nothingness he saw it he got more and more sad he recognised me he even understood that i am pissed off i atoped the mashine wen he was here then i suited myself up got a brass huck i used it to huck his belly mousth and thru him in his punishment room my device i shoved him there then i closed the door as he recognised the reson he was there in the first place i grinned next to me a camera was registraiting his plite i started my mashine and the screames started laud and pain writhen his uncleaned ones came to reschiu him ending up healed and fixed ending up becoming normal then i sent them to theyr homes and freands after that i showed cronoa the recording i ignited the device and myself with my purging flames to clense the outsed of the device and me then we wached the god of filfth and sloth well geting wat he deserves and wen i was satisfied I thru him out in the warp clean as a whistle then we went to ower bed and took a long nice nap together.