Chereads / in the multiverse as a dreamer[quazi -Haitus] / Chapter 133 - 133. There is something among us.

Chapter 133 - 133. There is something among us.

We woke up then we dressed up for the occasion then we used ower disguise tools to become unusable or just plain normal then we enterd the door and we exited in a ship then I closed the door I was in a white spacesuit as Cronoa was in purple  we walked and met with some guys  with different coloured space suits we were asked to meet in the control room there were around a dozen except is too they were talking due to us just appearing in the vessel they all looked at us we waved and responded to any other questions at the end of the questions we were accepted as temporary members there were 3 impostors by their knowledge nine crewmates and to visitors, they were given tasks and things they require of doing we hanged around the impostors due to ower unique ability's and the difference in the smells they emanate they were in split into teams one with to impostors and an impostor and a crewmate I went with the to impostors and Cronoa went with a couple of the impostor and crewmate one  we spent some days with them foiling the plans of the tree impostors the man atenpted to manipulate me mentaly since he was the parasite primery host and his wife was the secundary body host they had psihick like powers more dominant than the crewmates they had pasive ability's like exrmtra desistence to something or greater dexterity and such we too were suprised wen they played a video with us exiting out of nowere the crew mates discused and ower ansers and "presuation" made it quite easy for them to belive   anyway i got theyr genes for my colection they ate food transforming it inot biological energy wich makes theyr body's beter and more dangerous than the normal

T uh e girl could charm people as the guy had mind eater like abilities he attempted many times to learn from us the only thing he got from me was Cronoa over and over as wat he herds from her muscled over and over again he got dizzy from the edges of ower minds since he was incapable of going deeper they stayed and talked with us we spent a few days foiled some plans and then we showed them ower true forms they were gobsmacked at wen the too newcomers just broke the suit's they had made as their true forms were reviled a hybrid human goat and lion next to a normal-looking female with tentacle-like dreadlocks we then talked a bit with them answering some harmless questions, the last one was curious: What is a god to a non-believer I answered in return wat is a nonbeliever to a god who does not require faith power to survive I will answer you that they are just little assholes or nobody to bother with.

Then we walked through the door with a smirk on my face we arrived home took a bath and went to sleep.