We woke up and started preparing we got clothe ate and then we opened the door it was to a facility we were in ower human forms with a white lab coat each on ower left to shoulder the SCP Foundation logo and on the other a demon face with a halo on its head with blue tattoos on it we knocked on the door and then the intercom came to life and a monotone voice started taking.
Intercome: Name and identification.
Manuel: we came to visit doctor Buck we are outer universal agents we are here due to some unique circumstances that will not be helpful to know by your branch.
Intercome: Please wait until we send an escort team.
Manuel: make sure they are not armed if they are you're just going to lose some weapons got it.
After some minutes three fully suited guards only with the normal guns on their hips walked through the door and invited us in they took pictures of us with a camera they saw all my forms next to Cronoas true form they were posing around her in muscle man poses all my forms from my human to the one that is complete in height and power they looked closer to the foto then to the female she was admiring all my different forms as I was around her looking with care and love even if she was ogling the muscles of the different versions of myself the guy who took the picture was watching me then the picture then to her and then to the picture once again then he asked the others if they see what they see I and Cronoa saw the picture I made a copy of it for ower fridge they broth us to the sight director who started with some questions I talked while cronoa was napping while using her shadow flesh as a half bed half furniture they saw it coming from the ground and she just laid on them like it was normal the director eyed her for any suspicious actions regarding that she just used some anomalus powers he looked at ne and asked if she is my badigard or just a normal asosiate in response my nape bursted out in flames multicolored flames it spred slowly covering my lab coat ending up changing them into a black obsidian tetile that was soft as silk and dirable as adamintaite after wich i said my unique gift are the flames of the Alchemy God they allow me to change any material in any other as long as i know the alchemycal property and composition i can replicate it and shuch is my convineance ability hers is shadow flesh the moast versitile thing i know of it can be generated with suprisingly small amount of energy and can be used in so many ways i am aometimes jelos of them anyway we came to visit doctor Buck,
He got a hand on his eyes rubbing them then he pointed at us and asked kindly way wood you require for you too to not damage or cause any incidents during your visit here he took a look at the picture the guard took of us and then with a sigh he called for doctor Buck a dirty blond woman came through the door after a few minutes she was looking at a bored she asked what they require of her before seeing Cronoa covered in black tentacles and I in an obsidian material lab coat than a short black heard woman followed her they got introduced to us as we talked with them we left together with the too female doctors we were silent until we enterd a room where only the four of us were there she looked at me all three of them and the questions started I gave her some of my favourite gadgets and a summoning ticket if any world-ending scenario wood happen we helped her with some projects then we left after I ate some of the problematic scp's they were suprised wen my nouth turned into a maw and ate the indistinguishable liserd and some others i got a new god fragment the marble wight mask i then went from reality to reality eating all of them i got quite a few compleate gods ouls i asimilated all but one set that i gave to the one i have in my universe giving him his body and ability's back as the god of acting and truth we then returned home to sleep.