Chereads / in the multiverse as a dreamer[quazi -Haitus] / Chapter 113 - 113. Visiting a red alchemist.

Chapter 113 - 113. Visiting a red alchemist.

We woke up and we went to the kitchen getting ower food and such then we finished preparing as I made the void door we enterd and exited in a house we saw a kid that had a hand and a leg went he was crawling to a set of armour we did not interfere and saw how he made the armour alive I then took the soul in it and gave it a flesh like a symbiote bonded to the armour like an exoskeleton on a crab but with no inner organs only a coating on the interior of the armour the things he gets is a way to taste and feel the seal was kept as a precaution to its flesh being destroyed then I turned to the boy who fainted I fixed his limbs with some prosthetics not perfect but good enough when he will grow up I then looked at the mess of flesh and soul that was somehow alive I analysed it and started to restructure it she ended up as a teenager her mental health was quite compromised as such I made her into their sister since she is an atrificial creature made out of theyr flesh and theyr mothers i felt theyr conection to a energy or better said a inheretance i dont know from were and such but i made a copy it manifested as a door it slowly got corupted by my void power as the tree on it became an quadruple helix each one of them had a sfere representing one of my starting gifts a zerg larva a tenno insignia and last a strange  writhting forming a pentagram with my favorite mask on it a masked desined by me more exact wight and blue the wrighting was of my names and titles,  i saw a creature  made out of nothingness human shaped it looked around curiosily then it looked at me i was there a copy of my own to be more exact then we started talking about many things as my outer self wached them interact i ganed much information as i shared some that i had miself i moved the kid and the living armour to a corner then i gave the reborn girl i clothed her and intertwined theyr memories so she can live together with them , we then walked out of the home as we turned human we walked and serched for the fool who wood cause much damage to the world i took the sins the ones that were created untill now greed ,sloth, gluttony, were taken with ease i sealed theyr unique powers and then reforged theyr souls from fragments to complete ones i helped greed with his freands  then found the idiot who chose the robg way to be free i took him by his neck and fread all the souls then changing his vesal to handle his power then i made bodys for the sane souls that got extracted  and who desierd to live  then i  dressed them as needed i then released them i made shure there were no more artificial creations in the end i missed one envy i managed to get him in a few days i fixed his body like the others then sent him to his mother yes i did seale his ability like the others then i left them to theyr normal human lifes as theyr sins were not capable to afect theyr now rational minds then we left them to theyr devises i got wat i wanted a constant sorse of knolege that i didn't have and genes from a serthen family called strong arm and the rest of the alchemists then we left for home all this took a cuple months wen we arived home we took a shower and we wached some movies then we went to sleep.