Chereads / in the multiverse as a dreamer[quazi -Haitus] / Chapter 108 - 108.meeting the 108 heroes.

Chapter 108 - 108.meeting the 108 heroes.

We woke up and prepared than we ate with the family and friends then we dressed properly as we enterd a door we emerged in the middle of a battle between some guys and a big red and blue large guy when we exited the door they all looked at us we saw many humanoid animals alongside humans ish people with interesting characteristics the one who got my attention was a banana eating fat male that shoots stuff out of his eyes it was quite funny Cronin got interested by a guy with a funny hat and a bamboo sprout shutting staff like a gun or something all the humans having short feet the big bad, evil guy was ranting about how we dare interrupt him yadda yadda the next moment they all saw me pull a silver-gold bat the heroes got tensed up except the ranting guy they saw as I walked towards the enemy they have faced then they've seen the moment it hit him it enlarged and squashed him like a bug and the next moment he has fully healed and ready for the next hit the screams he was spewing were quite funny Cronoa was preparing one of her unique contraptions  made totally out of shadow flesh and slime after a few minites of being bitten to an inch of his life i thrue him in the contraption and enjoyed the show of every single inch of him geting slaped grabed and squeezed by the many black tentacles the hero's were quite suprised of ower tow actions on theyr worst enemy  some were covering theyr eyes as others were blushing and such to Cronoas contraption we kept sweaching the ways we hadled him untill he completely broke down mentaly as we finished him by sifening out all his energy's and recoding his body to be a normal broken human then the leader and some other came to us due to ower unique aperances we talked they were intresting i got a copy of each and evry species genes for curiosity's sake  we changed to mach the estetics of this land as we alsow  made mounts to fit us i got a lion goatquadrupedal and with limited inteligence simple mind maiking it simple to intertane and take kare of waile having grate amount of wisdom his intelect is just enoth to talk and reson wenever not following my comands we spent some time here waching eating and such we disciplined some fools then we left taking ower mounts with us and she made a purple spider she sat on its head it was a construct of her tentacles hardend into a exoskeleton with the inner tentacles as muccles anyway we enterd the dor, ariving in ower bedroom and after a nice shower we then took a nice nap.