We woke up and went for a stroll we exited my home its main room was also a chicken with a large sofa spaning all of it as a large table and some bean bags was spread around enough of them to make a nest for sleep if needed and the retractable table was a nice addition all the furniture was made with a fur cover as the insides of them were made by a very comfortable sponge-like substance after I checked the main room I went to the bathroom a small and cosy shower sink and place to hang my clothes in and the bedroom was made to perfection the walls were covered by a sponge substance as the flor was covered by a thick layer of a special matrice that regulated its temperature to help anybody sleep comfortably after I checked the roomes we decided to move in the home that was designed after my original home, it had a basement a second floor that was made into a storage place for curiosity's that are not that dangerous some metahumans decided to become roommates and maids I enjoyed the company of the immortals of any kind , we the equipted the full home with the anomalies that are used for storege an so on with a ticket on each and every one of them with theyr unique ability and detraments if i decided to place some after a few days of decorating the second floral and the balcony's they were atached to the bedroom and next to the dor after that we enterd the portal i opend wen we arived here i keep an eye on it if any mortals dare to enter it and some did after we finished ower decoration a litle girl enterd it she was quite cute she saw us she was curios and she walked towords me i was bare chested showing my fluffy glorious body my pants were loose as i walked with no foot-were no sandals no nothing well lets return to the litle intruder after a few moments of her ariving to me her mother came thrue the portal and saw her dother playing with a goat-male and a purple skined femeale she was wery but not to scared we chated with her we got aquinted then we walked thrue the portal on the other side was a replica of the hose a perfect replica if the colors were the same i wached a older woman smoking on the balcon next to the dor she was wuite suprised wen she saw me we chated a bit the i invited them to diner Cronoa talked with bowth of them as they are the food they spited out some black subsrance that they recognised as cigarete residue due to the smell of it they were capable to breath with greater ease the kid enjoyed the food all the same , wenever my food was ingested by anybody it will expell the bad substances out of the body and they gather in the intestine near the rear or they expel it from theyr mouth as a coff or more depending on the state of deterioration we talked after the food about the reson of the cof that made them expel that and that they will need to go to the bothroom soon the woman went first then the older woman the kid was last due to her playing with Cronoa that slowed her metabolism with her magic then cleanes the smell from the bathroom as she was with her mother , i saw my past self with my awearness he was striving leazely i kept my eyes on him and after that i placed a guardian so the story will go the proper way they saw us out after the nice day ended then we tow checked the planet for any threths , resolved them and then we walked to the portal and ended up home , i saw my way to the bedroom after i closed the portal yes i did live a anlomalus toy for the girl it kept its owner family and freands safe , wen we reached the bed room we sleaped for a bit of time.