We woke up and saw the cloud and the blue man, Cronoa stretched and saw the memory cloud seeing the dreams she and I had after a few minutes we saw the majority of it then we walked I read his note and provided him with access to the chicken but all he did was to take the food I prepared for him as I cook for all who are around when I am here the other times they cook for themselves and after the preparations are done with we enterd a portal we took a normal human form with ower tattoos becoming normal no glowing and such we waked and enjoyed the ower time we met a tall male and a lighter-dark-skinned female with a fang-like tooth she was building him as he acted like a wimp by my standards that is we passed by them they saw us and they both blushed due to the similar appearance we had Cronoa a head shorter than me chocolate colour skinned and black long hear and me a with brown hear light skin and handsome-ish face they flagged us down and they asked us questions we both enjoyed the interaction as they ware walking home but the meating derealed they walk home as we went and ate some icecream we didn't give them information thath may damage the perception of theyr reality and wen we left we walked a corner before them and enterd a portal maiching us dicepeare in theyr perception of things after that, we turned to ower base forms then we acentuaited the inhuman aspects of them as we walked we saw many different tipes of demons from imps to hellhounds alongside them siner's are alabundant , we walk end see the vew carnage and food i colected some demons for by amiusement then inhanced them and theyr powers after that i inplanted a hex-host-hive parasite so they are lioal to me and will not go against each other then me and Cronoa we saw a hotel jt had a big sign and writen on it was Hasbin Hotel or something similar wen we reached the dor we noked and a bubbly girl opend it one eyed short stick like limbs sharp teath and old clothing and and she bombarded us with questions during the chat a blond toller femeale next to a one eyed girl with a x were the second eye shood be the litle maid got interested and we managed to chat with the other too they introduced us to a spider like pervert , at the bar there was a cat-like-winged-poker-demon and the last was a strobery colored gentelman , wen he saw us he reacted differently then the others i think he felt ower true power as such we returned to ower normal base forms , and the others reacted in curiosity then we introduced ower selfs once gen as we took a sit on a sofa that got created by my flames of miriad colors that got uncoverd wen i took of my scarf yes i still were my blue scarf as its as useful as ever then a table formed before us and the other sofa got pushed to it with them on it i then aumoned food my creations to be exact and some unique alcohol for those who wanted some they were hesitant before due to my show of power and disrigard of showing it Alastor was calm Angel was focust on the food due to its unique aperence as Charlie and Vaggie ware caucios Nifty and Husk were enjoying the food and drinks , we then started to chat calmly and the tensin on the cast lowerd as we got druncked and such wen all was done Nifty alongside me cleaned the room then i asked for a room for me and Cronoa to rest for a waile not as long as usual a nice ahort nap of a day then we were intercepted by Angel dust he flirted with bowth of us as he did that he got captured by Cronoa and plaid with and wen done he was bone tiered he was waterd and fed by nifty after wich he took a long nap well for him at least they got suprised wen they saw him finishing his fun with cronoa during the play of my partner me and Alastor ware taking a nice walk i took a similar suit to himself waile keaping my bracers on the outside but the suit had no sleaves to not bother the bracers functions they transformed into a staff like cane we walked and ended up ariving at bucher then we visited a zone were no one was around he then stored his meat and we comenced a spar i enjoyed it due to his uncapability of actualy damaging me in any way or form we didnt go far thrue it after he was half way exosted and me at almoast full power we cleaned ower clothes and returned to the hotel as i prepered a second meal then i and Cronoa bed them adew and left with they goodbyes i placed some runes on her hotel so it will be a bit more resilient agents angel attacks/purges and so on then a portal opend as they saw my world well just a glimce they felt the god aura from inside and some follen on theyr asses and others were shoked then we waved goodbye as the portal closed up and we prepered to take a nice night of sleap we didnt even close a eye there we just cudeld for that twelve howers as we wached some movies .