Chereads / in the multiverse as a dreamer[quazi -Haitus] / Chapter 49 - 49.Playing games with the holders.

Chapter 49 - 49.Playing games with the holders.

After we gave the new sigils attached to stuff we gave them to followers of the four gods knowing that all their races will get their hands on them and after some analysis from each species some got enthralled by the power they hold, after the first day some humans gained some of my stuff and my partners the reaction between the two of them was surprisingly fun the green skins found some of my sords and called them choppers but when they grabbed them their colour started to go from green to pale wight and their minds started to develop and grow but kept their unique thinking pattern but due to the greater smarts they survived with more ease they got the nickname of blade boys due to their sharp weapon and minds when the blue skins found the reliks of my partner they got surprised as they bodyes got enhanced and more pleasant to look at Slaanesh liked the change but her gifts did  not affect them anymore just like my gifts the propaganda became a lot more interesting due to the female and male becoming more human-like but with more sex appeal and some that ganed the favor of Cronoa ware gifted her mane ability but dulled down of shadow flesh control and generation they became more lewd but fun in the same time , some robotic race captured some of my stuf and got taken over by them giving them flesh and life once more but wen that happend the others started to analise them and went on a hunting spree for ower cursed/bessed stuf , man kind found some of ower stuff and wen the effects ware revealed they lerned of us , wenever more then seven of ower items got together with or without hosts they ganed a chance to get a wish from us then those items lost theyr effect but if they use the wish properly they can get the wepons permanently and eternal , after some figured that out we got many subordonets well the fulish ones with low levels of cleverness i places some of them on wish granting duties with that i came to grant wishes only wen i desierd same with Cronoa , some time laiter the eldari of bowth sides went after ower stuff like bees to hony due to the soul saving capabilities of them ,  by sending theyr souls to me or my partner as we dont like eating souls they became ower happy minions and helpers depending on theyre preference the dark ones to me and the light ones to her wenever they made theyr wishes we made contracts so if any wealder of ower items die with sed item in possession theyr souls are sent to me or her ,slanesh was very displeased wen he didnt get to feed on the souls of them , i gave her a good reson to not anoy me after his fit of dispejure , the strongest of the man kind found themselfs wenever sleaping apearing in my inner world as solgiers to survive and grow stronger as such wen they woke up the reports confused theyr superiors and they got  gatherd up tested and recruted in one team the next night they woke up close to each other in the other world and made a rudimentary hose and started to find the wild life that was as deangerus or more then themselves, as time went by they found that there is a sistem active in the dream world as they call it after they woke up one of them tested if they had still the sistem and it still was there he sored the information as such a soecial team was made to explore this new world they found the percs of the world and made contact with my army and the rival ones as such they lerned of the energy found in this world they split in teams of to or more and lerned of the energy and theyr benefits , wen they woke the power they exiuded intrested the reserchers as such wenever they ware sent on misiones and used those new powers they found out that other species ganed similar powers and so on a new fight started , Cronoa took a similar yet difrent branch as such wenever my and hers item wilders met combat was at a low level really low and they usualy temed up due to the anty warp proprietys of them , as they call them , we spent power but the reson the other chaos gods ware plaied with so ease , is they are using the surfes level of the warp but due to my tenno powers i have the deps of the warp are my home and power , as such i can control the surfes level with so much ease that they canot compare , we apent some more time here after that we met the fragment left by the order chaos god and revived it and bave him ower hose to take kare of and help man kind only if they are at the ege of a disaster and such on , we enterd my universe once more and took a good rest , we left some demons to keep the wish granting scheme for recruiting fulls and smart ones.