Chereads / in the multiverse as a dreamer[quazi -Haitus] / Chapter 27 - 27.Gathering some innocent and guilty souls.

Chapter 27 - 27.Gathering some innocent and guilty souls.

After some time on the second living planet under my belt, I opened a portal and saw a grinning sun I pulled my bat and asked her to go in her human form we walked together to the largest building in this city we saw many interesting people strange clothes and such when we ware close to the gate I and my partner saw tree people a male with black hair, and two females dressed similarly yet different I was in my human form dressed in my fluffy full body mummy straight jacket and my partner was shaped as a female teenage girl with silver clothes and silver tattoos all over her normal looks, the kid stopped me because I was never seen before along with my partner I didn't speak and he took me for an enemy after he attacked me I wielded my partner as her bat form and bit him a lesson to attack without any act of hostilitie I left my partner to walk for a bit as my scarf moved the tree idiots in my wake along the way four more kids attempted to stop me a guy with ninja wepon partner and a clasic death reapper duo bowth a male and a femeale each group the kids ware easier to combat agents than expected they fainthed wen i personally noked them out due to the ability of my partner they got caried with me the same with my blue scarf that kooked like afiing net with seven people intangeld in it the wepons back in theyre human forms wen i reached thecore roomi saw a wite masked individual looking at me as e exited the coridor with seven of his students we spoke untill they wake up after they saw me and the principal and king of theyre city they asked the principle to punish me for entering without permission in his inspiration and yada yada i asked him for a spar agents him with my partner and him with his after some time a red head man in a suit enterd the room and we atarted the fight but it took only seven hits for bowth of them to kell over and surender due to the pain my partner broth to them after the first hit on the masked man his masked started to change became more intricate and expresive after wich i asked him for a teacher position with special permision for hunting dangerous individuals wenever i need to go on my litle jurnies after he made me a special sports teacher i beat all the wimps into shape and if a parent complaned without any power to apose me i beet them to with my silver bat , she enjoyed my new job more then me i did wath it needed to be done to teach them and forge a stronger bond thrue mutually broth suffering from my bat and teachings and fighting practice wenever i used a normal yet olmoast indistinguishable bat like my partner they lerned to distinguish between things and be alloweis alert and wen they went on the misions i took my leave to hunt a cuple of the strongest individuals of theyre world for theyr souls and knolege first was medusa then the spider laidy and her minions and lastly the skinned guy , it was easy to subdue them then transfer theyr knolege and powers to my Hex waile i deliverd theyr souls to the mask one the time spent there was fun i helped a kid get better by changing his wepon parasite with pain discipline they sufferd together they got along together eliminating evry last trace of medusa was easier wen she became of my Hex after that we went to anather world were is famed for its souls as such i sent my hex home and went to it , i apeard in a toomb with a black mark on were my hart shood be i saw a gate in front of me so i broke it open and stsrted my slother and gathering of souls and companions as i went thru this world i saw many sane people i made them follow me and i  gave them purpess after i killed all the lords of darkness and and gathering theyr souls i keept going wreking any bariers and limitations i took the bank of theyre world with me for fun wen they asked for me to take a brake i saved all the sane ones and eliminated all the insane ones gaining the souls of all the strong ones i purified them and asimilated them for my soul growth gaining theyr powers modified due to my body i healed them of theyr ealements and as we reached the last fight the son joined me to defeath his father i made a way to him and we killed him i feed on his soul and ganed the powers of the flames , humanity ,death the more usefull ones i got all the forging flames and made some copies giving the blacksmiths a copy of them after i gatherd all the ones that ware capable to be saved i moved them on my living planet to live in happynes and teach theyr powers to the inhabitants, i enjoyed theyr gobsmaked aperence wen i returned to my base form the sun god saw the sun and the other changed individuals due to the happenings in theyr former universes after they got used to theyr new world i returned and helped that universe to get its new begining by testing my moast distructive powers and skills after doing that i returned home for a brake .