The room inside, or rather the throne room was kind of large. It was bigger than what I'd seen in Alfeime and Helsing.
Moreover, there were rather big people inside this room. And here I thought Dwarven nobility looked like humans.
Boy was I wrong. Because every single one was a giant of sorts.
"Welcome, Lord Daarc Green."
The man on the throne, the king was probably the largest and basically, he was still seated. He greeted me fairly politely and the nobility around him bowed their heads a bit as did the soldiers. Technically I was the guest, so I had to bow.
And I was about to bow out of courtesy when Alisa all of a sudden stood in front of me. I had a bad feeling about this.
"It would seem Dwarven Royalty are nothing but rude imbeciles."
Wait, what the hell did she just say?
She glanced back at me a second later and winked.
Well, this wasn't going to end well.