"I'm his disciple. I was sent to you by him."
It felt really weird to say that. Then again, could I have really counted myself a disciple?
Didn't matter now, cause I already said it anyway.
"Say, what? That geezer? A disciple? Hmm?" He looked over me, examined me, and a second later. "I guess appearances could be deceiving-" He closed his eyes and a second later I felt bloodlust. A sword flew straight for my eye in an instant as he slowly but surely got up. It seemed slow as adrenaline pumped but I knew for a fact he wasn't slow.
I was always carrying a second sword on my hip and it didn't take much effort to bring it up and block him- but just barely. I was really, really glad I practiced with Joanne- otherwise, I could have never been able to block that.