Chereads / Fairytales doesn't exist / Chapter 6 - Chapter 6 - I need magic

Chapter 6 - Chapter 6 - I need magic

Luella grinned as she thought of magic. She was put into bed after seeing the magic tricks that was shown by Elly.

Mary said that using magic around the princess is fine but it might be too dangerous both for the baby and the maid because the magic may hurt Luella and at the same time that could be a death sentence to Elly for hurting and harming a royal's body.

Luella looked at the ceiling as she stretch her tiny body, She smile and thought that Mary is such a worry wart.

(Magic is cool and all but these kinds of things usually depends on the magic and the caster compatibility.)

(It would suck if i am actually scared of my own powers so i would like to have something that i could control, Not that i could choose anyways) Luella thought.

In the story Facade, There are five types of magic affinities.

Fire - usually waved by the Ember people. They control the destructive and powerful fire. They can also control Lava and if they train even harder...They can control any person's bodily heat. They are considered as the most destructive and powerful affinity.

Wind - These are waved by people that came from the Celestia Kingdom, People that have this affinity have wings and can fly. They can control wind and if they train even harder they can control the illusion magic.

Earth - This affinity are for the Terra people, They can control the land and the plants. If they upgrade themselves, They can whisper and order animals or even monsters what they wish for.

Water - Water is used by the Thallasia or Aquatic people, When their magic manifested shiny and gem looking scales grow under their eyes, These helps them breathe and swim faster under water. They can heal themselves and other people and control water and if they try to train more they can control ice, This element usually is considered as the weakest affinity.

Light - Light magic can only be inherited if you are a son or daughter of a royal. This proves that you are a descendant of the great Sol and Lia. People that have this power usually blessed with divine protection which heightens every physical attribute you have. People that can use Light magic can control Lightning and Holy Magic and if they upgrade their magic, They can even work and make miracles.

(...Hmm, If i remember correctly there are hidden black magic that was introduced in the story too- but i doubt i can even access that.)

(If i think about this logically, I will get either Light or Water since my father is a royal and my mother is a Thallasian. It would be nice if i get Light but having Light magic means you have all the attention of the people which...I'd rather not have if im trying to do something dangerous such as leaving the Ansley Estate and saving Cain.)

She groaned at the thought of being popular and having all of her plans blocked because people keep on intervening. Luella frowned and look at her hands.

(But water... Hmm, Water is fine but it is considered as the weakest element. Which if im going against people like my father, I would definitely will end up dead.)

Luella shook her head and sighed.

(Nothing will change if i keep on pondering about things. I can't choose either way let's just think about it when we already have powers.)

(The thing is... What should I do in order to get them early? As far as i know, Magical powers are usually manifested when the child turns at the age 12)

Her brows furrowed and try to recall the story, Luella remembered that magical powers are attained when you do some training, normally kids are being taught about magic when they turn 10 because it is believed that it was the proper age for a child to mentally understand and physically manage magic and mana.

10 years.....

Luella shook her head. She thought that waiting for 10 years is too long. She is not even sure if she is still alive and well at that time. The Duke is considered as wild and impulsive. So her life might be in danger anytime the duke is in the estate.

Luckily, Duke Ansley, her father didn't visited her after her mother died.

Mary and the other maids are concerned about Luella not having her father's love and attention but for the girl it is perfect. The farther her father is from her the farther she is from danger.

Luella slowly tries to get up and reach the edge of her crib.

(...I need more information about magic, In the book they didn't really focus at explaining things like how they are acquired or how did the characters trained. It is focused on the romance aspects so recalling things in the book is probably not helpful.)

(...Hmmmm, I would like to go to the library but Mary would definitely freak out when she found out that im not here.)

She looked at the shelves at the left corner of her room.

(Oh? That's where maids put the books that Mary read to me. Looks like the shelves were replenished, Hmmm. I doubt that there will be anything about magic but sometimes children stories have real historical facts in it. It's better than nothing.)

"G-Gwuah" Luella struggled as she finally is standing up. Her knees were shaking so she hug the edge of the crib to prevent her from falling.

(I seriously need to grow up and escape this feeble infant body of mine.)

She was weak and shaking but manage to throw a pillow under her crib. She look at it and thought if whether the pillow is enough to catch her while not breaking her neck.

She sighed.

(Another one for my peace of mind.)

She throws another pillow on top of the other pillow that she threw earlier.

(Okay! Ready!) She smiled then shakily climb her crib. Her baby hands slipped from the edge of the crib and out of fear she closed her eyes.



(Huh? Am I....Floating?)

"Princess!" A concerned and loud voice echoed through the room.

Luella slowly opened her eyes, (Who the f&ck-) , She thought and looked at where the voice came from.

She blinked and dropped her jaw. A boy, that looked like he is around 11 or 12 years old, with pink bright hair and a pair of golden eyes dashed to her.

His warm eyes looked so worried. He looked around and tries to think what should he do.

He shook his head and slowly and carefully carried Luella.

(....A...Fairy? No no no, Fairies.. doesn't exist in this world... but who?) Her eyes spakled.

(He...He is so handsomeeeeee!)

Luella squeaked as the handsome boy carried her.

"Maids! Where are the maids?! Mary?!! Maryyy!" He loudly said and tries to go to the door.

And because of that Luella jolted.

(No! No! Mr. Fairy! Don't call for Mary! Waaaaaaa!)

She tries to tap the boy's chest.

"F-Fwuah! Goo! Gwwuah!" Luella desperately made noises because she can't speak.

(Don't call Mary! Huhu! Just put me on my crib!)

The boy froze and looked at Luella.

"I-I'm sorry princess... D-Did I startled you?" He whispered.

"Sorry, Sorry! I-I'm not mad... I'm friendly, I'm friendly" He repeatedly said with a caring and low voice as he slowly rocks her trying to calm the fidgeting princess.


(Curse babies and their inability to express what they want..)

Luella thought and just gives up the thought of struggling.
