Chereads / Path to Eternity / Chapter 96 - Chapter 96

Chapter 96 - Chapter 96

Carnage sat on the seat across from Bruce, remembering the last dinner he had with the Justice League. A smile appeared on his face as he formed a plan.

"Hello, Bruce Thomas Wayne. Long time no see." Carnage said, folding his arm and placing his legs on the table like it was his home.

Hearing his full name, Bruce stiffens up. He immediately drew the gun on his gun he hid under the table, pointing it at Carnage. Diana pointed her palm at Carnage, which opened up and started charging up a beam.

He gave Carnage a blank look, his fingers going closer to the trigger. "How did you find that name!?"

Carnage expected a reaction, but not one this strong. He has already fully explored the orbital Island in space using his x-ray and telescopic vision, and what he found was surprising. Contrary to those living on earth, everyone living on the Island was all full organic humans. Not only that, he found the wanted hologram with Bruce's face on it.

"You are hiding from the federation in your little underground base like a rat in its burrow." Carnage smirked, "Do you really think you would be able to hide here forever?"

Bruce shot the gun, but Carnage moved his head slightly right, dodging it. This surprised Bruce as he quickly gave a signal, Diana firing a blue beam. The beam blasted through Carnage's head, blood and gore splattering around the area. Diana was about to sigh in relief, but a new head slowly regenerated on the body. Jumping back from his seat, Bruce's heartbeat quicken at the sight of this.

"What the fuck are you!!?" Bruce shouted as Diana placed her hand together, forming a cannon.

"100% Death Cannon!" Diana shouted, releasing the beam.

The beam disintegrated Carnage's body as it kept going for miles. She stopped the beam after some seconds, leaving a lava path. The wall behind Carnage had a hole that went on for miles, the earth turning into lava due to the heat from the beam. In front of them, the head slowly regenerated. Carnage smiled at them as if this was nothing.

"Assult mode!" Dian shouted, multiple guns coming out from her body as she shot a barrage of beams at Carnage's head.

This caused an earthquake on the surface, collapsing multiple skyscrapers. Barry jumped down the now decimated elevator, seeing Diana in her assault mode. He was about to land on the lava path, but a rocket came out of his legs, propelling him away.

"What's going on here!?" Barry shouted, walking forward. "You caused a freaking earthquake!"

"Tell the other members to retreat. No one is to come down here." Bruce shouted, looking over to Barry.

"Okey?" Barry said, narrowing his eyes at Carnage. "All members retreat." He said, staring at Diana, still in her assault form.

"Are you guys done?" A calm voice came, drawing all their attention. There Carnage stood, fully regenerated and now in a black suit.

"What the hell are you?" Diana finally spoke, all the guns charging beams.

"I am the new creation of the federation. Immortal no.1." Carnage smiled, fixing his suit. "Now, can we speak like a normal 'human'..."

"Assult mode, God Killer!" Diana said, her guns retreating. As she was about to transform, Bruce snapped, her body reverting to her normal self.

Bruce hesitated before saying, "Let's talk, but not here." He began to walk toward the lava waterfall, glancing at Diana. "Barry, tell Cyborg to cover every trace of us being here." Carnage followed, with Diana glaring at him, walking beside him. As he approached the waterfall of lava, it parted way, revealing a passage.

They all walked in, the waterfall of lava closing behind them. Seeing this, Carnage smiled. His plan had worked. Due to him not being able to intimidate them with his speed, he thought of another way. Using his regeneration. He could have regenerated his body in less than a second, but the intimidation would be more effective when it is slow. Although this little stunt did destroy his second skin, he could always create a new one. He was surprised his second skin couldn't handle the heat. He was lucky he threw a two off his finger away, or else he would be regenerating back in his Earth.

The hallway was a long stone pathway, beside each side of the pathway being a pool of lava. 'Why does this man love lava so much.' Carnage thought, squirming in discomfort. Although, for unknown reasons the heat isn't enough to hurt anyone, just being next to a fire source without his second skin isn't something he likes.

After walking for some while, they passed through another pathed waterfall of lava, entering a different wide room with a high ceiling. The room was like a peninsula but circular, and instead of water surrounding it on three sides, it was lava. In the center of the peninsula was a large semi-circle computer screen with one seat. Bruce sat on the seat, turning to face Carnage. He crossed his legs, a frown appearing on his face.

"First. What are you exactly?" Bruce asked.

"Like I already said, I am a creation of the federation from Alpha projet 12. Created to regenerate from all injuries inflicted on me, even total obliteration. Strong enough to blow a hole through the moon with one serious punch. I am the federation's strongest weapon." Carnage Bragged, a smug smile on his face. "Although I was sent down to get you, I need something else."

Bruce stared at Carnage, multiple thoughts running through his mind. "What do you need." He finally asked.

"Simple. I need to get back into the Aerehold. Secretly." Carnage answered, noticing Bruce's expression going dark. Aderhold is the name floating Island in space.

"It sounds like you our help with that." Diana sneered, folding her arm.

"Yes, I do." Carnage smiled, looking over to Diana.

"What is your reason for going back in secret? And how would I be able to help you with that?" Bruce asked, leaning forward.

"My reason is mine alone to know." Carnage replied, "And how you will help me get inside will be super easy, barely an inconvenience."

Seeing how he didn't want to state his reason, Bruce deiced not to prey further and asked the most important question. "How?"

A grin slowly formed on Carnage's face, causing a shiver to run down Bruce's back. "You both turn yourselves in."

Everything went silent as Bruce and Diana struggled to understand what he just said. "You mean to tell me, we have to turn ourselves for YOU to enter Aderhold without being noticed?" Diana asked, earning a nod from Carnage. Seeing his response, a tight lip smile forming on her face. "You must be joking. Why would we do that?"

"Either way, I can turn you both in then find another way to fulfill my plans." Carnage said, letting out a chuckle, causing Diana to clench her fist. "One way or the other, you will be going back to Aderhold. But the benefit of the first choice is you will have me, The immortal No.1, on your side. After my mission is completed, I would free you, and you can continue doing whatever the fuck you were doing. I don't care."

Bruce stayed quiet. His attention focused on Carnage. He doesn't trust this man in front of him one bit. For all he knows, Carnage would complete his mission and leave them to the federation. But then again. If he refuses, the federation would be alerted, and he would be taken in. As much as he is confident in his creation, his gang, and Diana, there was no way they could fight them. Not to count these immortals they just created, the Federation also has one last weapon.

The Man of Steel.

"How would you get in if we turn ourselves in?" Bruce asked, folding his arm. Diana was about to say something, but a glance from Bruce shut her up.

"I have the second ability to teleport to those who I mark. An ability which the Federation doesn't know about. Just send me a signal, and I will teleport to you." Carnage lied.

All he was going to do is place a piece of skin on them, and when they send the signal, obliterate his body and regenerate from that piece of skin. After some tests, he found out that his regeneration prioritizes the body parts closer to where he 'dies.' Unless a couple of miles is longer than a dimensional gap, of course.

"I want to know. What did you do that was so important to the federation? I was born yesterday, so I don't know much." Carnage asked, his curiosity getting the best of him.

Bruce found it weird that they didn't implant such information into Carnage's brain but shrugged it off as a misproduction. "The blueprint to creating one of the strongest weapons in existence," Bruce answered, spinning his chair to face the computer. After some quick typing, a blueprint appeared on the screen. Bruce had no reason for hiding it from Carnage. Sooner or later, he will know everything. Besides, no one can understand the blueprint other than him since he wrote it in another language.

Carnage walked forward to look at the blueprint on the screen, Diana following quietly behind him. Carnage quickly scanned the blueprint, finding it amazing. It was the instructions on how to create a being capable of evolving by absorbing technologies. It would be able to control any technology on earth no matter where it was and have access to every knowledge of Earth.

'It will be able to create a being similar to Cyborg and the now-deceased Felicia. Though at a worse state.' Carnage speculated, scanning the blueprint closely. 'It would be good for hosting the Mother Box, but it needs an organic being as its base form. This is something I don't want. It is still useful, so I will be taking every data they have on it back with me. If the speedster I am after needs this so much, why don't he time travel again and take it. Is something blocking him?'

Bruce inspected Carnage's attentiveness to the blueprint, a weird feeling coming over him. "Do you understand the words writing here?"

"Hmm? Of course. It is Chinese." Carnage said, still inspecting the language. 'Good thing I learned Mandarin before coming here. It sure comes in handy. Talking about learning Mandarin, I should learn every language when I get back.'

Hearing Carnages responds Bruce's eyes became dilated. He quickly turned off the computer before casually fixing his suit. "Let's talk about the plan, shall we."