Chereads / Path to Eternity / Chapter 89 - Chapter 89

Chapter 89 - Chapter 89

"We will get to that," Batman reassured, looking at the door behind Carnage as multiple maids came through with trays.

They arranged it on the table before quickly leaving. Everyone started eating in silence, except C-1. Though the food may be poisoned, Carnage is confident in his immunity. While eating, he inspected the room in more detail and all the secret rooms in the Mansion. Scanning the building, he noticed one room that blocked his x-ray vision, which was the lowest room in the skyscraper. Taking note of this, he moved on with his scan.

While Carnage was inspecting the building, the Justice League members were inspecting him. To them, he looked like his normal self, just more organized, sitting on the table and quietly eating the food in front of him. Even with Superman's x-ray, he wasn't able to see anything amiss with Carnage. Seeing how calm he is, they suspected it must be because of the unknown girl he calls his daughter. Due to C-1 massive change in appearance, Superman wasn't able to recognize her. Although Batman did, he decided to stay silent.

Dropping his fork and spoon, Superman leaned forward before asking, "So Carnage, who is the mother of your daughter?"

"Made her in a lab." Carnage casually replied as he continued eating.

This shocked everyone except Batman, who already knew a lot about C-1, and Cyborg, who looked through all the surveillance footage of Carnage's old mansion. Although there weren't any in his labs, the cells had many.

"Oh, I see." Wonder Woman muttered, looking over to C-1, who still haven't touched her food. "So she doesn't have a mother?"

"Uh-huh." Carnage confirmed, taking a mouthful of food.

The table went back silent, no one knowing how to get to the main topic of today's dinner.

After some minutes, C-1 suddenly raised her phone from her phone and looked around the table. With a deadpan expression, she said, "I just noticed something. On this table, only Me, Wonder Woman, and Shazam have parents. Batman and Flash's parents were killed when he was young. Cyborg parents died due to the explosion during the invasion. Green Lantern's mother died from cancer and father from an assident flying. Superman's parents died on a planet exploding. And Father parent was killed by him. Isn't that amazing how all your parents are dead?"

Hearing this, Shazam almost choked on his food as Carnage burst into hysterical laughter. "That's true. Though Wonder Woman will soon be losing hers." He shouted in between laughter, holding his stomach.

Carnage's statement caused the Justice League members to tense up as they all looked toward him.

"Can you repeat that!?" Wonder Woman asked, her body shaking as she stared intensely at the laughing Carnage.

"You are all able to live more than thousands of years. When I find the location of the Amazonians, it will be a blood bath. Just saying." Carnage causally said, with a shrug, looking directly at Wonder Woman, whose jaw was clenched. "Though I doubt I will be able to scratch Zuse, I should be able to kill the Amazonian."

Wonder Woman reached toward her sword on her waist and drew it. Pushing her chair back, she dashed past C-1 and struck Carnage's neck. Just then, Superman disappeared from his spot and appeared between them, grabbing her sword.

"We are not here to fight. Stand down." He commanded, looking into her eyes.

Superman took one look at Carnage, who went back to eating, like nothing just happened, before leading her back to her seat. He then sat beside her, only one seat between C-1 and him. She looked at him, then at Carnage, before going back to her phone.

"Do you know this speedster?" Cyborg blurted out, a 3d protection shooting out his eyes to the middle of the table. It showed a 10 feet tall blue-scaled monster.

"Oh, that guy." Carnage mumbled, gaining the attention of everyone, especially Batman.

"So?" Cyborg impatiently asked.

"Well, it is all thanks to our, not fast enough Scarlet speedster, here. He traveled through time, trying to make things, how should I put this... Yes, right. He tries to make thing right, but end up making it worse" He keeps eating his steak as he points his fork to Bruce "This is pretty good Bruce. Who knew I would like human food."

His answer confused everyone as they looked toward Flash, shooting him a questioning look. Flash quickly shook his head, knowing what their question was. "I didn't time travel. Trust me."

Batman shot a dark, silent look at Carnage as he shrugged, swallowing what was in his mouth. "Basically that blue creature is a time wraith of a different level. It causes Havoc in exchange for the damage any speedster causes to the timeline. When a speedster time travels to change something in the past, the thing will come to the exact spot in the present to destroy it. After flash time traveled more than 10 times in less than a day, that thing was created. Good for you, Barry. You fucked up."

The table went silent again as everyone processed what he just said. If what Carnage said was true, then the explosion that took out a large portion of the US was Flash fault. He indirectly caused the death of millions.

"When did you time travel, Barry?" Green Lantern asked, wishing that Barry didn't time travel and Carnage were lying. Just the thought of Barry, his best friend, being the indirect cause of the best of millions scares him.

Barry was silent, all attention focused on him. "I-I time-traveled to try to save Cisco and Killer Frost." Barry mumbled, his voice cracking.

'Huh... That works.' Carnage smirked inwardly, taking a bite from the food.

"You cost the lives of millions just to save two people!?" Wonder Woman shouted, shooting up from her seat. She glared at Barry, clenching her fist. "How greedy are you!!!"

"Tell me about it." Carnage mumbled, wanting to escalate the augment a little more.

"Carnage, shut up! Why don't you look at yourself? You killed, tortured, and ruined the lives of millions. Why don't you show a piece of remorse for the lives!?" Green Lantern shouted, a green glow appearing around his body.

Carnage stayed silent for a while as C-1 muscles tensed. "How should I put this? Hmm..." Carnage mumbled, hitting his fork on the plate. "I got it. Let's think of it this way. When you go outside and step on a pile of ants, do you feel any remorse for the ants?"

Carnage question struck the nerve of everyone, a Shazam finally spoke. "Well, he does have a point." Shazam agreed, earning the glares of the Justice League members. "I am just saying that to him, humans are nothing but ants so when he kills them, it is the same as humans stepping on ants."

"Exactly." Carnage smirked, dropping his fork. "Humans are ants as ants are ants for them. They are nothing to me. If I kill a billion tomorrow, I will forget about it the next day. Which is something, seeing as I have perfect memories."

"You guys are just people, feeling pity for the humans and decided the become 'heroes.' Just like Flash here, you all don't care if they die when the time comes. You are just like me, but trying your best to hold on to the remaining of your humanity. You are all devils in angel clothing."