Chereads / Path to Eternity / Chapter 73 - Chapter 73

Chapter 73 - Chapter 73

As Carnage was about to run off to feast, a voice came from behind him. "Rick... just stay here and protect my *grunt* body...."

"Whatever that energy is, it is eating you from the inside out. You are going into cardiac arrest. The energy is racing up your spinal cord and in less than a minute, your entire body will be corrupted." Carnage said, activating his x-ray vision and scanning Felicia's body. "The chance of you surviving is less than 1%. You will die." Carnage said with no sense of sympathy in his voice.

"Computer, initiate protocol 78." Felicia said in a pained voice, ignoring Carnage's remarks. Her robotic arm started expanding to slowly cover her entire body in a cocoon.

"...Her right arm was made out of Nano-tec. How advanced are her technologies compared to Earth? Even Mars don't have mastery in Nano-Machines." Carnage muttered, using his x-ray vision to look at what was happening inside. It seems like protocol 78 was a backup system that helps with operations and also repairing lost or damaged tissues using nano-tech and Promethium skin glands. "Damn... This is what I mean by advanced technology. Should I also focus on technology science instead of only biochemistry?"

*SKkKKkkkRREEeEeEEee!* A loud ear-pricing sound came from above him, drawing his attention.

There, he saw hundreds of those aliens flying towards them. Grinning, spread his hands wide open before bringing them hard together, a loud sonic boom echoing from it. Glass for miles shattered as the creatures were sent flying back. Red lightning flickered around his body as he started running in circles, throwing red lightning bolts at the flying creatures. He didn't try to aim the lightning bolt because seeing as their body was made of some kind of alloy, it will be conductive so aiming was not needed.

Some of them managed to escape his barrage of lightning bolts, reaching him and attempting to grab him. Carnages stopped running and grabbed the one that was trying to grab him, throwing it at the others.

"I can't fight them in close combat. Their explosion can be a real pain." Carnage said, a tail growing from his tail bone. "Though, I won't be needing to."

The tail was a long, around 10 feet, flexible appendage with a pointy tip, bones covering the tip to make it even sharper. The tail bone shot forward and priced one of them through its head before throwing it at the other. It exploded, killing the others, and his tail wrapped around one of their head, crushing it. Carnage calmly folded his arm, letting his tail do all the work. After more than thirty seconds, movements finally came from Felicia.

Looking back, he saw the Nano-tech cocoon around her collapsing into themselves, transforming into a hulking robotic humanoid figure, standing 7 feet, with only one huge circular red eyes on its head and blue veins pulsing through it. Lifting its right arm to face the creatures, it transformed into a plasma gun, a large plasma beam shooting out and instantly disintegrating all the remaining of them.

"Interesting." Carnage said, the tail slowly entering his body. "So how do you feel?"

"I don't feel good. My whole body hurts." With a hint of Felicia's old voice, a female robot voice came out of the robotic being as she held her head. "Too much information. Make it stop!"

"I can't do anything." Carnage said, using his x-ray vision to look into her. None of her human body was remaining except her brain. The other parts of her body were made of complex technologies like the boxes when he tried to look into them and her brain became a supercomputer. "You became a cyborg."

"I know that!" Felicia shouted, grabbing her head and staggering back. "Please shut up! I am trying to process what the fuck is going on in my head."

"You are getting braver with your tongue, but I guess anyone will become braver when they get a little bit of power." Carnage said, using his x-ray vision to look for any weakness. 'None I can see, though her brain looks like the motherboard of everything going on in her body so that must be it.'

They stood in silence as Felicia tried to sort out her new form while Carnage kept looking through her body. "Parademons and they serve the New God Darkseid. Their commands are to locate inhabitable worlds, harvest organic material, process organic material. repurpose organic material, and lastly, for Darkseid. Interesting."

"This Darkseid guy, is he an actual God?" Carnage asked, getting more curious. "If Darkseid is a God, what will happen to him if I eat him?" Mumbling the last part.

"Don't overestimate yourself. In his true form, he will squash you as you do to ants." Felicia said as her body started twisting and morphing before transforming into 6 feet humanoid female cyborg with her primary color being dark blue and with some silver. "I don't like this form."

[Again, I don't know how to describe her current form well enough, so here is her image.]

"At least you survived." Carnage said, looking at the sky where the Parademons were flying. "Where did they come from?"

"Apokolips, an ecumenopolis with burning firepits, ruled by the despot Darkseid," Felicia said, a protection screen appearing in front of her showing Carnage a red burning planet. "This is it."

"You sure know a lot now." Carnage said, looking at the protection.

"I have nearly Omni-knowledge. Nearly because I only have access to all the knowledge of the New Gods and nothing else. If there is something the New-Gods don't know, I won't also know. I also lost some knowledge during my transformation, for example, how to open a Boom Tube." Felicia said, pointing her right hand at a Parademon flying towards them, 3 shots coming out three of her fingers, in a triangle pattern, killing the Parademon. "I will need to absorb another Mother Box."

"Mother Box? Those things I found?" Carnage asked, grabbing a Parademon and throwing it at another one, both of them exploding.

"Yes." Felicia said as she went to earth internet to look for a Mother Box that didn't turn into a wormhole for the Parademon.

"So Felicia, whose side are you on?" Carnage asked, his eyes turning cold as red lightning flashed around his body.

"I am still on your side. Our deal is still on. You protect me and I provide you with my endless information." Felicia said, looking into Carnage's red eyes with her red eyes. "I am also fitted for combat, but I am not really into combat. I rather stay where it is safe and have you protect me."

Carnage kept staring at her, not trusting her words like ever before. With her connection to these New Gods, she probably knows things that far exceed his current knowledge. With this knowledge, she can probably find a way to end him or worse, find out his weakness and expose it. Out of everyone on Earth right now, she is the most dangerous in his opinion. He was starting to second-guess leaving her alive. Even though she will become someone of great use to him, she is still a threat and a big one at that.

'Should I kill her?'