Chereads / Path to Eternity / Chapter 59 - Chapter 59

Chapter 59 - Chapter 59

I sat inside my room, staring at my laptop. Batman has a lot of knowledge, surpassing that of the D.E.O. I not only found the secret of approximately 90% of these words superhero, like flash true identity or more about Superman, but I also found other things.

There was also information about the Green Lantern Corps that interested me. They use a green ring to harness the Emotional Electromagnetic Spectrum of Willpower and do many things with them. I will like to get my hands on one of these rings.

There is this one guy named Hal Jordan who got a green lantern ring. Should I go take it from him? Na, after I deal with flash, I will go kill him and take the ring. Using the ring, I will fly to Mars. As for this plan, Batman is cooking up called the Hero League, I can't do anything against it. I will just create my society called Villain League.

I suddenly felt something and smiled, "Flash is here to be broken by me. Kukuku, this will be fun."

~~~~Third POV~~~

An orange streak zoomed into Gotham city and went straight to the Wayne Enterprise headquarters skyscrapers, ran up the side of the building, and stopped at the roof. The orange streak revealed itself to be the Flash, carrying a man.

The man wore a suit of mostly be green. He wears a dark green shirt with a hood underneath a long light green vest with three dark green oval-shaped fasteners, black pants, and green boots. He carries a quiver along his back that is filled with arrows and has a black strap that goes along his chest. He also has long green gloves, and a black mask eye.

"You speed never sized to amaze me, Barry." The man said, adjusting himself.

"Well, Oliver, you chose to come with me and not with Cisco." Barry said, patting Oliver's shoulder.

Soon, blue wormholes appeared and two people stepped out. One was Cisco, technologically advanced goggles, a gauntlet, and a black and burgundy jacket that has dark yellow lines on the shoulder and the collar area. The suit also consists of black pants.

The other one looked like Caitlin her hair was a mixture of white and blue, instead of brown, her eyes were now ice-blue and she has on an Ice blue lipstick. She wore a black suit with a long flowing dark blue coat on top, which reaches down to a little bit below-knee length, a snowflake symbol in the middle is all silver. Silver outlines cover the shoulders of the suit. She wore earrings and separate dark blue sleeves as well. She also wears black heels.

"Crossing such wide distance it still as hard as ever," Cisco said, holding his stomach, Barry going over to comfort him. "Frost wasn't any help. You were supposed to encourage me, no the other way around."

"Don't blame me Cisco. You chose to do this instead of having Flash run us here." The woman known as Killer Frost, said, looking off the roof of the skyscraper. "So this is Gotham."

"Darker than I expected." Oliver said, looking at the dark and gloomy city.

Gunshots and police sirens were heard all around, causing them to wonder how this city could still function. From their position, they could see a red streak, moving around the city, and wherever he goes, the police siren will stop and the gunshots continue.

"Is that the new speedster you told me about?" Oliver asked, looking at the red streak. "Wasn't his supposed to be purple?"

"That's Carnage, speedster of Gotham." A calm and masterful voice suddenly said, causing everyone to turn around to see a man in a bat costume. "Welcome to Gotham. I am Batman."

"Hello, Batman-"

"Get ready. Carnage is heading in our direction." Batman said, cutting off Cisco.

Everyone looked back at the city and saw the red blur moving towards them at an incredibly fast speed, all the glass shattering as he passes by. This caused them to frown at the destruction he is causing, but all get ready. Oliver knocked an arrow to his bow, Cisco standing straight, cold fogs appearing around Frost's hand, and Barry getting ready to run.

Soon the red blur reached them and ran up the side of the skyscraper, running past them, and standing at the very top of the tower on the skyscraper took, the moonlight illuminating behind him. It was a tall and muscular dark-skinned man, towering over all of them. He wore a black skin-tight tank top, exposing his extent muscular arm, skin-tight trousers, and was barefoot.

"Hello, Heros, nice to see you all gathered here to play with me." The man said grinning before looking at Batman. "Batman, you should allow me to make you a new suit."

"Why?" Batman asked, holding a Batarang in his hand.

"This cloth I am wearing was made by me and they are extremely comfortable. It feels like I am wearing another skin." Carnage said, before bursting into laughter for reason unknown to the others. "I mean, it should feel like I am wearing another skin, after all, they were made out of the skin of humans."

This shocked the others, Oliver releasing his arrow to which Carnage causally dodged, Cisco shooting a vibe blast, Carnage jumping up in the air and dosing it. Frost kept her composure, and Barry held back his anger.

"Why would you do that?" He asked, orange lightning flashing in his angry eyes.

"Why?" Carnage asked, landing back in his spot and bursting out into another laughing spree. "Because it is fun." He said, giving a crazy grin that sent shiver down all their spins, including Batman.

"Seeing people suffer, begin for their lives while on the ground, it's just entertaining. Torturing people and seeing them fall into despair makes me hard." Carnage said, his eyes glowing red, "It is the most enjoyable thing a man can ask for."

"Today, all of you will feel true pain."