Chereads / Path to Eternity / Chapter 51 - Chapter 51

Chapter 51 - Chapter 51

Carnage punch sent C-1 flying through many skyscrapers like they were papers, killing many people in the process, before stopping with an office in a skyscraper, many workers looking at her. Before they could utter a word, a loud whistle was heard as Carnage shot into the skyscrapers, slamming his right fist into C-1's face which she quickly blocked, sending out soundless energy, throwing everyone inside the room off the floor and all the glass in the skyscraper shattering.

C-1 then grabbed Carnage's right arm, effortlessly raise him, and slammed him into the ground, sending spider webs cracks to spread through the entire floor. C-1 then stomped down on Carnage, sending him flying multiple floors down.

Those on the floor already started running toward the stairs fearing their lives, but most of them already accepted their fate, knowing they will die.

C-1 jumped down the hole, created by Carnage, shooting down and slamming her feet onto him, sending him flying more floors down, slamming down on the final basement floor. She was about to land on Carnage again, but he grabbed one of her legs and slammed her down on the floor, with enough force to crush her bones and creating a wide crater, the entire skyscraper shook like there was an earthquake before it started collapsing.

Carnage tried to stand up but he was tripped by C-1, whose body was completely regenerated. She then tried to flip away, but Carnage grabbed her leg and slammed her down again on the ground, the skyscrapers collapsing on them.

"W-what happened!!!" A man shouted, from his place in a skyscraper across the one that just collapsed. "Why-"

C-1 suddenly jumped out the rubbles, smashing through the man's window and crushing his body, killing him. She flew through the floor, killing more people who were unlucky to be in the way. Carnage then also jumped out of the rubble and shot into the skyscraper, wanting to punch C-1 but she grabbed his wrist, using his momentum, and threw him into another skyscraper.

They punched and threw themselves through skyscrapers, destroying them like they were made of cards, their body constantly destroying from the force of each other punch, regenerating soon after. Millions of people died from their disruptive battle that span miles.

But this wasn't their concern, as they both were enjoying themselves, both of them grinning crazily, fully entranced by the battle, but made sure to avoid too much damage to their brain as that is their weak point.

"Hahaha! This is it! THIS IS WHAT I WAS LOOKING FOR!!!" C-1 yelled a crazy look on her face before her head was kicked off her body by Carnage, who had a more crazy look on his face, his eyes unsettled.

C-1 head which was separated from her body already regenerated a new body and landed on the floor of a park, killing some children. She was about to stand up but Carnage landed on her waist crushing it as he brought down his fist at full force on her face, stopping inches from it. The shockwave from the punch destroyed the park floor, as he looked at the grinning C-1.

"Are you satisfied now?" He asked, all the craziness instantly disappearing from his face, replaced with a calm look. "Though I weakened myself to match you, it was still fun."

"Yes, I am." C-1 said, breathing heavily.

Sitting beside her, Carnage noticed that they were both naked, causing thought to go through his mind. 'Huh. Should I make clothes that regenerate themselves?'

"What is happening to me..." C-1 suddenly said but burying her face in her bloody hands, sounding like she was about to cry.

"Well, I will be back at the mansion. When you are done with... this, come and meet me." Carnage said, walking away.

"I changing, becoming something, not me. I killed more than a thousand humans today and I feel no remorse for them. I didn't even feel pleasure as you did. It was like stomping on an ant and not even noticing. I killed someone in my MMA match today and felt nothing." She said with a trembling voice. "Before, when I kill someone, I feel sorry for them and pray for them in my mind, but now, it just fell nothing. It is scary. I don't know what I am."

"Not, like I care. I mean, they ARE ant to you as you're a superior race." Carnage said, not understanding why she is about to cry about it. "Please. Enough with this emotional bullshit."

As if not hearing that last part of what Carnage said, she continued. "That's the problem!" C-1 shouted, standing up and facing him. "I am losing what's make me me. My humanity."

"Bruh, what?" Carnage asked, surprised at what he just heard. "That what all this fuss is about? You...your humanity? You are scared because you aren't able to feel remorse for killing ants?"

"Yes!" She shouted, grabbing her hair. "I am becoming a monster, something I always hated."

"Let me tell you something. As time pass, change happens. If you cannot accept the change that happens, you change it to fit your needs. There nothing is as painful as staying stuck somewhere you don't belong, I can tell from experience." Carnage said, remembering his boring and monotonous early life back on earth going to school. He looked up at her and said in a calm tone, "If you want, I can change you back to a human. You will lose all your current capability but you will keep your humanity. Do you want that?"

"I-" Looking down at her bloody body, C-1 clinched her first and said, with tears coming down her eyes. "I don't know what to chose, that's the scary part. I don't want to lose my Kree heritage. This power is something I never want to lose, yet I don't want to lose my humanity and become a monster."

Carnage looked at her crying while yawning. He is not used to this type of situation so he thought it was best to not interfere so he did nothing. Looking at her some more, he sighed and stood up, patting her head.

"I don't give a fuck. Not like you have a choice in that matter. Just you accept the change that is occurring. Things don't go on forever, and the quicker you accept that change is inevitable, the happier you're gonna be. Your so-called human nature is something made up by society and made up just so humans can see themselves in a different light than 'monsters'." Carnage said, turning around. "Humans are monsters to ants and you are a monster to humans. They are ants after all."

"Yeah..." C-1 said, cleaning the tears off her eyes, "Yeah, father, humans are ants to us after all." She said, something inside her completely disappearing.

"Good to hear. Finally!" Carnage said, yawning once more. "Now, let's head back."