Chereads / Path to Eternity / Chapter 128 - Chapter 128

Chapter 128 - Chapter 128

Impulse walked through the dark and quiet sidewalk of Baton Rouge, a city in Louisiana, still in his pajamas. After finishing reading the book, he had nothing else to do, so he decided to walk through the city to look for something interesting.

"Shh, don't make too much noise." A voice of a young boy shushed from the Junction.

Impulse vibrated his body fast enough to turn invisible just as a boy, holding a thick book, turned the corner. Two other boys closely followed behind him, one of them holding a pack of candles and the other holding a big jar of white powdery substance. They quickly snuck through the sidewalk before entering a house. Unbenoist to them, an invisible sociopathic murderer was following right behind them. They walked to a bedroom, closing the door behind them.

"A-are we really doing this?" The one holding the jar of an unknown substance stammered, pushing up his falling glasses.

"Yeah. We are." The first boy said, dropping the thick book on a study table. He looked at his other two, one being fat, and the other one is a skinny boy with glasses.

"I-I think we shouldn't. Who knows what might happen." Glasses boy said, almost dropping the jar but catching it in time.

"Yes, we are. This is your only chance of getting out of being bullied." The first boy insisted, staring at the glasses boy. "I mean, you were about to shoot up the school and spend the rest of your life in jail. This is a better option."

"Yeah." The fat boy gasped, sitting on the bed. He looked up at the first boy, "Why are you even doing this? You are popular, you have a good body, and you get all the girls. Why?"

"Curiosity." Popular boy shrugged, "Now, let's move the bed to the wall and make space."

The fat boy groaned, standing up from the bed to help the two to push the bed. After that, Popular boy gestured for the jar, which the glasses boy quickly to him. Opening it, he started carefully pouring white powder on the ground, drawing a big circle. Stopping, he took a deep breath, crossed into the circle, and started drawing symbols and runes. Finishing, he stepped out, making sure not to mess up any of what he drew. Still holding his breath, he reached into the drawer on the work table, bringing three dead birds and throwing them into the circle.

"Well, let's do this." He said the other three noddings. They stood stepped into the circle. Reaching into their pocket, they brought out a needle, piercing their thumb, letting a little drop of blood drip on the circle.

Taking a deep breath, they all started chanting, "Hic colligimus te vocare, o magne daemon. Intendite vocationem nostram et appare coram nobis!"

Black smoke erupted from the demonic circle, which continued raising, hitting the ceiling. The smoke started to morph into a demonic figure, causing the glasses boy to stumble back and breaking the circle with his foot. With a loud screech, the smoke figure dispersed around the room.

"What a trash thing. These things we put together caused a chemical reaction that caused the smoke show." The fat boy shouted, kicking the dead bird in front of him. "Fucking shit."

"That's what we get for buying a book online." The glasses boy mumbled, playing with his finger.

Only Impulse, who was watching all this, and the popular boy saw the circle get broken by the glasses boy. The popular boy decided not to say anything, with Impulse taking the book from the table and disappearing.

He appeared in the empty basement of his stollen mansion, grinning to himself. "Who would have fucking thought summoning a demon is possible? Who would have thought!?" He shouted, holding the book above his head.

He excitedly dropped to the ground, flipping through the book with superspeed. He read all the 1001 demons, looking for the perfect one to summon. Seconds later, he found the perfect one, reading through the ingredients to summon him.

"100 liters of human blood, 10 living human sacrifices, a picture of the mortal wishing to make a deal, a wooden chair, and a cup of wine." He read out loud, disappearing and reappearing. 20 humans, tied together by a rusty bronze chain, sat at one corner of the room with a 100 liters Fustia filled with blood, a box filled with graveyard sand, a wooden chair, and a bottle of Screaming Eagle wine.

"What the fu-"

Before the first one could talk, Impulse quickly knocked them out before holding out a Polaroid camera to take a picture of himself. The camera printed the picture as he continued with reading the instruction.

"Warning: Follow the instruction perfectly. PERFECTLY. If not, the instruction would be dire." Impulse nodded, quickly reading the instruction.

He followed the instruction, using the 100 liters of blood to draw a rather complicated demonic circle. He then laid the ten living humans around the circle, sprinkling graveyard dust on their faces. He then used telekinesis to place the wooden chair in the middle of the demonic circle, placing his picture on top of it before placing a glass of Screaming Eagle wine above the picture. Standing outside the circle of living human sacrifice, surrounding the demonic circle, he cried out,

"Λίμπο, πόθος, λαιμαργία, απληστία, θυμός, αίρεση, βία, απάτη, προδοσία. Αυτά είναι τα εννέα στρώματα της κόλασης. Και από ένα από αυτά, σε φωνάζω, Lucifer Morningstar!"

Screams of terror erupted from the humans as their souls were viciously ripped from their bodies. The souls lingered in the air before being sucked into the wine. The circle glowed before strong energy erupted from it, throwing Impulse back. He slid to a stop watching as the energy gathered to form a man, sitting on the chair, holding Impulse picture in his right hand and the glass of wine and soul on his left.

"Hello, Rick. Good to finally meet you." He said, staring at Impulse.

Impulse immediately got on one knee, his head down. This man was the strongest being he ever met. A being that would put the Speed Force to shame. Angering him was the last thing he would do.

"Welcome, Lord Lucifer Morningstar, to the land of humans." Impulse spoke, picking his words carefully.

"Rick, I have been watching you since your soul entered this world. What is your need?" Lucifer asked, steering the glass of wine with screaming souls.

"I need magic." Impulse answered.

"You want magic? Even at the cost of your soul?" Lucifer asked, drinking the wine.

'Soul...' Impulse didn't like the idea of selling his soul to the devil for power. Although he would gain magic, there is a chance he wouldn't keep his free will and be a mindless drone. Working as a slave sometimes for the speed force is vastly different than being a slave.

"I would give you seven days. Reply within those days or never ask for a deal with me anymore." He said, disappearing with the glass of souls and the picture of Impulse.

Impulse got off his knee, sitting down and staring at the demonic circle. 'What to do.'