Chereads / Path to Eternity / Chapter 122 - Chapter 122

Chapter 122 - Chapter 122

Impulse sat at the very tip of the CN Tower, in Toronto Canada, trying to assess the speed force. He failed again, getting him more frustrated. Closing his eyes, impulse tried to see if he still had a connection to the Speed Force. He thought it was similar to when he was fighting Achilles. That time, he still had his connection but couldn't assess it. But this time, it was different.

He had NO connection to it. He couldn't sense other speedsters on earth, his spatial and temporal awareness were gone. He lost the speed force.

"H-how could this be." Impulse stammered, trying to find how he lost the speed force. He lost it after he ate Masaru and gained a connection to the Throne of Heroes... "No... It can't be..."

It must be his connection to the Throne of Heroes that severed his connection to the Speed Force. It was similar to what the Speed Force told him, if you already have a close connection to one of the Seven Forces of the Universe, you can't have a second connection.

"What the FUCK!" Impulse shouted, his voice resonating through Toronto.

How could the Throne of Heroes from another world become one of the Seven Force, now eight forces of the universe? It makes no sense! How the fuck did the Throne of Heroes become a primordial cosmic force?

The Speed Force is the energy field that gives the universe motions. The Emotional Spectrum cosmic force and is the energy field that gives the universe feelings and emotions. Life Force is a cosmic force that allows life to flourish. The sphere of the Gods is the cosmic force that gives the universe magic. Dimensional Superstructure governs all things imaginable and unimaginable. Collective Unconscious gives all knowledge and wisdom. Faithfulness harmonious force and is tied to the nature of faith.

Then there are their opposite, such as the Still Force, opposite to the Speed Force, which is a cosmic force based around entropy and inertia, capable to negate motion. Invisible Spectrum, opposite to the Emotional Spectrum, feeds on buried primal emotions especially hatred. Tear of Extinction, opposite to the Life Force, is a cosmic force that brings death to any being, except immortal gods. Void Wind, opposite to the Sphere of the Gods, is a cosmic force that dispels magic. Sixth Note, opposite to the Dimensional Superstructure, is the cosmic force beyond imagination. Black Apple, opposite to the Collective Unconscious, is a force around forbidden knowledge. Faithlessness, the dark counterpart to Faith, is a force based on faith people have in Doom as it relies on the evil within people's hearts and their selfish and cruel nature.

'What does the Throne of Heroes control?' Impulse thought, covering his face with his palm. 'The speed force grants me control over time, space, and multiple other things. What does the Throne grant me? Knowledge from the heroes? I can get most of that knowledge with enough time. It doesn't give me shit!'

"Please calm down, Father." Sentry said, appearing beside him while holding the Cat Impulse was petting back in the Mansion.

"What the fuck do you want!?" Impulse shouted a strange force of energy erupted through his body, covering the entirety of Canada.

"Father, look at the destruction you caused." Sentry said, looking down at the city of Toronto.

Impulse uncovered his face, which was twisted in rage, as he looked down at the city. It was a bloody mess. Everyone was killing themselves for no reason. A mother continuously stabbed her baby to death before killing herself. A truck rammed into a gas station, killing everyone close by in a large explosion.

"The fuck is wrong with them?" Impulse asked, scanning the city.

"Madness of Death. Just as you can perfectly control someone while touching them, I guess you can also remotely control them." Sentry said, shrugging. "It seems like it isn't only Krees you can control."

Impulse was intrigued by this and snapping his finger. Everyone still alive in the city suddenly stopped, looking up at him. He grinned at this and made all of them drop down and start doing push-ups. Without him telling them to stop, even the weakest newborn kept going until their muscles tore.

"This is great!" Impulse shouted, looking down at the city. "But..." He sighed, looking up into the sky. The loss of the Speed Force was still bothering him. Controlling things with conciseness is great, but then again, The Speed Force.

Impulse sighing. He removed all the emotion from his mind before looking at the City. "I can use this to my advantage. There isn't any point in dwelling in the past. The Throne should also be useful. In its original dimension, it holds all the spirits of beings who achieved great deeds in life and become an object of worship after their deaths. I can use all their knowledge to gain magic or even divinity."

Impulse closed his eyes, connecting himself to the Throne of Heros. He found himself in a large, luxurious library, with billion of bookcases. On the ceiling of the library were multiple murals of heroes with glossy wood-look porcelain. Impulse walked to one bookcase, his footsteps echoing through the library, as looking at the spine of the book.

[Gilgamesh: The epic of Gligamesh]

"Gilgamesh..." Impulse mumbled, reaching through the glass case and removing the book. "So this is the Throne of Hero. More like the Libary of Heroes."

Impulse placed the book back in the case and looked at the next book.

[Enkidu: Epic of Enkidu]

He then started walking through the library, inspecting the books. While walking through the library, he reached a place where you can check out books, noticing a faceless humanoid checking out a book. He walked forward, standing in front of the table, the faceless humanoid not seeming to notice him. It tapped something creating a copy of Gilgamesh's book. It placed a symbol before the copybook disappeared. It stood still, waiting for the next order.

With a thought, a sofa appeared behind him as he sat, crossing his legs. "

The throne of heroes is a private library, currently only assessed by me. The library's owner is the Multiverse itself. The heroic spirit is a genuine and original book. The servants are copies of that book. The masters are borrowers of those copies, with their command seal being the Libary Card.

"The original and genuine book is locked in this Libary, with me or the Multiverse, being the only one that can assess the originals. This... thing is the one who checks out the copies." Impulse stared at the being across from him. "Give me a blank book."

The being immediately complied, reaching into a black hole and bringing out a hardcover white book. It handed the book to Impulse, who took it. A pen appeared in his hand as he wrote a title.

[Impulse: The legend of Rick Brandon]

With that, the hardcover turned into flesh and blood. The book disappeared, going to a random place in the library.

"I am curious what would happen when someone summons me." Impulse mumbled, leaning back. "Return. I need to start my plan to woo Superman."