Chereads / Path to Eternity / Chapter 107 - Chapter 107

Chapter 107 - Chapter 107

"What the fuck happened?" Impulse growled, walking down the steps that led to the door. He stopped in front of Niles, looking at him up and down. "This is what you have accounted to? Do you like this?" He paused, pointing at the door, "That!?"

"I understand your anger, but I can explain," Niles said, taking a step back.

"Explain? Hahaha. You can explain?" Impulse laughed, covering his face. "You married supergirl and had a baby? What the fuck is there to explain!?"

"That's what I want to explain. If you can calm down and hear me out, then you would understand." Niles sighed, rubbing the bridge of his nose.

"I am calm." Impulse said, all trace of anger disappearing. He flashed a charming smile then asked, "Please explain yourself, Mister Niles."

"Good god. Where did you learn to control your emotion like that?" Niles muttered, looking at the calm face of Impulse.

"I am waiting." Impulse said, fixing his clothes.

Niles got himself together and pointed at the door of the mansion. "That child in there? It is a mixture of our pure bloodline of Kree and the pureblood Kryptonian. A bloodline of a beast that can regenerate and grow in power indefinitely and one of the strongest bloodlines. Have you ever imagined what it will create when merged naturally? It is one of my greatest experiments. One where I had to 'kill' myself for it to work."

"Huh... " That was all Impulse could utter. He never thought of such an experiment, which caused him to wonder something. "What are its abilities?"

"Contrary to how she looks, she is only one year old. And at this age, she can already defeat me. If I don't use the speed force, I mean." Niles said, rubbing his neck in shame. He looked up at Impulse, who had a frown on his face. "She is my best work. C-2."

"That explains why you are married and have a child, but it doesn't explain the other question. Why are you save-" Impulse paused, letting out a small gag. "I can't even say the word."

"Stop overexerting. The reason I am a hero is because of the speed force." Niles noticed the blank look Impulse gave him, so he elaborated. "Well, 1 year ago, I went back about 2 thousand years in the past to get the first Chaos magician to teach me chaos magic. It turns out she was 331 years old, so when I appeared next to her, she got a heart attack and died."

"No more chaos magic for the humans since she died." Impulse finished.

"Exactly!" Niles shouted, nodding. "Well, I didn't change too much since it was only 2 more people that learned it. But the speed force still decided to punish me. I must save 10 times the people I have killed without having anything to do with the reason they were about to die. I wish a catastrophe can happen right now. If I don't complete it in 9 months, I will be taken by the speed force."

"Hmm... I want to ask you something else." Impulse blustered out, Niles gesturing for him to go on. "Why didn't you conceive the child?"

Niles was silent for a while. He cleaned his ears with his pinkie then asked, "I must have heard wrong. Please, what did you ask?"

"Why didn't YOU conceive the child?" Impulse repeated with a deadpan face. "Turn into a female, make Superman fuck you, and conceive his child." He asked, doing the sex hand sign.

"Are you serious? Why the fuck would I do that?" Niles shouted, "What the fuck is wrong with you."

"I am just saying. It would be better if your body did the creation of the child." Impulse shrugged, "It will get rid of all the weakness from the offspring, making it a better creation."

"Fuck no," Niles shouted, jumping back. "Besides, my Superman was killed by me, and I didn't gain transformation from evolving after eating the Martians. To change my look, I had to do a full-body surgery on myself. Instead, I gained their telekinesis." Niles said, making a small gesture with his hand. The mansion behind Impulse got ripped out of the ground and flew into the sky.

"Oh." Impulse mumbled, watching the building fly away. "I see you can fly now."

"Don't try to change the subject." Niles shouted, shooting a glare at Impulse. "Why don't you get yourself impregnated by your Superman."

Impulse watched the mansion collide with a space station before looking back at Niles. "Alright then. I will do it."

"Wh-what?" Niles stammered, stepping back in shock.

"When I get back to my earth, I will transform into a woman. Make superman fall for me, and make him impregnate me." Impulse said.

Niles gagged, stumbling backward. "You are crazy."

"I think I am perfectly normal, thank you." Impulse said. He looked towards the distance, yawning, "It seems like Supergirl and her other superhero are coming."

Niles looked at his wrist like he had a watch before looking back at Impulse. "How long have we been speaking."

"Less than three seconds. Superspeed talking is convenient, isn't it?" Impulse smiled, Niles nodding in return. Red lightning started flashing around his body, with his yellow eyes having a little streak of lightning. "Catch me, Velocity." With that, he disappeared with a red streak of lightning.

"Kukuku." Niles laughed, clenching his fist. The lightning bolt ring on his left middle finger quickly crawled up his skin like a parasite, forming an armor-like suit around him. The suit was completely metallic, covering Niles from head to toe. The suit was completely red, with dark blue zig-zag and lightning bolt designs on it. The suit also has a blue upside-down lightning bolt on the chest. Leaning forward, his body sparked with blue lightning as he shot after Impulse.

Impulse, who isn't running at his full speed, looked back to see Velocity catching up to him. A mischievous smile formed on his face as he ran to the middle of this busy Gotham bridge. He lightly stomped on the bridge without stopping, causing spiderwebs cracks to spread around the bridge before running away. When Velocity reached the bridge, he found it collapsing.

A crazy grin formed on his face as his speed increased. Multiple blue streaks moved back and forth from the land to the falling bridge, bringing all the humans to dry land. In less than five seconds, everyone was saved, so he continued his chase. Running through the collapsing bridge, Velocity continued his Chase on Impulse.

Meanwhile, Impulse arrived in front of the Wayne enterprise skyscraper. Clinching his fist, he punched forward, sending out a strong shock wave that destroyed miles of land in front of him in a triangle format. Looking at the destruction he caused, Impulse grinned, disappearing with a red streak.

Velocity arrived at Impulse's spot soon after, looking at the destruction he caused to the city. "Oh, yes~ That's the stuff." Impulse shouted, running to save those who survived the destruction.

[What's going on?] Batman's voice came through the earpiece built into Velocity's suit.

"A speedster calling himself Carnage from another timeline came to exsert his revenge for killing this version of him. Tell the others to go after him. I will deal with the destruction." Velocity replied, tapping his right ear and turning off his earpiece.

Clapping his hand, a bright purple glow appeared around his body. His shoulder-length blond hair floated as if he was underwater. His blue eyes turned became hollow deep purple as he started floating off the ground. A smirk appeared on his face as he slowly raised his hands, causing every rubble and human to float up. Velocity then used his telekinesis to move the humans, be it dead or alive, to a safe place before slowly dropping the rubbles.

"Hehehe. Carnage will be jealous of this power." Velocity laughed, flying to the next spot of Impuls's destruction.

Meanwhile, in Gotham bay, Impulse was in hand-to-hand combat with the new and enhanced Carnage buster of this timeline. Instead of the Carnage buster being a hulking 11 feet suit, it was more like a bodysuit. But with all the enhancement of the last Carnage buster and even more.

Impulse dodged one of Batman's punches, returning the blow with a roundhouse kick at Batman's head. Batman flew through multiple walls of containers, before sliding to a stop as he was about to fall into the river.

"Even with the suit, you won't be able to do anything to me." Impulse laughed, opening his hand wide as he started walking to Batman, who flew into a store. "I don't understand how the fuck Carnage 2.0 died to you pest. How the actual FUCK did he die!?" Carnage shouted at Batman, who walked out of the store unscathed.

"Because we are one united." The voice of Supergirl came from above him.

Looking behind him, he saw Supergirl floating in the sky, above Batman. On her right was a green guy he knows nothing about and Green Lantern. On her left were Shazam and a woman with wings. A man jumped out of the ocean, landing on Batman's left then slamming the bottom of his trident on the ground. Ironically, the last to arrive was this world flash, who appeared with an orange streak on Batman's right.

"The Justice League sure has grown since the last time I've seen them. But, bravo with such elaborate entrance." Impulse said, slowly clapping. "But, that 'we are one united' doesn't fit right. If you said either united we stand or divided we fall it would have made more sense. I mean, Batman was just getting his ass handed to him. Either way, I don't have time to fight you all, so..." With that, Impulse turned around and sped away with a red lightning streak.

Flash, Supergirl, and Shazam chased after Impulse. Seeing them give chase, Batman started giving out orders to the remaining. It was time to capture another evil Speedster.