Chereads / Path to Eternity / Chapter 101 - Chapter 101

Chapter 101 - Chapter 101

Carnage flapped his wings, shooting up into the sky as a red lightning streak. While flying, Carnage felt something dripping from his lips. Touching his lips and looking at his finger, he saw his blood. His wounds were regenerating slower than usual.

"What the fuck!" Carnage shouted, almost falling out of the sky. 'How? There is no way someone could make a counter for my regeneration after only looking into C-1's DNA. This is virtually impossible-'

His thought was cut off by Flash shooting up into the sky. Quickly flapping his wings, Carnage narrowly dodged Flash. As Flash was passing by him, Carnage tried to vibrate his hand through Flash's heart but found his hands unable to pass through.

"Your vibration won't work, Rick," Flash said in a smug voice.

Raising both hands, Flash slammed them down on Carnage, sending him flying down like a bullet. Carnage crashed into the ground, a crater forming beneath him. Rolling on the ground, Carnage dodged Flash, who fell from the sky. Carnage then spun on the ground, knocking Flash off his feet. As Flash fell, Carnage flipped into the air, spinning, before slamming his fist down at Flash's head. Flash head collided with the ground, expanding the crater. Due to the speed of Carnages fist and Flash head colliding with the ground, a wave of sound energy spread out, destroying all the glass in the area and making people deaf.

Climbing atop of Flash, Carnage absorbed his wings back into his body and continued his barrage of punches on Flash's head, burying it dipper into the earth. He wasn't holding back at all, causing an earthquake in the city.

[Flash, take the fight out of the city. You both are causing damage to the city] Batman's voice came from the earpiece implanted into the suit.

Batman was watching everything happening between Flash and Carnage via the multiple built-in cameras in the suit. Everyone else was away, doing something else, with Batman being the only one staying back to instruct Flash on what to do.

Hearing this, Flash caught another of Carnages punch and tried to break Carnage's wrist to no avail. Seeing this, Flash kicked Carnage away from the top of him before standing up and looking around. Around him were collapsed buildings, dead civilians, and burning buildings. Seeing what he has caused, Flash couldn't just leave it like this. He quickly created a time remanent and immediately chased after Carnage while the time remanent went to save everyone.

Carnage already knew he couldn't defeat Flash with the suit, so he chose to go back to his base to put on his own. Although he could absorb the speed of other Speedsters by touching them, the armor between Flash and his skin was too thick for the ability to work. Carnage phased through the wall of his base and suddenly saw the paved floor getting closer to his face.

He fell face-first onto the ground, genuinely curious of why he fell. Carnage stared dumbfounded at the ground then immediately looked at his legs. They were served from his knee downwards and weren't regenerating, just like when Flash wounds him. Using his X-ray vision, he looked through the wall he just phased through, noticing that the bottom have some purple lasers.

'I guess they expected me to phase through that wall, but I don't know why they didn't add laser to the entire wall.' Carnage thought, just as Flash appeared in front of him with an orange streak of lightning.

"Can't run anymore?" Flash asked, walking up to Carnage. He picked up Carnage by his collar, slamming him against the wall. "How does it feel to be powerless!? To be crawling around on the ground, unable to do anything!? You made me feel this way-"

"Can we get this over with? You take away my abilities then put me in jail. Then in about a week, I escape and continue my Carnage?" Carnage grumbled, looking straight at Flash. "I have things to do. Tomorrow, I was planning to kidnap 30,000 people to continue my experiment."

Batman, who was watching this back at the Secret Sanctuary, stared at the screen, his eyes slowly getting wider. Flash slammed Carnage into the wall again, clenching his teeth.

"What. Did. You. Say?" He asked between clenched teeth.

"I mean, you are a hero. You can't kill me." Carnage said, shrugging. "We both know this is a waste of time. I won't change, you won't kill me, so can we get this over with?"

"YOU!!!" Flash vibrated his palm, and as he was about to stab it through Carnage's head, Superman appeared beside Carnage, punching him away.

The force from Superman's punch snaped Carnage's neck and sent him flying through the hard walls of the base into a room filled with hundreds of biological chambers. These Biological chambers were filled with monsters Krees, the C-1.5, and so on. Carnage quickly did a handstand then 'ran' to the computer that controls the chambers. Placing one of his palms on it, he unlocked all the Chambers, mentally commanding them to attack anything alive. Except for him, of course.

'Good thing I didn't put too much security on these cannon folders.' Carnage thought, hand running towards the door that leads to another room.

Phasing through the locked door, Carnage entered the room where all the now 300 TS slept. Commanding them to join the Monster Krees, Carnage quickly Phased through another wall, exciting the mountain. Hand running forward, Carnage soon slammed into an invisible wall. Using his Electro-Magnetic Spectrum Vision, Carnage noticed an invisible shield covering the entire mountain.

'They are truly prepared.' Carnage thought, trying and failing to phase through it. 'I guess I can't leave the mountain the normal way.'

Running back into the mountain, Flash immediately appeared in front of him. "Going somewhere!?" He shouted, going to kick one of the hand's Carnage was standing on.

Quickly spinning, Carnage splashed the blood from his cut of legs onto the face of the armor, rendering Flash's vision almost useless. Maneuvering around Flash, Carnage phased through another wall, entering a big room filled with rotten bodies. The bodies of those the experiment didn't work on. Normally, Carnage would eat them, but after evolving from eating the Martians, humans taste disgusting.

Phasing through the ground, Carnage fell into a maze-like tunnel. Maneuvering through the maze, Carnage reached a dead end. Phasing through that wall, he entered a dome room made entirely out of an unknown material and immediately went to the computer. He set up the timer then went to the intercom.

"I am about to escape, and none of you fuckers know where I am. I know you are hiding somewhere, Wonder Woman and Cyborg. Sorry I didn't come your way. I would have liked to see what you have waiting for me. Now, tell me one thing. Who created Flash's suit?" He asked, knowing that they won't answer.

From his position, Carnage watched the heroes search the base, with Flash covering the most ground. "Luthor may have known about this base, but I built it. Tell Luthor he will be dead when I get out." Carnage looked at the timer, getting impatient. "Flash, follow that path you are currently running down. Yes, that path. Good, now enter that door, and you will see hundreds of rotten humans. No, don't close the door, enter the room... I SAID ENTER IT! It will lead you to me." Carnage shouted into the intercom.

"Now, you may ask. Why is Carnage leading me to him? Is this a trap? And the answer to that is no. It isn't. I want you to kill me. I want you to torture me for making you suffer so bad. I am giving you a chance to avenge your family and friends. Why not do it? You can kill me, Flash. No one can stop you. The Justice League will keep it a secret, just as how they kept the secret from the world about your little 'accident.'" Carnage taunted, chuckling. "Now come to me, Flash. Kill me and save the lives of millions. If I don't die today, I will be known as Hitler to the power of 10. An entire continent will be wiped clean. I will go full Carnage."

Hering this, Batman froze, second-guessing his choice to let Carnage live. "Flash... Bring him in..." Batman said, keeping to his moto. "You both help him, Cyborg and Superman."

Flash immediately started following Carnage's instructions, with Cyborg hot on his tail. Due to Superman being further away, it took him longer to reach the room of rotten humans. By then, Flash already phased through the dead-end wall, bringing Cyborg with him.

"Are you going to kill me?" Carnage asked, sitting and leaning on the wall of the dome room. "Please do. I don't wish to kill anymore, but I can't live without killing. After all, my power is blood magic."

Hering this and noticing the smirk on Carnage's face, Batman shouted, "It's a trap! Flash, Cyborg, get out of there."

"Too late. Goodbye world!" Carnage shouted, just as a mini-explosion went off in the room, immediately disintegrating Carnage, Flash, and Cyborg.

Opening his eyes, Carnage expected to appear somewhere in the south pole but found himself in the white room he normally meets the speed force in.

"What the fuck!?"