Seeing a familiar face brought a smile upon Margaret's face. She crouched down and gave Titan a good belly rub as he flipped onto his back. She had always wondered where the dog went, little did she know he had been with Dante all this time.
Laina was happy to see that Titan liked Margaret, she too crouched down and rubbed his belly.
"He seems to be taking a liking to you," Laina commented with a smile.
Margaret smiled, "This one's a friendly one too."
Now that Laina was back and well, it was time for them to head back to Kinshearth. There were things for them to tend to when they got back. The earlier they returned, the better.
It took them about two days to get everything packed and ready to go. With Titan by her side, they made their way back to Kinshearth through the portal they had come through.