The moon in the preparation room…
"This parasite's most gruesome feature only becomes apparent as its species eggs enter into a host and they detect foreign DNA, they make drastic changes not only to themselves but obviously towards their hosts as well, but it's the change they cause that is the topic now.", Quirrel again rose up spining until it faced the hollo with arms splayed, "Take a look as the microscopic eggs hatch and immediately scatter into the surrounding tissue to search for nerves to latch and bury into!".
The hollo shifted to a microscopic level and depicted small eggs that eventually split and allowed tiny angular and spined larva to emerge, only for them to violently scatter into all directions en mass but not as a group, or even in the same direction?
"This initial stage takes around fifteen to twenty minutes as the larva search out nerves and is accompanied by mild to severe itching in the area around the infection site.", Quirrel was twisting jaggedly miming scratching all over it's body as it described the horrible side effects that came with being infected by this horrible insect.
Quirrel stopped and raised a one too many fingered hand with all of them splayed out, only to start closing them one after another in a slow countdown all the while looking around with that horrible smile before continuing with the explanation, "The next stage varies between six hours to just a few minutes based on the focal point of the infection as the newly hatched parasites eat a small trail through the nervous system of the host following the source of the electrical energy used to control the body functions and organs. Although when possible they will follow a path already forged by those ahead of them to lessen the damage to the host nervous system they hope to eventually take over, still even doing this causes severe pain and involuntary twitching of the limbs and muscles.".
Quirrel stopped and started to convulse all over until finally going rigid and grabbing it's chest in an exaggerated manner before stumbling around reaching for something unseen around it until moments later finally falling face first on some unseen surface above everyone looking down with a dead expression seeming to have just…died?
Seb stared up incredulously at the floating figure that had abducted him and everyone else in the room waiting for it to do the big scare tactic he expected as he could hear the murmur around him begin to build once more with tension, and waited…
Seb had to sit there with his head in his hand staring up at the unmoving Quirrel all the while listening to some of those around him try to talk and recruit anyone in the crowd who could be convinced to try and some how make an escape attempt or try and make a group or something, he couldn't care less what everyone around him was trying to do…he knew it was all a joke as that stupid smile slowly spread across Quirrel's face as it sat above everyone watching them scheme.
"Cough, cough, cough, ugh im sorry everyone where was I?", Quirrel instead of standing up just twirled in place with arms out stretched smiling down at everyone, occasionally throwing a wink here and there to certain people it caught an eye with.
"Oh excuse me it seems I may have exhibited what may happen in the most sever case of infestation! Ahem In some of the most sever cases organ failure and death of the host can occur during this stage and If this happens then the resulting cardiac failure can lead to the suffocation of the remaining larva in the hosts system depriving the show of a beautiful resource and a future ANTAGONIST!", Quirrel doubled up after shouting out and started to shake in a terrible pantomime of a person crying in anguish with great heaves for several moments at the end of that statement.
Seb and everyone in the crowd once again had a moment to themselves, but this time some in the crowd were locked on the fact Quirrel made it very clear that the drivers were an "ANTAGONIST" in what was to come next, these things were going to be trying to infest them in the near future and for most in attendance this had been their reality for the past two weeks, but a few were having internal trepidations listening to this explanation.
But before any questions could be brought up between those present Quirrel straightened it's back in such a fast manner it seemed both shocking and bizarrely fluid, almost as if it didn't have a spine to begin with.
"Anyways upon reaching the brain," Quirrel flicked it's wrist and a holographic version of the roman colosseum ringed the large crowed, "a small cavity is chewn out in an area close to the entrance to the nervous system or in this case the brain stem. This little cavity transforms into a little gladiator pit in which all of the larvae begin a desperate fight to the death over who gets full control over the host with the losers nourishing the winner so they can take better control of the host.", during this last portion of explanation Quirrel mimes as if it is in a sword fight against an unseen enemy, attacking, dodging, reposting, and finally falling to it's back as if it had been struck a blow so heavy that it rendered it unconscious once more.
Quirrel layed there on the ground deathly still for several seconds before it's head snaped up and it cheerily told everyone, "This stage takes roughly six to twelve hours for them to reach the desired size in a human cranium depending on the variants of larva involved in the fight for domination!", Quirrel exclaimed the last as it's form flew into the air and came crashing down soundlessly on it's feet displacing nonexistent dust that came into being only to disappeare immediately after the effect was visualized.
Gazing imperiously around for a second, always looking out from the side of it's eye with it's head cocked at all those gathered watching Quirrel in rapt attention, Quirrel started to tap one side of it's head with one hand while with the other shakeing it's body bonelessly and erratically, "Needless to say but this has some very drastic effects on the host although not all exhibit the same symptoms, everyone exhibits some symptoms and these include but are not limited to: hallucinations, psychotic episodes, mood swings, loss of memory, seizures, loss of senses, and many other behavioral changes or body tics that can vary depending on the individual.", this statement again was followed by another disturbing hollo image, or more precise many…
The area lit up with different squares all filled with humans wracked by different maladies and afflictions…it was like looking into a snapshot back into those horrible times when they used to experiment on those with mental difficulties or diseases. There were too many for any one person to take in, but there was enough to make any person who saw it uncomfortable with the variety of horror on display.
With a loud snap from Quirrel's fingers that echoed more times than should be possible in such a small area all of the images vanished in an instant leaving Quirrel again in the center next to a new twitching person who sat staring down at one side of their body, a side that didn't seem to be commanded by them at all, the figure seemed to have slight tremors afflicting them but only on one side and they just…sat there seizing uncontrollably.
"This is the final stage, through the whole process the larva grows and starts to take over a larger part of one of the hosts cerebral hemispheres, slowly coopting an area for it to grow into. This species has a varied size depending on the host DNA, but for the most part in your terms it can't or won't proliferate in creatures smaller than medium sized dogs or creatures as big or larger than a blue whale.", the last Quirrel said while slowly opening his two thumbs and forefingers in front of his smiling face as if expanding into a big mushroom bloom.
"But eventually they take over the nervous system of the host and begin to use them like a vehicle, driving them if you will HAHAHAHAHA.", Quirrel couldn't help but laugh uncontrollably at the last.
"Holy f*ck...…..", Seb quietly let out as one of his three worst fears was graphically described to him in horrible detail to the final detail.