Chereads / The Phisloke Evolution / Chapter 79 - More Underground Cities

Chapter 79 - More Underground Cities

Unable to grow his wings to their full size because of the ice spike in his back, Sydra begins to look for an alternative way to keep himself and the two girls from falling to their deaths.

"I'm not sure how far the drop is, but if I don't hurry and do something we will probably die," Sydra says as angles his body in the air towards the two girls. Reaching out his hands, Sydra grabs onto both of their backpacks and uses his miniature wings to slightly slow their descent. 'Crap, I cant send them into the Arbor Sanctum because they will have no way out if I die,' Sydra thinks as he looks back and forth between the two girls.

"I need to free one of my hands," Sydra says as he thinks about all the things he has inside his Arbor Sanctum. 'There has to be something that will make so I don't have to worry about dropping them,'

A few seconds later an idea comes to Sydra's mind and he swings Haley over to his other hand while summoning a curved metal beam from his Arbor Sanctum. Grabbing the beam from the air, Sydra runs it through the handles on the girls' backpacks.

'Holding onto this is much easier than the straps of their backpacks,' Sydra thinks as he glances at both the girls being held up by the pole in his left hand. After making sure that they are secure and won't slip off, Sydra begins creating spiders and tossing them towards the ground with the command to create a large web.

"Hopefully the web will stop our descent before we slam into the ground, but it still won't be enough with the speed we're going," Sydra murmurs as glances back up towards the platform they were just pushed off of. After pushing Sydra and the others over the edge, Sam and Gram worked together to cover the way out with a thick ice slab.

"Huh, what's going on?" Lorey asks as she wakes up and notices that she is quickly descending towards a white web. "Ahh! What is happening, where am I?" She screams as she starts struggling to look above her, but her backpack is blocking her view.

"Stop moving around so much, it's making it difficult to carry you!" Sydra yells as Lorey goes quiet and stops moving around. "That's better, now as you can see we are currently heading towards the ground at high speeds, and I need your help to stop the descent from killing us,"

"What can I do? I don't think my power will be really useful here," Lorey shouts back up as she looks down at the approaching floor in fear.

"Can you change the sandstone on the ground to become actual sand, that way the landing will be softer?" Sydra asks. Thinking about it, Lorey points her hand towards the ground and tries to affect the sandstone, but the distance is too much for her to be able to do anything.

"I can't, we're still to far away," Lorey says as she looks around at the walls. "Let me try changing the walls, maybe I can enough of it come off to form a pile of sand on the ground," she says. Directing her hand towards the wall, Lorey begins to manipulate the sandstone.

"Alright, I'll continue to try and slow our descent," Sydra says as he begins to change the direction they are falling by moving his wings. By angling his wings to the side, Sydra is able to turn the quick plummet into a spiraling fall.

"It's working! With the amount of sand that is falling down now, we should be able to land with minimum damage," Lorey says as the walls near them crumble away, and a waterfall of sand crashes into the ground below them.

Approaching the web that spiders are still working on, Sydra braces himself while Lorey tries to protect the still unconscious Haley. Their spiraling descent sends the three of them crashing through the sandy web, and into a large pile of sand that is continuing to collect on the ground.

"Urgh..." Sitting up from the sand, Sydra looks around to see if Lorey and Haley are okay. Glancing around, Sydra sees Lorey struggling to get herself and Haley out of the sand a few meters away from him. "Are you okay?" Sydra asks as he shakily stands up and makes his way over to Lorey to help her carry Haley out.

"Yeah, I don't think anything is broken, but my ankle hurts a bit," Lorey says as she lays Haley down on the ground before looking around. "Where do you think we are? And what happened?" Lorey asks as she sits down on the ground and pulls off her boot to look at her ankle.

"We're somewhere below the platform that went to the glass box, and we came to be here because Sam and Gram betrayed us," Sydra says as he holds his palm above Lorey's ankle and releases the green healing lightning.

"What?! I can't believe they would do something like that," Lorey says while Sydra finishes healing her, and turns his attention to Haley. As he turns around, Lorey notices the spike of ice sticking out of his back. "But it seems that you're not lying to me," she says as she quickly pulls out the ice spike from his back.

Grimacing in pain, Sydra holds off on healing Haley and focuses his regeneration on his back. "You should warn a person before pulling something out of their back," Sydra says as he feels the wound closing up. After the wound is fully closed, Sydra focuses back on Haley and tries to heal her.

"What's wrong?" Lorey asks as she notices that there is no green lightning leaving Sydra's palm. Sighing, Sydra puts down his hand and looks around the room.

"I ran out of aura and I can't heal her yet. I was thinking about sending her into my Arbor Sanctum while we look around this place," Sydra says as he stands up and unhooks his lantern from his backpack. Luckily the damage the lantern obtained from the fall was not much, and he could still use it to illuminate their surroundings. 'Seems we landed inside a cavern, and there seem to be tunnels leading in different directions,'

"What is an Arbor Sanctum?" Lorey asks as she stands up and looks around for her lantern that she had dropped while she was unconscious. "And how do you plan on sending Haley there?"

"It will be easier to show you," Sydra says as he bends down and places his hand on Haley's shoulder, sending her into the Arbor Sanctum. Standing back up, Sydra quickly makes his way over to Lorey and does the same to her. "I hope she won't be mad," Sydra says as he sits down.

Entering his Arbor Sanctum, Sydra looks around and sees Lorey looking around in amazement. Floating over to her, Sydra summons a notebook and pen from his palace so he can write a note.

"This is my Arbor Sanctum, and also the place I sent the stuff earlier," Sydra says as he points to a pile of glass cases that are sitting next to the Jadeshell Turtle, and its eggs. "We should move Haley into the palace and put her on a bed," Sydra says as Lorey continues to look around with wide eyes.

"Yeah, sure..." She says as she bends down and gently lifts Haley's body. After moving Haley into one of the palace rooms, Sydra writes a note for her and places it next to the bed.

Returning to the cavern, Sydra and Lorey begin walking around to check out the tunnels that are nearby. Most of them turn out to be dead ends, but the two of them find one that leads somewhere on their fourth try.

"Should we follow the tunnel, or stay here and try to fly back up after you're better?" Lorey asks as she and Sydra look up at the dark hole they just fell from.

'I think we should follow the tunnel and see where it leads. I'm not sure I could both carry you and melt the ice slab that they created at the same time," Sydra says as he looks back towards the tunnel they found. Nodding her head, Lorey and Sydra make their way down the tunnel.

After walking for an hour, Sydra begins to hear an odd clicking sound coming from in front of them. Frowning, Sydra turns to look at Lorey who has seemed to notice the sound as well.

"What do you think that is?" Sydra asks as he and Lorey slow down and peer into the darkness in front of them.

"I'm not sure, but try turning off your lantern for a second," Lorey says as Sydra nods his head and turns off the lantern. As the darkness closes in on them, they notice a faint glow coming from a few hundred meters in front of them. Picking up their pace, Sydra, and Lorey quickly make their way down the rest of the tunnel towards the light.

"Holy crabtopia, it's an entire city," Sydra says as he looks out across a beautiful sandstone city, filled with crab people frozen in motion.