Fyn practically dragged Skuld away from the room and out of the building so the staff could work. Skuld growled as she stood outside as Fyn blocked the door. "Why are we out here?! I should be next to him right now!" her words hissed through her teeth. Fyn crossed his arms unfazed with her attitude "You were getting too protective and was making it hard for them to do their job properly" he replied. Skuld was going to snap back but big her tongue, she knew he was right and the best thing for Kevin right now was for her to step away and allow them to do their jobs. "I still don't like it." she dropped her head. Why did she listen to the damn voice in her head. Why did she have to be so damned stubborn she growled at herself. "Beating yourself up won't fix him" Fyn spoke breaking her train of thoughts. She knew that but it was her fault he was laying in that bed. "What do you know about Aides?" Skuld blurted out as Ali's words came into her thoughts. Fyn stiffened up a bit, it wasn't often she saw him that tense. She tilted her head as she waited for his answer.
Fyn struggled to find a decent answer for her as he only knew bits and pieces and nothing really good. He knew Aides was part of the family but wasn't sure how he was related. He never spent time with anyone except Skuld when she was younger. He never showed up for any family event or really anything. Fyn cleared his throat hoping that would help answer her question but what was he to say, only one that knew all the information on him was our parents. That would just be a slap in the face for her "I don't know a lot about him, just a few rumors here and there. I looked into the family tree and couldn't find him." Skuld studied him closely as he spoke then sighed "Let me guess the rumors aren't filled with good deeds?" she bowed her head. She already knew the answer to that question just from how he worded his self to begin with. Skuld looked up and saw the sun starting to set "Shit, I'm running out of time" the words came out, she didn't even realize she said them until Fyn gave a deep growl "Running out of time for what!" he demanded as his posture changed. Skuld jerked up and stared as his posture got more defensive. "The reason I originally made my mind to leave was because he gave me a choice. Either I leave willingly tonight or he takes me forcefully destroying everything and everyone here." she looked back at the sky as the colors changed "He gave me until nightfall with an answer" her voice came to a whisper. It took everything in her not to fall apart and just crumble to the pain that's built up inside.
Fyn listened carefully waiting to hear what choice she decided. It was silent far too long and he grew impatient "Are you still choosing to leave?" he finally asked after the deafening silence. Skuld shook her head. "I.." she paused for a moment still debating. "I don't know. If I stay everyone gets hurt, but if I leave.." she trailed off trying not to think the worst. Every time she has taken Aides advice it has led to pain. Hiding seemed to be pointless, as he somehow has a weird connection towards her. "It would be stupid of you to leave now." Fyn said as he broke her train of thought again. "Your mate literally put his life on the line to keep you here. When he wakes up and you are gone he would have wished he just died." Fyn's words stung as her heart sunk. He wasn't wrong, but does she really have a choice? She knew everyone here could fight, but was she really worth all the painful devastating events that would occur if she stayed. "Don't worry about everyone else right now Sisar" Ali's soft voice filled the air as she walked up behind Skuld. She wrapped her arm around her neck and smiled "Everyone here is capable of defending this land, and everyone here already knows the dangers that are creeping the borders, regardless of whether you stay or leave I believe Aides was going to attack us to keep your attention on whatever it is he is after." Her smile left her face as she spoke, her face became more serious.