Chereads / Harry Potter and the Tragic Path / Chapter 110 - Heathen!

Chapter 110 - Heathen!

"Aha! Master! I think I've found what you were looking for." Kali exclaims, drawing me over as she hands me a scroll.

'Rituale fundationis in artefactis magicis fabricandis. Coniunctio cum anima creationis.'

"Founding Rituals on the construction of magical artefacts. A link with the soul of creation." I read it aloud and am somewhat confused by the overcomplication of the title. Just call it 'Foci construction for idiots' or something, old magi stroking their 'wands' thinking themselves so smart.

I shake my head and skim through it, a grin forming as I reach the bottom of the scroll. This was some dark shit, the time before wands was a time of bloodshed, which was readily apparent if you read the composition.

Alchemic rituals which deplete energy from blood and souls to enhance objects. It was slightly more complicated than how I'd summed it up however. For instance, a blade used by a veteran may have imbibed enough blood and death to may take on its own power independently, without any ritual required.

Of course, the use of magic would aid in how quickly this would happen, or the power of the resulting weapon. From this, I could pretty easily ascertain that the Lich I'd fought had submerged his bones in the blood well to create the initial link, including the phylactery in the process only made it even more powerful.

"Brilliant, let's not stop yet though, there's bound to be more treasure." I say, prompting Kali to continue with the search.


Hours pass and we'd skimmed through most of the archive and stolen what must've been a thousand or so books and scrolls. It was just more to the list of things I needed to properly read and learn from, I hadn't even finished the Hogwarts curriculum yet, though, I had been slacking it on it slightly with all my other projects in the works.

I step past the next bookshelf and pause as an opened section of the library was revealed, plinths stood in a line across the room topped with various artifacts... Most were gold crucifixes that had visible auras shimmering around them, some kind of enchantment.

Behind the plinths was a heavy bronze door covered from head to two in various symbols of the church, paper with hymns stamped onto it with wax seals, and more crosses hung liberally around it.

"Hm... Kali, take a look at this." I say as I pick up a gold cross and examine it, squinting at the foreboding sensation that strikes me as I hold it.

She steps around the corner and freezes, her expression souring from the lascivious smile I was used to. "Tsch, holy artifacts..."

"Holy artifacts?" I ask, sure, she'd spoken of the 'Benevolent Gods' that ruled in opposition to Demon Gods, but I hadn't expected anything like that to be present in this realm.

"There are many types, but these here? I believe that are powered by faith... Disgusting." she spits.

"Wait, faith can create magical effects...?"

She nods, "You use intent for your magic, don't you? The belief of billions of non-magical beings, while individually insignificant, can create things like this. Depending o. the belief, they also carry effects, like an aversion to demons." she smirks, "Homosexuals would also find it painful to be around these things."

"Hm," I idly hum and store all the crosses. I do pause my theft when I reach a 'special' section of plinths however... A black crown of thorns, stained with what I could only imagine was the blood of Christ, considering the sheer power the artifact exuded.

I carefully pick it up but grimace as the thorns cut into my flesh, causing blood to drip onto the plinth and the floor. "I'm tempted to it put, I'll save that after we figure out what it does though." I tuck it into my bag and move on to the next thing... An elaborately decorated golden goblet.

"The Holy Grail...?" I muse, "Able to heal any wound instantaneously, and grants everlasting happiness and youth. I call bullshit on that, no way this thing would be tucked down here if it could do that..."

"They wouldn't keep changing the Popes either." Kali drawls.

"We'll figure out what they do when we get back." I slide that too into my bag, "Shall we see what's behind the door?"

She nods with an eager grin. Without the artifacts pushing her away, she easily approaches and begins dismantling the wards keeping the door shut.


A huge sound echoes through the archives as the door gets blown open, kicking up dust and even toppling a few bookshelves. Kali and I hurry through the passageway as there was no way the priests didn't hear that, and judging by the many footsteps accumulating behind us, our hosts weren't happy at all.

We slide to a stop as we reach our destination, a large room stinking of blood, the source? The room was cut in two, a line of salt had been drawn across the ground and littered with crosses, apparently imprisoning something.

Behind the line was an utter mess, blood everywhere, painted as various symbols along the ceiling, walls, and floor. Alchemic symbols, Satanic, and seemingly random ones. A large Pentacle was painted in the very centre of the room, but the lines of it were smudged and distorted as if someone had deliberately sabotaged it.

There were indentations within the symbol as if someone had been crucified to the ground...? And at the far-side wall was a big hole, it looked as if someone had dug their way out...


Kali and I turn to the door as many priests arrive, all decked out in holy equipment, robes, and weaponry. Some wielded swords while others held daggers shaped from crosses, or others simply held crosses up as if that'd do something.

"WHAT HAVE YOU DONE!? YOU LET HIM ESCAPE!?" a priest wearing pure white robes covered with waxed parchment screams in horror, "THE NAILS OF CHRIST! THEY'RE GONE!... AND YOU! YOU HEATHENS! HOW DARE YOU!" he shouts, unaffected by my disillusionment charm.

I cross my arms and quirk a brow at him, "Don't you have a prisoner to recapture?" I ask, wondering if that duty would override their attempt to capture me.

A man holding a large claymore scowls, "Oh, we will, creature. But first our duty is to rid these sacred grounds of the abominable evil that trespasses!" he points the blade at them, "YOU WILL PAY WITH YOUR MISERABLE LIVES!"

"Uh-huh..." I reach out and gran Kali's arm, "You'll have to catch us first," with that I Apparate out... Or try to...? As soon as I reach my magic out to teleport it falters, snapping the connection closed and giving me a slight headache. "Uhhh..." I awkwardly drawl as the group of priests stare at me.

"Master, it's one of those artifacts... The Grail it's stopping us from teleporting..." she mentally says over our bond.

"I'm not throwing away the fucking Holy Grail!" I inwardly shout before turning to the priests, my magic building as I prepare for combat... "On second thought, "I don't like the way you're looking at me, pedo-priests."

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