Casper was still a bit confused by that voice. He had never gone through such an experience before. In truth, he wondered a lot of times whether it was some sort of dream or not.
"G-God!? Are you saying that you are Odin or something?"
The voice laughed at the perplexed reaction of Casper.
The soldier himself couldn't know whether it was a laugh or not, but he got the feeling that it found his reaction funny, somehow.
[[ I am not exactly the mystical god that they always say out there, though I can pretty much be ten times as better as they are! ]]
"What are you, then? Why do you address yourself as God?" The soldier asked while looking around.
He tried to look, at least. However, it was helpless. That place where he was just didn't make any sense at all. It was just like being in ten thousand places at the same time, yet not being anywhere. Casper just decided to close his eyes in the end and focus on that voice.