Following the track Oracus had instructed them on, they moved in a single file with Freya taking the lead.
Her scouting instincts were on once again, she stopped at the entrance to every corridor. Looking left and right to make sure that there were no hostiles in the area before urging them forward.
They had walked on for almost an hour. Jake was beginning to hope that Oracus hadn't given them false directions, he feared for what Freya would do to him if they were to trace their steps back to where they started out from.
He doubted within himself that any one of them still knew the way back to the room they had come out from.
While in the midst of his thoughts, he suddenly ran into Levi who was directly in his front.
"So-" he was about to apologize, but Levi quickly clamped his hand over his mouth.
Jake raised his head slowly and then he noticed that Freya and Anna had stopped.