The ride to Coachella Valley was as awkward as it gets.
As usual, they didn't let me ride at the back of Bash's truck as I have already messed up all my future chances of ever touching even one tiny foot there again. It was just a one-time thing, but it never left their memories.
It was probably also to the fact that I had spouted a lot of nonsense to them who couldn't even remember who they were as I remembered them to be.
I spat at Bash and spoke a whole lot of crazy talk to someone who has no idea why I had been like that. Then again, he can't take it against me.
His face was the spitting image of William, but only a bit younger and wilder.
So going back to the present, I was seated at the front, shotgun again. Bash was driving his baby girl and the rest of the girls and boys were at the back having so much fun chatting and singing.
The two of us?
Cold as the arctic tundra.