When I woke up I saw that Hailey was fast asleep and there was Gon talking to the captain I'm assuming. I walk up to them after waking up Hailey because we might be arriving soon and once we arrived next to him he walked away? Oh-no Gon's following so we should to? We followed Gon to what looked like the captains office once we got there we saw Kurapika and the old looking guy arguing Hailey walked over to them while I just sat down on the side bench and watched.
Hailey's POV
-" YOU SHOULD RESPECT YOUR ELDERS KID!" The old guy said " I SHOULD PUT END TO THE KURTA CLAN ONCE AND FOR ALL!" My eyes widened as I heard that I ran over to them but before I could say anything " TAKE THAT BACK LEORIO" he looked pissed and had this scary intimidating aura "...I said take it back.." leorio I'm assuming responded with "That's Mr.Leorio" and left. I walked over to behind Kurapika and put a comforting hand on his shoulder "hey I'm sure he didn't mean it okay? Kurapika looked it me and said "he's to selfish to understand". And walked out on to the dock.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~lE tImE sKiP~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Y/ns POV
After those guys left the captain asked us a question being "why do you two want to be hunters" me and Hailey looked at each other and said "well sir! We don't know! We always thought it would be cool so we trained until we were ready!" The captain looked at us like he saw a ghost probably because we spoke at the exact same time but whatever. He said "well then this will be interesting " and told us go so we went to the dock. When we were on the dock we saw that apple pie kid falling off so not me I'm not crazy or suicidal Hailey jumped off the dock to catch him and Gon caught Hailey and Kurapika caught gon and leorio caught kurapika it was like I sting a people. After all, that we finally arrive at the place the captain told us to go to the tree at the top of the hill.