Chereads / Golden Warmth / Chapter 6 - The Pack

Chapter 6 - The Pack

The club was just as crowded and noisy as he'd remembered, he walked around a bit, separating himself from his siblings first before diving first into the sweaty crowd in search of information.

He walked towards the dance and stood behind the woman emitting a werewolves scent. She was dancing wildly before she turned around to stare at him, she was pretty he had to admit. Blonde hair, blue eyes but she was probably Pedro's type but then again Pedro didn't have a type, he just fucked any one that caught his eyes…which is almost everyone.

He saw as her eyes widened in appreciation. Gold had learned how to use his good looks to his advantage, no matter who it was, he always knew how to make themes fall for him and all of the info he needs.

"Hey you" she giggled as she came closer to him breathing in his scent, she could tell her was an alpha but her eyes never lowered in submission. Gold didn't mind, he wrapped his hand around her waist and gave her a slow seductive smile as their body moved to the music. Their slow sensual movements brought back memories of the last time he had been in the club, he got distracted remembering just how good her naked body felt beneath his.

"You are the most beautiful woman in this club" Gold compliments her, his lips close to her ears. He couldn't afford to be distracted now, he needed to get his shit together. He could feel her body shiver in his hands…she had taken the bait.

"Do you know a place that is quiet?...." he runs his fingers through her hair and down to her back "Somewhere no one would interrupt us?...the safest place in the club" He secretly hoped she knew something that could be a clue as to where the weapon was being kept.

She giggles again.


Gold says to himself but he doesn't let his smile waver, she points to the VIP.

"The VVIP is quiet, its in the VIP section, my uncle has access because he is the boss' friend…..maybeee…"

"There's a VIP in the VIP?" Gold asks, he had to be sure because if there was really such a place then that would be where Damien would keep the weapon, in plain sight but at the same time hidden.

"Mmmmhmmm…" the girl nods and Gold immediately let's go of her.

"Maybe another day" he tells her before turning around to leave.

"Did you guys get that that?"

"Yup" Pedro replies through wireless ear pods that were spell cloaked.

"Let's meet and the entrance"


Gold made his way to the entrance of the club, his excitement building. Finally, a lead. It felt like they were diving headfirst into a sea without any protection.

"Alpha…." He heard the voice in his head and his expression immediately changed, Justin hardly tries to contact him. Everyone in his pack knew he was always there to deal with all the problems in the pack when needed but he hated when they contacted him….he hated the pack.

"Is there something you need Justin?"

Being able to mind link with the Alpha was something every single member of his pack could do but that didn't mean he allowed them to reach him so easily, he always made sure to pit his walls up block them out, except for his beta, Justin.

"There's a pack from the north camped at the border of our territory. They won't leave and their alpha demands and audience with you"

Gold's fists clenched, he could notice the stares he was getting from people in the club, they were all probably wondering why he stood a the exit of the club with such a grim expression on his face…not that he gave a fuck about their opinions.

"And why haven't you taken care of this yourself?" Gold knew his beta was capable of solving a matter as insignificant as this, that's why Justin was always left in charge of the pack whenever he was absent.

"T…They took an elder, kept her hostage and demand that if you don't show up to see their alpha they will kill her" Gold growls, he could feel his nails stabbing into his palms.

"Is she that important? I don't have time for rubbish…they should just kill her if they want to, I don't give a fuck" the pack was something he got from his bastard of a father, he hated being alpha but never neglected his responsibilities no mater how much he hated being there, he had deviled his whole life to serving and living, for once in his life he just wanted a fucking break!

"The elder is your mother's sister Alpha" Hearing Justin's words made his anger and irritation spike.

"I'll fucking be there!" he growled and immediately cut the link. He got a few stares, only then did he realize he had said his words out loud. With an exhausted sigh he finally exited the noisy club appreciation the cool air he felt on his face.

"What took you so long in there?" Clara when she finally sees Gold, he shrugs as a reply and walked toward their car parked at the side of the club. It was dark but yet the streets were lively, Gold realizes, he loves this place. Though Las Vegas was also one of his favorites, he like places that didn't succumb to darkness, it made him feel like he had hope even though he knows that he doesn't.

"What's with the grim expression? You got another one night stand from inside he club?" Jenner asks making his sibling laugh. Gold fakes a smile and shakes his head.

"I was just thinking about how we're going to find out if the Irene is really there"

Pedro nods, he had been quiet the entire time which was not a normal occurrence.

"What's up with you?" Gold asks his brother who hadn't spoken a word since they came out of the club, Pedro shakes his head.

"I'm just distracted"

Gold gives his brother a look that say the discussion was not over, something was up.

"Clara, can you cast a cloaking spell on Jenner?"

"What? Why me?" Jenner's eyes widened as she stares at Gold

"What if the spell doesn't fade off? You how won't Clara's magic can be sometimes"

"Excuse me…" Clara raised a brow and put her hands on her waist.

"Nope…not tonight you guys" Pedro stands in between the women getting ready to start a long argument.

"Jenner you have to have a little faith in your sister, she is the strongest witch that has ever-"

"So what if I never become visible?"

Clara groans and glares at Jenner, Gold chuckles and pats his sisters shoulders.

"Clara can do it…and right now, we have no other option" Gold explains, Clara was the only witch they knew that could cast spells without speaking or brewing potions. Cullen always took in children that were unique, the only ones of their kind…Clara was special but it also meant that most of her spells may malfunction every once in a while.

"Ok…if I die or never become visible, I will haunt everything single one of you!" Jenner pointed her finger at their faces before spreading her hands wide dramatically.

"I'm ready" she says in a low voice. Clara rolls her eyes and takes a deep breath.

Every where was silent for about thirty seconds, the night wind became colder. Jenner body soon blended in the colors of the streets and the night.

"Can any of you see me"

The knew where her voice was coming from but stand in her place was just air.

"Make sure to be quiet when you go in, you're good at that" Gold reminded.

"Yes daaaad" He could hear his sister's teasing voice and even though he couldn't see her, he still wanted to smack the grin off her face.

They heard low footsteps, she has left, gone back into the club…Gold hoped she wouldn't get caught but then again, they had all been doing this for so long it came as a natural habit to them.

It didn't take up to twenty minutes before he heard the wireless in his ears make a sound.

"I found it, it is in here and so is Damien" Jenner reported, Gold tensed as he heard the name.

"Get out of there now, before he notices"

Once Jenner was out of the club, they all got into the car after Clara had reversed the spell and Jenner could finally see her toes.

"So…who's going to tell Cullen we found it?"