Control Alt Delete' a revolutionised multiplayer platform, world wide, MMORPG. With a fun twist of multiple games in one major online clash of different species and missions and endless storylines, no one in the world didn't have have this game.
Or so everyone thought.
Kilo Wess, age, 18, an average if not below it guy who still lives with his Mother and doesn’t have a solid job. He boosts people’s characters for cash to spoil himself with equipment but that was it. Day in and day out he played Control Alt Delete’.
'Oh right, I've been grinding hours since Thursday-' turning his head he took a look at the time and day on his digital clock.
[ Monday, 6:43pm ]
'No wonder' he concluded, he hadn't slept for roughly 5 days. Feeling his eyes close on their own he heard AI 'Rubix' sing.
~ My heart laid awake, for you to hold,~
~ this world is reality, only one that's unknown,~
~ I look to the sky, and all I can see, is horizon~
~ Welcome all, Control Alt Delete~