"You are indeed doing a good job. Victor seems very happy with you." Peter said to Alex.
"Oh! Is that so?" Alex was confused.
This was not the reaction people generally expect on compliments and appraisals. Peter was particularly surprised at the robot's reaction. He wanted to investigate more and find out how robots view human emotions and their behavior.
"Yes. Why?"
"He wants me to do more." Alex said
"More?" Peter was surprised, "What more?"
"He asked me to watch movies." Alex explained.
Victor partially heard their conversation and called out. "Alex, I need you in here. Hurry!"
Alex excused himself and went to Victor's room.
"You want me to do something?" he asked.
"Yes. My tie" Victor dangled the tie in his hand. "Help me with it."
Alex took the tie from Victor and came closer. He wrapped it around Victor's neck and made a loop.