Thunder cracked the sky as it shine bright showing a body on the floor. My body shakes in fear as I got closer to it. "Daddy...Daddy...DADDY!" I rush to my dad to see a stab wound right to his heart. Blood slowly filled the floor around me and it covered my hands and knees. Why would someone kill him? What has he done to deserve this? I get up and run upstairs to my room. No one knows what is really happening at all since the murder scenes started to appear. My dad has fallen just like the two other alphas.
My dad was one of the 6 most powerful Alphas in the council and he has fallen to the point he will never get up. I get to my room and take out a backpack from under my bed and filled it with stuff I need in cases. I have to meet up with my friend, James, who was going to help me run away. I remember my dad told me if this ever happen to us. "Run away and don't let them catch you. You are the heir of The Shadow pack and your safety matter to me the most and hopefully one day it would be safe for you to come home".
End of flashback
Present day
"Michael!" I look up to see James standing with a worried look. I look around to see I was in our small room. I don't know why he is with me since I have a huge target on my back. He could have left me but he stayed and now we have a bond like brother and sister.
James is from another pack that was kill in a bad war, he is 5'7 tall and is 17 years old. He has light brown and with blue eyes. He wears a leather jacket with some black jeans and some black Jordans.
"Hey are you ok?" I nod as I stare at the ground. "Yeah I am ok..... just thinking about home. I still wonder if it's still there." James sighs and sit next to me on the bed. "Don't worried. it's there, its just... you can't go back there yet. A message came to me yesterday said that the council are getting tired again the war with the witches and they think about moving to a new location."
I look up to him worried. "They can't just leave, or not they will be hunted by humans. It is too risky for them especially if they travel as a whole pack. What about the mothers and their children or the elders? They are too weak to fight against humans and they are going to be kill, what if..?"
James get me into his arms and tries to get me to calm down and start to wipe away the tears. "Don't say that, remember what your father said. you are Michael, heir to The Shadow pack, one of the most powerful pack in the council. Don't let yourself down at all. You can't look weak."
I think about everything that has happened so far to me. I had to change my name into Michael so that way I couldn't be tracked down. I cut my hair like James into a low fade and my hair has strips of blond and my eyes are a light green.
I got my eyes from my mom, but she died giving birth to me. My strength and wisdom cames from my dad who died protect in me 6 years ago, now I am 16. Everywhere I go, death follows me no matter what.
James lets me go and looks into my eye. I can see fear, worry and protection of a brother in him. "Man I am hungry, what is for breakfast"? James shakes his head, smiling and gets up. Sometimes I change the subject since he worries too much about me and I don't want him to worry too much.
"We are having pancakes with some coffee, come on." He helps me up and head to the kitchen to eat. James and I were running through the forest when we can a cross this small shack.
It was abandoned and it was safe enough to stay. We planned to continue on our way but we decided to stay and now it's our home.
When you came inside, you would see a small living room that is connected to the kitchen. We made a small table with 4 chair in case and silverware for us, as well as plates and cups.
Then there is a bathroom and one bedroom. Me and James decided to divide the room half by putting a huge blanket on the ceiling that would look like a curtain so that way we each had our own space and privacy. Since then we continue to survive in our little shack.
"What are the plans for today James?" He look at me with a worried look and I knew it was not good. "I need to go to the village to get more food and some material to finish the beds as well as some clothes and new boots for us."
I sighed as I continue to eat my breakfast. When we came here, we discovered a small village that takes a day to get there and we went their for supplies for our home, but the people would always ask us why we are living in the forest and they start to get suspicious about us, so now James goes alone to the village to get everything thing we need and so far they don't notice.
"Just be careful ok, I don't want to lose you and make sure you take your sword." While we were escaping on the that night, we went back to my house and James went in to grab a sword and my father's sword as well.
We had a little problem two years ago and my Father's sword blade broke in half which it made me sad. There was a smith in town so he was able to go see if they could fix it and make me my own sword. "It's ok. I will be careful and I believe your sword comes in today, so I will stop by the black Smith and see if it's has arrived, ok?" Since the sword was fixed, we decided to keep it somewhere safe and James though it would be best if he got a sword made for me which he design it, but he didn't show me. "Okay, finally."
We finished breakfast and James starts to pack to get ready while I made him his lunch as well some treats in case he get hungry. He say his goodbyes and heads off.
The sad part of this is that I am alone and scared if something happens to him. I spent most of the day cleaning and fixing the house around to try and distract myself. I then head outside as I strip out of my clothes and shift into my midnight black wolf form. I jog for a bit until I take off into a full sprint as I love the feeling of air passing through my fur. I decided to hunt and caught a dear, a bird and some fish for us for the week.
Me and James don't often change into our wolf forms, but we would for hunting. We don't want to risk showing ourselves and been hunted by humans to the point we have to run away. James wolf is a blond, brown and black fur and his name is Nick while mine is a midnight black with one white paw and her name is Ace.
We will sometimes train with our form so we can still be good at it and learn to control it. We also have a person inside in a pack that he would always bring information to us about the council and what the Alphas think they should do. He keeps our secret and we keep his secret, so we are even in case he decides to betray us.
I return back to the house and store all the food I caught and change into some clean clothes.
As I walk into the kitchen, there is a knock at the door. It knocks three time, then another two. I quickly go and open it to see our little messenger standing there looking tired. "Please come in Mike."
He come inside and goes sits at the table. Mike has trusted us when he found out who we were. He is 17 years old and is 6'1 tall, has grey and black hair with his light grey eyes. He has on his grey coat and black pants with his black boots.
"Mike what are you doing here? James told me you gave him a message yesterday." Mike looked at me with fear and sadness in his eyes. "Micheal something bad has happened to Alpha Miguel and the pack." I look at him with disbelief, anger and confusion.
"What happened to my uncle and the pack?"