The next week goes by quickly. By Wednesday I am eating double what I was on Monday. I change up my plate a few times. The have to give me a bigger bottle because I am asking for more. Aunt Ellen and Annalise are staying at the clinic. they are sure it will happen this week. Cammie brings me food four times a day. I am eating so much she has the girls help her so they can visit me. They all try really hard not to stare while I eat but I have no control over how I eat. I try to stay awake to be able to talk to them but it never lasts longer than fifteen minutes.
On Wednesday evening I wake up to find I now have a hose inserted into me. I try to ask about it but once again I am going to devour my food first. I look at Elyon then at it and he explains.
"Sweetheart Max put it in earlier today. Mom told him to get ready. Our son will be making his appearance soon. Besides being hungry how do you feel?"
I can't stop eating so through our link I say,"Besides starving I feel tired. My stomach is tight but it doesn't hurt. This tube is uncomfortable."
Once I stop talking he comes over to me.
"What's wrong honey? You don't usually stop eating."
As he is talking to me he sends out the s.o.s to everyone. Moments later everyone starts filing in the room.
I am sitting there not talking to anyone. Max comes over to check on me. He lays me back and calls for a nurse. She brings in a belt like thing and they wrap it around my stomach. As he lays me back she finishes plugging things in. Annalise comes over and puts her hands over me. After a second she takes Elyon's arm. They both hear what's going on.
Our son who is talking to me keeps saying,"Help mommy, Help."
I am trying to calm him down and I ask,"What's wrong honey. How does mommy help?"
"Help mommy, Help."
Elyon turns to Max and says,"You have to get him out now. She is trying to keep him calm but he is asking his mommy for help."
Max shakes his head and runs out of the room. Ellen goes and grabs mom from the house, by the time they get back Max and Annalise have gotten me prepped for an emergency cesarean section. As they start wheeling me down the hall mom comes over and kisses my forehead and let's me know she is here. Aunt Ellen stays with her. Annalise gives Ellen an update and Ellen tells mom. I know people around me are doing things but all I can think about is helping my son.
I know there are people doing things around me. I feel tugging and pulling. I know when Elyon moves me from one bed to another. I know when they put the I.v in my hand. But the whole time all of this is going on I can't seem to break away from my son. I am doing my best to calm him down to find out what's wrong. I'm not sure if it's because he is an infant or because he is not sure how to tell me, all he keeps saying is," Help mommy."
They have me in the operating room now. I can't actually feel anything but I know they are opening up my stomach. I feel pressure but no pain. I feel tugging and pulling but nothing else.
I reach out to Elyon for help and we both hear our son as the doctor says," we have him." The baby says," No not me her."
I look up at Elyon with tears in my eyes as he looks up and says," hurry up or son is worried about his sister."
I can't see anything but Elyon when a few more nurses come racing into the room as well as Annalise. Elyon looks at his mom and says," He has a sister he is worried for her. You never felt her?"
"No son I did a complete scan I only ever felt him."
Then they turn to Max and I listen as I hear my son's strong cry. I smile as they do what they have to in order to get him moved as Max says," I think it's best to keep him close. Annalise make sure he is okay then give him to mom. I'm going for her now. I watch as Annalise brings me my son. She looks down at me and says," He might not be to happy right now but he is healthy." Then she puts him on my chest. I look at him and kiss his head as I start to cry. I can still hear him calling for his sister.
I feel the pressure of Max working on me. Then after a minute I hear a faint cry. Max sounds scared as he calls for Annalise. Then our son says,"Mine need her."
Elyon looks down at us then says," Wait give her to me."
Max hands her to Elyon and then he moves the sheet to see what's going on. As he lays her on my chest out son reaches out his hand and grasps her hand. We all watch in shocked amazement as they both start glowing. After a minute it stops and both of them fall asleep still holding hands.
Annalise glides her hand over my stomach and I feel it getting warm then that ends. Then she looks at Elyon and I and says," Everyone is okay now. But we really should move everyone to proper beds now.
Once we are all settled I end up falling asleep. Elyon moves the babies to the nursery while Max checks all three of us out one more time. Then Annalise goes out and tells mom and aunt Ellen about everything that happened. Elyon joins them after a minute and they all talk about the babies.