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Siegfried VS Hasher: Battle For Another World

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~This web novel is written in script format~ -Inspired by elements of Konosuba and Re: Zero- "I died at the age of 18... according to nature, and its mysterious ways, it was my time to go... however, destiny had other plans. Some could say I was saved, others could say I was cursed. Regardless of the way they worded it, I was given another chance at life. Another chance to live life to the fullest, the way I wanted, in the world I was selected to live in. I have a job to do, and if it meant being granted another chance at life, in a desirable world, then I would do it..." "Some could say my task is impossible, and I might have agreed initially. However, I believe the correct terminology is "improbable". Anything is possible if you put your mind to it. Despite how challenging it may seem at first, as long as you put the effort in, you will reach your desired outcome, even if it means relying on the help of others, both physically, and spiritually..." "My name is Siegfried Onishi, and I'm going to save the world..."

Chapter 1 - Arc 1 - Ch 1: "An Untimely Death"

CHAPTER 1 - "An Untimely Death"

This web novel is a draft of the story. Please expect frequent changes and updates as I see fit. Enjoy! -Cloki

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-The Dark Wizard, Hasher, has just killed a man...relentlessly. He treated it as a display of his power, and as a warning to the others of his magical ability... his cult was on the brink of world domination, and he seemed unstoppable~

-With a fourth of the world already in his control, he showed no signs of slowing down... how evil a creature such as he to feel triumphant when faced with the despair of others... sadistic, would be an understatement~

Hasher: "Yes, yes, everything is going to plan, Vega. Soon, all of Provincia will be under our control, and we will finally reign as the rightful rulers of the land..."

Vega: "I can't wait to share that opportunity with you, my lord, it's going to be a glorious day..."

Hasher: "The general population continuously fails to realize the true power and ability of Dark Magic. Soon, they will all realize it's glory. It is the one true path to progress."

Hasher: "Vega, you've been my assistant for as long as I can remember, I'm so glad I have you here with me, we're going to rule the world, together..."

Vega: "I've enjoyed the many years that I've spent working with you, Hasher. Our military has grown strong, and I expect great things to come out of our efforts. The Dark Mage's Cult will prevail, and our agenda will allow the world to prosper..."

Hasher: "Let's just hope another one of "those people" doesn't come around to try and stop us. It's quite annoying, having to take them down... it seems the goddess isn't too pleased with what we're trying to accomplish, and she's sending strange people to try and stop us..."

Vega: "Well, if another one of "those people" show up in the next few days, then do not wait to let me and the others know, and we will try our best to eliminate them.."

Hasher: "Of course, Vega-san... you are dismissed now, please notify the others of our victory."

Vega: "Yes, my lord."


Camriel: "Alright, everyone! Are you all here? I have some unfortunate news to bring to everyone's attention."

Aimeriel: "I'm here, Cammie!"

Uhrmriel: "Right here."

Belmriel: "Yep, I'm listening."

Camriel: "What about the other 3? Are they here?"

Uhrmriel: "Nah, I haven't seen them. But, I'll let them know of what you have to say, Camriel."

Camriel: "Thanks. Alright, so, everybody. I am here to deliver the unfortunate news, that Hiroshi, the last person we sent to Provincia, has failed to defeat Hasher, and died..."

Belmriel: "Hiroshi passed...such unfortunate news. I was confident that he'd save the world too... he seemed to strong..."

Camriel: "As did I, Bella. However, we mustn't give up. Everybody, please pull out your Death Tomes. It's time to find another candidate to send to Provincia..."

-The Death Tome is a book that shows people who are going to die within 1 month, as well as their attributes. This gives the goddess a good idea of who they are, and who would have the most potential.

Uhrmriel: "Ugh, not this again. Camriel, you've tried this 17 times already, I'm pretty sure the world is totally screwed by now. Hasher will live forever until somebody kills him, and so far, nobody has been able to do so. Why do you even keep trying?"

Camriel: "...because I want to save the world, Uhrmriel. Provincia is meant to be a utopian society, if we let it fall into corruption, the world will collapse upon itself!"

Belmriel: "Camriel, she's right. You've sent 17 people to Provincia, and most of them have died. How do you expect to succeed by repeating the same process over and over?"

-Camriel closed her eyes and dove deep into thought. She had an idea, but was apprehensive to test it out until this very moment~

Camriel: "Listen, everyone. I have an idea. I've never tried this before because I was worried about the effects it would have on both me and "that person", but due to the current circumstances, and how close Hasher is to being powerful enough to claim the world, I'm willing to give it a shot."

Camriel: "Next time I encounter somebody capable of being sent to Provincia, I will lend them some of my power..."

Uhrmriel: "WHAT? You can't do that, Camriel! You'll kill yourself, you need all of your power to maintain the Nexus of Light!"

Camriel: "That is why I am going to ask all of you to supply me with extra power, whenever "that person" calls upon me to use MY power. It's our only hope right now. He HAS to succeed."

Uhrmriel: "Whatever you say, Camriel. Here, look, I found someone. This dude's name is Siegfried. He's a total Otaku from Japan. He apparently loves anime and RPG games. He'd be the perfect candidate. Apparently, he's going to be hit by a car in a few weeks."

Camriel: "Interesting... Siegfried, you say? Does he seem to have a basic understanding of medieval elements, as well as magic?"

Uhrmriel: "Well, it says here that he enjoys RPG video games, and as far as I'm concerned, they have magic systems of their own. He seems like a good candidate. The other people on this are all very old. Siegfried is 18, he will suffer an untimely death. He deserves a second chance at life..."

Camriel: "I see. Well, it's decided then! Siegfried, you're gonna die soon! But, that's okay, because you're about to be sent to a super cool world! I can't wait to meet you. Uhrmriel, have you sealed his fate?"

Uhrmriel: "Yep, he will die in a few weeks. Go get yourself pretty, Camriel."

. . . g o o d b y e

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. . . h e l l o


-I left the house that day and made my way to the subway station as per usual. On the way there, I stopped at my favorite coffee shop and picked up my breakfast. I had prepared myself for this job interview for days now, and it was finally time for me to really sell myself. If I wanted to work at this animation studio, I had to put my best foot forward. Imagining the name and title that would soon be bestowed upon me were I to be hired: [Siegfried, Animator]. - It was a title I had dreamed of since I was a young lad.

Siegfried: "-and now it's finally time to achieve that goal!"

-Siegfried was this boy's name. At 18 years old, he stood tall at 6'2, had short brown hair, and wore a black and gold tracksuit with similarly colored pants to match. He had gold eyes and wore a genuine smile on his face.

-I made my way to the subway station, squeezing past the copious amount of bustling individuals all trying to go about their lives and get to their workplaces. I could never imagine sitting in an enclosed office-cubicle from 9-5 each and every day to earn a living wage, it was just not the life for me. I had drawn all my life since I was 4 years old. I'm 18 now and decided to take my talent to the next level, at this animation studio.

Siegfried: "There's my subway, I better get on before the doors close on me like last time!"

-I enter the subway and find a seat near the back row. I pull out my muffin and my coffee and begin to ponder the endless possibilities that await me at the animation studio... how I would love to work there.

INTERCOM: "Attention, all subway passengers, please refrain from leaning against the doors while in transit. We will now depart."

-I begin to eat my muffin, it was a lemon poppyseed muffin, they were my favorite.

Siegfried: *munch* "Mmm, this muffin is tastier than the usual muffins I get at the shop, must be my lucky day."

-Chewing on my lemon poppyseed muffin, I thought to myself the words my parents had spoken to me just a few days ago. "You got this, just be human, and answer the questions honestly!" Yeah, thanks mom and dad, I'll come home tonight and tell you all about it!

Siegfried: *munch* "I wonder what the forecast is going to look like for next week, hang on, my phone is in there somewhere.."

-I pulled out my phone from my bag and checked the forecast, as well as the other notifications that I had.

Siegfried: "Gah! It's going to rain all week... well, there go my plans of taking Emily out on a date.. guess we're gonna have to reschedule for next week then."

-I texted my girlfriend, Emily, about the weather, as well as warned her NOT to text me until after my job interview, as I did not want any distractions during the process. I looked out the window, my breath hitting the cold glass, fogging it up gradually. It was an unusually cold morning in Japan for the month of September. Regardless, I continued to eat my muffin, and sip my coffee.

INTERCOM: We are approaching the Ikebukuro Subway Station, please gather all of your belongings, and thank you for riding with us today!

-Suddenly, my phone began to ring.

Siegfried: "My phone is ringing? I just texted Emily a minute ago! AH! It's the studio!"

-I realized what time it was, I was running late for my interview! I reluctantly answered the phone, preparing myself for the "where are you?" or "you're late! This is a bad image for you!" speech. However, to my surprise, I was met with a more cordial "Yes, Siegfried? Your interview is in ten minutes. Please arrive according to schedule, I am excited to speak with you."

Siegfried: "Hello - yes, I just left the subway and am on my way now. Thank you for your patience. I'll be arriving shortly."

-It was approaching 9:00 AM, my interview is scheduled for 9:10 AM. I must hurry to the studio if I am to be on time, as if I am late, I will surely be fired!

Siegfried: "Move people, outta the way! COMING THROUGH!"

-I ran through the bustling traffic of individuals as I made my way swiftly to the animation studio. Short of breath, I eventually made it, and caught myself a break at the front entrance, even for just a few moments.

Siegfried: *pant* *pant* "Ack, I'm here... I have 4 minutes to get up to my designated room, room 309-B"

-I ran into the building and immediately hooked a left toward the elevators, but as my shitty luck would have it, the elevators were out of order! I had to use the stairs and climb 6 flights just to get to my designated interview room.

Siegfried: "Damnit, curse the Gods. Well, UP WE GO!"

-Upon saying "curse the gods", I felt a strange chill run down my spine. It had an unfamiliar, yet also familiar feeling. I disregarded it, ran up the stairs, almost tripping a few times, but eventually made it up to room 309-B, with about 7 seconds to spare, I quickly combed my hair back, wiped my face with a handkerchief, and opened the door...

???: "Ah yes, do come in. You are Siegfried, yes?

Siegfried: Yes, that is me. I am honored to have this interview with you, Mr. Takada, sir.

Takada: "I have seen through your portfolio many times over, and have thoroughly reviewed the short films that you produced. I'm liking what I'm seeing, but I want to know more about you and what you can offer us.

Siegfried: Understandable, what would you like to know?

Takada: "First of all, how long have you been drawing/animating, Siegfried?"

Siegfried: "I've been drawing since the age of 4, and have been creating animations since I was about 13 years old. I have about 5 years of experience with it."

Takada: "Good, and what are your thoughts on some of this studio's productions?"

-The animation studio in question, was one whose works I had enjoyed for many years. Korogami Animation Studio. My possible future place of work.

Siegfried: They are stellar, you guys inspire me to continue to draw and animate as of today, and that is why I would like to work with you. I want to place my own mark on this company and work with other animators to continue to produce top-tier animations.

-The interview continued with general questions regarding animations and my previous experience for a good 25 minutes. I answered all of the questions honestly and was as human as I could possibly have been. The interview concluded, and I was met with the worst-case scenario...

Takada: "Okay, Siegfried. Thank you for this interview, I will be in contact with you in 7 days to let you know how you did, and if you have been hired or not. Please be patient until then, and do stay in touch, okay?"

Siegfried: "Sounds good, Mr. Takada, sir. Thank you!"

-I left the studio that day with a feeling of dread. Patience was something I was severely lacking in, especially now, since it's a matter of my future.. I went down the stairs, waved to the receptionist, and left the building. I opened the double glass doors and exited onto the street outside, when suddenly...

Everyone: "WATCH OUT! WATCH OU-"

-Time suddenly froze around me. Unaware of what had just occurred, I began to consider the logical conclusions first. Perhaps I was tired and this was some freak illusion from my brain telling me I should sleep. Or perhaps I was so incredibly nervous at that interview that I had fainted and the entire interview was a dream. Regardless, I turned around and noticed the true horror that had just taken place. A car had spun out of control and was inches away from hitting me. Would time not have stopped, I surely would have died. But just like that, time resumed...


-I had just been hit by a car… I could feel my tendons ripping, and my body slowly being reduced to chunks… then, everything went black…

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