Chapter 69 - Day 99

Daylight came and everyone was up and moving about. Rose, Sarah, and Alice decided to check out the watchtowers. They had cleaned them out, but never got a good look at them. There were four on each corner of the prison. They were all connected via a walkway, so guards could quickly position themselves whenever they need be. The watchtowers gave quite it of view outward, and they could see just how vast and open the area around the prison was. They could also see much of the prison itself from these towers.

Noah and Tyrone decided to go through the command center and maintenance room. Noah wanted to see if there was power, but there wasn't any. This could provide to be a bad thing, so they went to the maintenance room and check out what the problem was. They didn't really have time to take a look at everything last night but did get familiar with the place. Noah could see that generators needed juice and some of the wires would need replacing and reconnecting.

He had packed quite a bit in his rucksack and went straight to work with the repairs. Anything he didn't have he would create, and anything he didn't know by heart he had a blueprint of and used to create what tools he needed. Tyrone had become his assistant in all of this. Whenever Noah asked him to get a particular tool or piece, Tyrone would do just that. This cut down the work time drastically since Noah didn't need to step away from what he was doing to find the tool or piece he needed.

As for Natalie, she decided to take a look at the medical room. Everything she would need was already in there, even medications. The place did look like it needed to be cleaned up a bit, so she decided to tidy the place up. Although, there was little she could actually do since the power wasn't on. Still, it would be a headstart.

The others decided to take a look around the prison. They would tidy up anything they could, but without the power, it was hard to get much done. Thankfully, after nearly half an hour the power did come on. Noah had managed to repair everything in the maintenance room and refuel the generators. With the power on everything was able to begin cleaning.

Don had brought out some cleaning supplies from his Spatial Storage and began giving them to everyone. Don himself would also begin cleaning as well. Alice, Sarah, Rose, Natalie, Noah, and Tyrone eventually regrouped with everyone and started to clean up. The place was fairly large, so it took several hours to clean the entire place from top to bottom.

They didn't want to miss a single spot; after all, this was their new home. They even cleaned out the showering areas and all the cells, everything was to be cleaned. Once they were finished they decided to split the showering room in two. With the help of Dillian and Don, they were able to create a wall that split the showering room and create two entry points instead of one large one.

Afterward, they had labels set outside on the wall by the entrance. One for the girls and one for the boys. Don particularly didn't care for the separation of the baths, but he did figure the others did. In particular, the girls. Afterward, Don and Dillian created a closet area for people to put their dirty clothes and dirty towers. There were also clean towels and several bottles of soaps and shampoos as well as conditioners laid out on shelves for each area. Don took out the necessary items he brought with him and placed them there in each large closet area. The closet area was inside of the shower room, but not too far in so people could take body wash and whatnot with them then put it back when they were down.

After everyone had their shower and change of clothes they all decided it was time to eat. Alice and Sarah set up the kitchen area, putting plates and stuff they brought with them in their designated areas. Everyone decided to help out here as well so the process was short and sweet. After which, Alice and Sarah began cooking and told everyone to just go do something else till they finished. For this, everyone decided to pick a cell to be their room.

There were a total of three floors in the prison and the cell room expanded wide. Showing just how many rooms there were. They could house several people and even families here if they needed. If anything it could even become an outpost later on down the line. Thinking about that some people wondered if Don had actually planned for that? Maybe Don was thinking about other people who would be here while they all returned home. Then again, this was Don, there was no way he was thinking that.

For now, everyone decided to use the bottom floor. Noah said that if they wanted to expand their cell room to spread out so every three rooms, someone would be housed in a cell. Don chose the room closest to the command center and April choose to be with Don. The others decided to do as Noah said and every three rooms they would pick one. Noah decided to take a room closet to the maintenance center, just in case they're needed to be any repairs and whatnot.

Since there wasn't much room right now they just decided to set their things down and leave them in their room. They regrouped in the mess hall and decided to make name cards for their new rooms. Noah decided to stay behind and take measurements for each room so he could draft up blueprints to create doors and carpet, even a ceiling fan for each room all in order to make the place feel homier.

Eventually, it was time to eat and Don went to get Noah. There was more of a variety of food since they actually had a kitchen and because the girls were specialized in cooking, their food was rejuvenating and delicious. After the meal, they cleaned up. Alice and Sarah decided to look for a plot of land to start making a garden. Don and April went with them to help them out.

They decided to use a fairly large plot of land right outside the prison. This was because they had a large number of seeds that they could use to grow crops. Don had brought picket poles and gave them to the girls to set their perimeter of the land. After that he went to get Dillian to help with creating a farm house. Since Dillian could manipulate the earth, he could pretty much make small homes and whatnot. They also decided to get Noah and Ryan as well to help out with this process.

When they returned they asked April to use her Seed Power to give them a top-down view description of the area that was going to be used. Dillian would create walls that aligned with the picket poles the girls placed. Noah began giving instructions and where to place a wall whenever April told him the current look of the new Greenhouse that was going to be made.

Eventually, the inside and outside were done and a Greenhouse was created. They left the top over for the sun to shine in and the rain to pour down on their crops. Don alongside Dillian and Ryan began plowing the grounds. Dillian had created actual plots where the crops would grow along with walkways so no one stepped on the grounds. Ryan would water the ground ever so often to get the earth nice and wet, and Don used his Spatial Distortion to break the earth up bit by bit.

After this, the girls went about planting their seeds and Ryan finished up by giving the plants water. Dillian had it so that the crops would have plenty of room to grow. Now that several more hours had passed and the Greenhouse was completed everyone went back inside. Natalie and Rose informed Don that the Armory and Medical bay were complete and fully functional. Josh informed Don that all the supplies were counted for and the supply room was up and running.

All that was left now was to get the rooms up to date and then figure out what to do from there. Noah decided to take a look at the water system. They had been using their own source of water and Noah had told them not to use the water system until he made sure it was working properly. So, Noah went ahead to do that. John and Josh went with him since they had experience with that.

Meanwhile; Don told everyone to rest up for a few more hours and if they needed anything from him they could find him in the Command Center which was the building with a glass panel that allowed the Warden to look over all the prisons. He decided to go there. The place had a desk and a lovely comfy-looking chair along with bookshelves and other things.

Don had decided to make this room his personal office. So, now he alongside April who never left his side were moving to the Command Center, more specifically the Warden's Office which was soon to be known as Don's Office. Don would enter the room and begin looking around the office. He had briefly looked inside but didn't explore the area. He wanted to see if the office had something specific. He was knocking on the walls all over the place and when he heard a hollow sound he decided to go towards the desk. He looked all over the desk and eventually under it only to find a button there which he pushed.

The wall he had knocked on that was hollow began to rotate and turn which revealed a small personal armory. Two custom-looking revolvers, a pump-action shotgun, a rifle, and even a sword. "Nice." Don would smirk and April who had been just watching in silence chuckled. "I was wondering what you were doing, but do you really need more guns, Darling~?" April asked cutely and teased him while walking over to him.

Don chuckled, "Probably not; but I'll give everything in here to the others and just put my own equipment in here. Free up some space in my storage, maybe even a bit of flair to my new office." Don replied and April giggled. "New office huh? Why don't we break it in?" April pushed herself against Don's side and Don looked towards her seeing a naughty look in her eyes. "Fair enough." Don embraced her and began to make out with her which eventually escalated into certain activities.

While that was happening; everyone was taking in the prison. They were walking around and giving themselves a tour to get familiar with the place. "Huh... this place is fairly large, isn't it?" Jen stated. "Prisons usually are. They house lots of criminals after all." Boss replied. "You've been to one?" Jen asked and Boss gave her a look with a smirk. This was all Jen needed to know that her question was pretty stupid, to begin with.

"Still, this place is nice. At first, I had my reservations, but after we cleaned it up, I think we can call it home." Ion stated. "It's just a start, babe. Besides we should get the mercs to move over here from that factory. This place is a lot more fortified and we can surely house them here. Besides, we will need people to go out and fetch shit for us or clean up around here and other mundane tasks." Jessica stated.

"Oh riiight... I forgot about them." Ion said bluntly and Jessica chuckled. "Airhead." She teased him which caused him to punch her in the shoulder and her to punch him back just as playfully. "I didn't. I already gave them a call before we left. I told them we would update them when we arrived at the new base and that we would send them the coordinates so they can begin making their way over." Jessica explained. Ion's eyes went wide with surprise. "When did you become so smart?" Ion teased her which caused her to punch him in the gut since she felt like he called her dumb. "I wonder..." Jessica responded.

"Sheesh, it's hard to believe you two are a couple," Tim said looking at them. "Well, there are some couples like that." Lilly expressed which caused them to look at her. She blushed brightly from embarrassment. "From the book I read." Lilly tried to explain herself. "I see," Tim replied. "Anyways, do all of you know each other?" Tim asked the current group of people which was everyone right now with the exception of Noah, Don, and April.

"No," Josh stated. "We are all pretty much connected by Don. If anything, Don was the one who found Catalina, Juan, and Sofia as well as Alice and Sarah. Ion and Jessica joined up because their friend Natalie was here. Don went to get her to save April due to some circumstances." Josh would shrug and sigh heavily with the last part.

"What, are we still going on about that? It's been over two months!" Ion exclaimed. "Yeah, yeah," Josh grumbled. "Going on about what?" Tim asked and Josh began to explain the story to them. After he finished Tim nodded, "I can understand why Don nearly killed you then, and when he went out of his way to get Natalie. Still, it looks like you two learned your lesson." Tim said with a smile. "If Don trusts you all then I don't see why I shouldn't," Tim said.

A few conversations went back and forth between the parties as they explored the prison going through each other. They had all cleaned it up, but never took the time to actually look at it and see what it had. By the time they were done is already late in the afternoon, and Alice and Sarah felt the need to begin dinner. Meanwhile; everyone else decided to head back to their cells to just rest and recuperate.

Josh decided to check up on Don. He made his way up to the top of the Command Center and knocked on the office door. "Come in," Don said, and Josh opened the door. "Pardon the intrusion," Josh said. He stopped when he entered and wrinkled his nose. A peculiar scent was in the air. "I think you should find a way to air out the place or get Noah to work on the A/C." Josh said and Don smirked. April was sitting in his lap sound asleep with a gleeful smile on her face; meanwhile, Don was sitting in the chair.

"So, what's up?" Don asked and Josh nodded. "We've finished exploring the place. Nothing out of the ordinary and it looks like everyone will be able to fit in nicely here. Jessica said she was going to call over her mercs to the place." Josh explained and Don nodded. "Looks like we'll be able to get people to go out and scavenge for us. How is our stock currently looking?" Don asked and Josh nodded. "Without going outside we can last about two weeks and if we ration our food and water about four weeks," Josh stated.

"Well, I don't plan on that. We'll begin our daily training tomorrow as per usual then after that decide on what to do from here on out. I think we should have Noah draft up a garbage blueprint and Dillian help him with making one. We'll need vehicles since walking on food is inefficient with where we are. So far only four people can leave since I have both Rose's and my bike in my storage." Don expressed and Josh nodded in agreement.

"If you don't mind me asking..." Josh had something on his mind for a while. Ever since Don said they would begin moving out, it seemed like Don was planning for someone far into the future. "What are you preparing us for?" Josh asked. Don closed his eyes and released a soft sigh. He had hoped that he could keep it under wraps, but it seemed like Josh truly was someone he couldn't easily things from.

"The end of the year." Don replied. Josh's brow rose curiously. "What?" Josh asked. "Remember, I told you we would need NS armor to survive. Normal weapons won't do much against the mutated undead and bugs. Our Seed Powers will help, but it'll still take everything we have." Don stated.

"Wait..." Josh heard Don said it before, but even then he didn't think he was being honest about it. "Are you serious about actually raiding the World Government's HQ?" Josh asked with a serious expression and Don nodded. "I'll be gone for a while when I do. I can't take any of you with me, except for April, and even I don't want to take her. You are all strong, but not strong enough to fight against them." Don explained and Josh shook his head.

"You can't be serious! Isn't that why we have been training this whole time!?" Josh exclaimed. He seemed frustrated that Don still viewed them as weak, but that wasn't what Don meant. Josh had misunderstood. "Are we truly that weak!?" Josh exclaimed and Don shook his head.

"No," Don replied.

"Then!" Josh was about to say more, but Don brought his hand up to stop him.

"Let me explain," Don stated before continuing when Josh was nice and quiet. "I won't be alone. There will be another group. The one that Ion and Jessica are a part of. The Rosario Group. I haven't contacted them and I don't plan to. Soon they will attack the World Government HQ for the fourth time, when that happens I will infiltrate the place and steal the NS suits. I will need all of you to hold down the fort and keep up with your daily training as well as keep the place running. When I return, I might have enemies on my heels or I might not. It just all depends on how everything goes." Don explained. Josh stood there in awe. Don truly was looking into the future of things. He was preparing for everything, but there was one more thing he had to ask. One thing that Don had yet to make clear.

"What happens at the end of the year?" Josh asked.

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