Spencer Regan.
Like many other nobles of his generation, he'd been given two names at his birth. With his unique hair color, good looks and wealth, he'd always been an important figure in the empire's high society.
As a young man, the emperor at the time had taken a special interest in him. He saw a potential in Spencer Regan that his own children lacked. It wasn't the potential to rule a nation on the surface per se, but to rule the underground.
Spencer Regan grew to adulthood learning the ways of all things dark and dangerous. By the time he came of age to inherit his father's title, he already possessed a much more prestigious one: the king of the underworld.
When the current emperor slaughtered the royal family and took over the empire, the underground had been damaged but not destroyed. The only king the Dragon Emperor was incapable of dethroning, it seemed, was Spencer Regan.