There'd been a sudden knock on the front door Ray ran to it and opened it.
R: Chester?
Chester stood in front of him breathing heavily.
C: Let me in
R: What? What's going on?
C: I'll explain if you let me in!
Ray jumped as Chester raised his voice. He moved to the side and let Chester inside the house.
R: Whats wrong?
Chester lifts a medium box.
R: Whats thats?
Questioned Ray with sligh concern.
C: Here
Chester pushed the box toward Ray. He hesitates for a moment but takes the box. James then come down to the living room.
J: Chester, what a pleasant surprise.
C: Oh, hey James!
Chester waved to him. Ray pulls out an display
R: Is this?
Chester nods.
R: Do you have any idea how hard it was to find it?
James walks over and sees Ray holding an display.
J: Is that display for your machine you're working on?
Ray looks at his father.
R: Yeah! Remember how i told you three upper classmates took it off
J: Oh believe me, I remember
C: That's why i went out and got it back
Chester said and looks at both of them. James quickly looks over at Chester, than grabs him by the shoulder, and has him stand up straight. He pulls Chester's hair away from his face. His left eye was swollen.
J: Chester!
Chester quicker slaps James's hand away and he steps back.
C: Its not a big deal. It'll heal
R: Wait you got hurt? Trying to get my display for me?
Said Ray and looking at him. Chester rubs the back of his neck.
C: Well yeah. You worked really hard on it. I couldn't just let them take away your hard work. They won't bother taking your stuff anymore.
Then looked at Ray. Ray wraps his arms around him.
R: Thank you so much! I didn't think I'd get to finish my machine.
He releases Chester.
R: Gilbert gonna be so stoked to see this as well. He helped me out a lot.
James then speak out.
J: Does your dad know you're here? Or where you were of that matter?
C: Well he knows I'm out"
J: What's he gonna to think when he sees you with that eye?
Chester looks away.
C: I've come home with worse
J-R: Worse!?
Ray suddenly looks over in shock.
R: What do you mean?
Chester sucks air through his teeth.
C: It's not a big deal really. But James is right, I should get going or dad won't be too pleased.
Then he makes his way to the door.
C: See you tomorrow Ray
He opens the door and makes his way out. Ray took display and head into garage. Machine was there since last night his father and Daniel took it home.
R: I'll put you back later
He turns and jumps slightly, his father stood behind and looking down at him.
R: Oh! Dad,whew, just you. You scared me.
J: Son, do you think Chester might be getting himself into too much trouble?
Ray rubs his arm and looks down at the floor.
R: I mean, yeah he is but I can't stop him from what he chooses to do. I've told him that he doesn't have to do half of the stuff he does.
James sighs.
J: I guess I'm just a bit worried, you know?
R: I know, I'm too
J: Not about him
James places his hands on Ray shoulders. He looks up confused.
J: I know Chester can take care of himself. Im worried about you.
R: Me? Come on dad you can't be serious? You've known him since he was born, you can't say that his a bad person. And he is my best friend, he wouldn't be like that.
Ray went to living room and James followed him. They both sat down on the couch.
J: That what I said six years ago. Daniel had brought this up and I kept telling him the exact opposite but now that Chester is older..
Ray interrupted his father.
R: Chester doesn't do anything bad, he's only trying to be the good friend he is!
He said it a little angrily and clenched his fist and went to his room.
J: I just hope I'm wrong
The next morning the clock rang, Ray turned it off and turned to the window and watched. He sighed and got out of bed. He went to the bathroom, brushed his teeth, then returned to the room to change, then went downstairs. James was sitting at a table and next to him was Daniel. They drank coffee together and James held some papers in his hand and read. Daniel noticed that Ray was coming so he turned around.
D: Good morning sleepy
And he smiled, Ray looked a little puzzled as he saw a gun on the table from his father and from Daniel. They were both wearing bulletproof vests.
R: Good morning, what are you doing here so early? And what about all this?
J: Morning son, me and Daniel have some very important business today. I may not be home all day, so I have prepared a meal for you, when you get back from school. When you're done with breakfast, come out, Daniel and I will be waiting for you in the car.
They both got up, took the papers from the table and the gun, then went outside. Ray sat down at the table and went to eat what was on the plate. When he was done he took the bag from the living room and went outside, then got in the car. James drove him to school.
R: Is there anything dangerous? As soon as you're wearing bulletproof vests?
Ray asked a little worried.
D: Our business is always dangerous and risky, but that's why we do all the best for the city and all the people in it.
Ray lowered his head a little down and kept quiet the whole way until they arrived at school. James stopped in the parking and Ray got out of the car.
R: Good bye Dad, good bye Daniel stay safe.
J: See you son, take care.
Then he closed the door and headed for the front door of the school.