After the shot was fired, Jacob quickly pushed me down to duck on the deck floor and took the pistol in my hand. He was about to fire back but there was another shot and this time he got hit by his left arm so he stayed down with me. That was when I realized that we were getting fired at.
"Beckforth Naval ship to the right!" Elgo warned us too late.
I know I was partially to blame because all of their attention was on me. I was demanding to be explained to after all. I groaned after realizing my mistake and what my tantrums cost us. Maybe Jacob was right. I should've just let it go and moved on.
Jacob groaned. I turned to him and saw him grimaced because of the pain. More blood gushed out from his wound. I immediately ripped the hem of my breeches and used the cloth to stop the bleeding. It got soaked up with blood immediately. I looked at him worriedly. My compression was not working, he was still bleeding nonstop.
"GONDRO!!!" I called out in the midst of the gunfire.