Cold deserted beaches surrounded by forests, rocks, and the sea, was pretty much all Glax saw on the route to Valosia.
The flotilla had been reduced to 2 ships, which docked in the fragrant port of Troreus. Despite being the major port of Valosia, its main activity was that of wood, wool, and resin merchants.
Even at the edge of the sea, Valosia seemed shadowed by high mountains and permanently snowcapped peaks. This gave a feeling of being permanently surrounded by a high dome that curved over living beings who were below.
Contrary to what Glax had imagined, there weren't a plethora of shoppers fighting over the rare products at the port. There was no effervescent fair and the same vibrant scene he saw in many other ports. In fact, the Troreus port had little activity, and he saw that the goods, loading orderly on the few berthed ships, were guarded by truculent and sullen men.